Horodlo Union of 1413
Horodlo Union of 1413
an agreement between the grand prince of Lithuania Vytautas and the Polish king Jagel-lo, signed on October 2 in the village of Horodlo (on the Western Bug). According to the terms of the Horodlo Union, it was recognized that the Lithuanian ruler would be under the rule of the Polish king, and that, after the death of Vytautas, the Lithuanian feudal lords would accept the candidate proposed by Poland as king. In the event that Jagello died without leaving an heir, Poland would choose a king with the advice and consent of the Lithuanians. An administrative division identical to that of Poland was introduced in Lithuania, and the rights of the Polish nobility were extended to Lithuanian Catholic boyars. The Horodlo Union increased the strength of feudal Lithuania and Poland.
Akta unji Polski z Litwa, 1385–1791. Kraków, 1932.Lietuvos TSR istorija, vol. 1. Vilnius, 1957.