iliotibial band friction syndrome

iliotibial band friction syndrome

a painful condition affecting the hip, thigh, or knee; produced by irritation of the iliotibial tract as it glides over the greater trochanter, anterior superior iliac spine, Gerdy tubercle, or the iliotibial band syndrome (q.v.); sometimes associated with a snapping or grating sensation.

il·i·o·tib·i·al band fric·tion syn·drome

(il'ē-ō-tib'ē-ăl band frik'shŭn sin'drōm) A painful condition affecting the hip, thigh, or knee; produced by irritation of the iliotibial tract as it glides over the greater trochanter, anterior superior iliac spine, Gerdy tubercle, or the lateral femoral condyle; sometimes associated with a snapping or grating sensation.
Synonym(s): iliotibial band syndrome.

iliotibial band syndrome

S26-927680, iliotibial band friction syndrome (ĭl″ē-ō-tĭb′ē-ăl),

ITB or IT band

An inflammatory overuse syndrome caused by mechanical friction between the iliotibial band and the lateral femoral condyle. It is commonly seen in distance runners and cyclists. Pain is manifested over the lateral aspect of the knee along the iliotibial band often with no visible swelling.