Guerrini, Olindo
Guerrini, Olindo
Born Oct. 4, 1845, in Forli; died Oct. 21, 1916, in Bologna. Italian poet.
Guerrini’s major collections, Posthumous Verses (1877) and The New Controversy (1878), were published under the pseudonym Lorenzo Stecchetti. He was part of the verismomovement. An interest in the prosaic side of everyday life is inherent in his lyric poetry. Anticlerical and civic motifs resound in some of Guerrini’s verses. He condemned the expansionist policy of Italian imperialism in Africa.
Le Rime [new ed.]. Bologna, 1939.In Russian translation:
[Stikhi.] Novyi zhurnal inostrannoi literatury, iskusstva i nauki, 1901, nos. 1 and 10.