Acronym | Definition |
ICP➣Internet Communications Protocol |
ICP➣IP (Internet Protocol) Communications Platform |
ICP➣Insane Clown Posse (band) |
ICP➣Inductively Coupled Plasma |
ICP➣Infection Control and Prevention |
ICP➣Innovations in Civic Participation (Washington, DC) |
ICP➣Intracranial Pressure |
ICP➣International Comfort Products (La Vergne, TN) |
ICP➣International Company Profile |
ICP➣Ideal Customer Profile (sales) |
ICP➣Institut Catholique de Paris (French: Catholic Institute of Paris; France) |
ICP➣Insurance Claims Processing |
ICP➣Incident Command Post |
ICP➣Internet Content Provider |
ICP➣Intensive Care Physician |
ICP➣Infection Control Practitioner (healthcare) |
ICP➣Instructor Certification Program (US Air Force) |
ICP➣Internet Cache Protocol (RFC 2186) |
ICP➣International Criminal Police (est. 1923; also seen as INTERPOL) |
ICP➣Integrated Communications Provider (Netcom) |
ICP➣Individual Care Plan (health care) |
ICP➣Integrated Communications Platform |
ICP➣Injury Compensation Program (US DoD) |
ICP➣Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle (brain) |
ICP➣Intensive Care Paramedic (various organiations) |
ICP➣Informed Consent Process (health care) |
ICP➣Industrial Computer Products (various locations) |
ICP➣Iterative Closest Point (image processing and pattern recognition) |
ICP➣Internet Cache Protocol |
ICP➣International Consumer Products |
ICP➣Interval Control Program |
ICP➣International Competition in the Programming |
ICP➣Independent Content Provider |
ICP➣Intelligent Call Processing |
ICP➣Instrument Calibration Procedure |
ICP➣International Center for Photography |
ICP➣Insurance Core Principle |
ICP➣Integrated Care Pathway (UK NHS) |
ICP➣Inductive Coupled Plasma (less common) |
ICP➣Inventory Control Point |
ICP➣Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal |
ICP➣Interlocking Concrete Pavement |
ICP➣Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy |
ICP➣International Capital Partners |
ICP➣In-Circuit Programming (printed circuit boards) |
ICP➣Information Content Provider |
ICP➣Initial Connection Protocol |
ICP➣Inclusive Communities Project (Dallas, TX) |
ICP➣Infrastructure à clés Publiques (French: public key infrastructure) |
ICP➣Infection Control Personnel |
ICP➣International Collaborative Project (various organizations) |
ICP➣Iraqi Communist Party |
ICP➣Intermediate Care Program (various organizations) |
ICP➣Initial Circulating Pressure (oil engineering) |
ICP➣Idaho Cleanup Project (Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory) |
ICP➣Intercompany Partner (various companies) |
ICP➣Incentive Compensation Plan |
ICP➣Inner City Posse (original name of band Insane Clown Posse) |
ICP➣Infection Control Professional |
ICP➣International Congress on Photosynthesis |
ICP➣Integrated Contingency Plan |
ICP➣Islamic Committee for Palestine |
ICP➣Indirect Cost Proposal |
ICP➣International Cooperation Policy (various schools) |
ICP➣International Council of Psychologists |
ICP➣Internal Control Procedure |
ICP➣Intel Celeron Processor |
ICP➣Information and Communication Products (Germany) |
ICP➣International Colloquium on Paratuberculosis |
ICP➣Internal Complaints Process (various locations) |
ICP➣Ideal Candidate Profile (employment) |
ICP➣Industrial Ceramic Products (Marysville, OH) |
ICP➣Instant Color Picker (software) |
ICP➣Information Collection Plan (US FEMA) |
ICP➣Intermediate Casing Point (oil drilling) |
ICP➣Internal Control Program |
ICP➣Incident Control Point (crisis management) |
ICP➣Institutional Conservation Program |
ICP➣Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric |
ICP➣Indonesia Crude Price |
ICP➣intervención coronaria percutánea (Spanish: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) |
ICP➣Inter Cache Protocol |
ICP➣Institutional Care Program (Medicaid) |
ICP➣Injection Control Pressure |
ICP➣Industrial Control Panel |
ICP➣Internet Control Protocol |
ICP➣Interfaith Center at the Presidio (San Francisco, CA) |
ICP➣Interpreter Certification Program (Pennsylvania) |
ICP➣Initial Coverage Period (insurance) |
ICP➣Independent Competent Person (assessment service; UK) |
ICP➣Intelligent Call Processing (Apex) |
ICP➣Independent Content Provider (web) |
ICP➣Intelligent Computer Peripherals |
ICP➣Infrastructure Canada Program |
ICP➣Integrated Channel Processor |
ICP➣Independent Complaints Panel (UK) |
ICP➣Installation Control Point |
ICP➣Inclusive Curriculum Project (UK) |
ICP➣Interprocess Communications Protocol |
ICP➣Integrated Core Processor |
ICP➣IMA Control Protocol |
ICP➣Investment Choice Plan |
ICP➣Informed Compliance Publication (US Customs) |
ICP➣Intercuspal Position (orthodontics) |
ICP➣Irish Council for Psychotherapy |
ICP➣International Cooperative Programs |
ICP➣Intermittent Catheterization Program |
ICP➣Inter-Company Processes |
ICP➣Integrated Cargo Processing |
ICP➣Integrated Chemistry-Physics |
ICP➣Indigenous Cadetship Program (Australia) |
ICP➣Interface Change Proposal |
ICP➣Internet Client Pro (software) |
ICP➣Interaction Center Platform (software) |
ICP➣Idealab Capital Partners (California) |
ICP➣Intelligent Communication Protocol |
ICP➣Infinite Cat Project (website) |
ICP➣Integrated Circuit Package |
ICP➣Integrated Case Processing |
ICP➣International Custom Products Inc. |
ICP➣Intelligence Campaign Plan (US DoD) |
ICP➣Impossible Creatures Planet (game) |
ICP➣Internal Cognitive Process (neurology) |
ICP➣Insurance Continuation Program (HIV assistance) |
ICP➣Identity Crime Prevention (San Francisco, CA) |
ICP➣Cholestasis, Intrahepatic, of Pregnancy |
ICP➣Intermediate Correction Package (software) |
ICP➣Interim Change Package |
ICP➣Infocentrix Concept Publishing (poetry; Nigeria) |
ICP➣Intelligent Communications Processor |
ICP➣Instrument Calibration Procedure (US Navy) |
ICP➣Interface Control Panel |
ICP➣Intertheater COMSEC Package |
ICP➣Interuniversity Cooperation Programme |
ICP➣Incremental Change Package |
ICP➣Infrared Communications Port |
ICP➣Intracavernous Pharmacotherapy (impotence treatment) |
ICP➣Image Capture Processor |
ICP➣Intramural Call for Proposal |
ICP➣Initial Change Proposal |
ICP➣Intelligence Collection Program |
ICP➣Internal Communications Processor |
ICP➣Indicator Control Panel |
ICP➣Immuno-Compromised Patient |
ICP➣Infrastructure Capability Package |
ICP➣Item Control Point |
ICP➣Iraqi Civilian Police |
ICP➣Interoperability Change Proposal |
ICP➣Independent Contract Paralegal |
ICP➣Intensive Coaching Program |
ICP➣Institutionalized Children's Program (Pennsylvania Department of Education) |
ICP➣Intrusion Countermeasure Program (Tron game) |
ICP➣International Conference Process |
ICP➣Intervención Cardiovascular Percutánea (Spanish: Percutaneous Cardiovascular Intervention) |
ICP➣Interim Change Proposal |
ICP➣Isotropic Cold Plasma |
ICP➣Irish Car Parks |
ICP➣Interoffice Circuit Provisioning (Bellcore) |
ICP➣Inter-Domain Control Plane (Lucent) |
ICP➣Input Cost Plan |
ICP➣Interface and Controls Processor |
ICP➣ISDN Call Pickup (Bellcore) |
ICP➣Issue Control Point |
ICP➣Inter-Carrier Protocol |
ICP➣Integrated Control Processor |
ICP➣Internet Communications Provider(s) |
ICP➣Irish Carton Printers |
ICP➣Instrument Control Parameter |