Ilin, Lev
Il’in, Lev Aleksandrovich
Born June 13 (25), 1880, in Tambov; died Dec. 11, 1942, in Leningrad. Soviet architect.
Il’in studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineering (1897–1909). He designed the complex of the Hospital of Peter the Great in St. Petersburg (1906-16; this is the present-day E. Metchnikoff Hospital) in the neoclassical style; he carried out the architectural plans of the Narodnyi Bridge (1904–07) and the Pestel’ Bridge (1910). From 1925 to 1938 he was chief architect of Leningrad and the author of the draft of its general plan (1932–36); he designed the square in front of the building of the Stock Exchange (1925–26) and the spit on Elagin Island (1926–27) and participated in the construction of the Moscow Prospect (1930). He was chief architect and consultant for the draft of the general plan of the city of Baku (in 1930–36) and also the author of the plan for the S. M. Kirov Highland Park (1939) and of the architectural part of the monument to S. M. Kirov. He wrote a number of articles devoted to the planning of Leningrad and Baku and to general problems of architecture.