

(hī'pĕr-kă-lē'mē-ă) A greater than normal concentration of potassium ions in the circulating blood.
Synonym(s): hyperpotassemia, hyperkalaemia.
[hyper- + G. kalium, potash, + G. haima, blood]


Excessive levels of potassium in the blood. This may be due to abnormally high intake of potassium supplements, kidney failure, circulatory failure, severe untreated DIABETES or other conditions. Excess potassium causes muscle weakness and paralysis, irregular heart action and CARDIAC ARREST.


(hī'pĕr-kă-lē'mē-ă) Higher than normal concentration of potassium ions in circulating blood.
Synonym(s): hyperkalaemia.
[hyper- + G. kalium, potash, + G. haima, blood]