Ilia Sadofev

Sadof’ev, Il’ia Ivanovich


Born July 12 (24), 1889, in St. Petersburg; died July 17, 1965, in Leningrad. Soviet Russian poet.

Sadof’ev was the son of a worker. He was a participant in the underground revolutionary movement and a workers’ correspondent for Pravda prior to October 1917. His poems were first printed in 1912. His first collection of poetry, Dynamo Verses (1918), went through six editions within a brief time. He was the author of the poetry collections Simpler Than Simple (1925),

Resounding Blood: A Book of Octaves (1927), and Poems (1934). He translated works from Ukrainian, Byelorussian, and Lithuanian.


Pesnia o Rodine. Leningrad, 1953.
Izbrannoe. Moscow-Leningrad, 1960.
Industrial’naia svirel’. [Introduction by I. Avraamenko.] Leningrad, 1971.


Dymshits, A. “Ia—poet raboche-krest’ianskii.” K 80-letiiu
I. Sadof’eva. Zvezda, 1969, no. 8. Nazarenko, Ia. “Pevets Oktiabria.” Neva, 1969, no. 11.