Acronym | Definition |
IASM➣In A Similar Manner |
IASM➣International Association of Structural Movers |
IASM➣Information Assurance and Security Management |
IASM➣Institutions and Social Mechanisms (consortium at the University of Turku; Finland) |
IASM➣Intelligent Agent Security Manager (Promia, Inc.) |
IASM➣I Am Sold Myself |
IASM➣Institute for Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine |
IASM➣Intelligent Agent Security Module (US DoD) |
IASM➣Indian Association of Sports Medicine |
IASM➣Institute for Adventist Studies in Mormonism |
IASM➣Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics (now the Elisha Netanyahu Institute of Advanced Studies in Mathematics; Israel) |
IASM➣Irish Atomistic Simulators Meeting |
IASM➣Infrastructure Access and Security Management |
IASM➣Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine (Australia) |
IASM➣Institute of Applied Science and Medicine |
IASM➣Integrale Aanpak Stroomgebied de Mark |
IASM➣interdisciplinary aspects of survey methods |
IASM➣Instructor and Adjunct Support Manual |
IASM➣Institute of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Zhejiang University; China) |
IASM➣Industry Association Stewardship Mobilization |
IASM➣International Area Sales Manager |
IASM➣International Association for Somatidian Microbiology |
IASM➣Industrial Analysis Support Manager (US DoD) |
IASM➣Information Appliances Supervising Module |
IASM➣Integration of Academic Staff Members |
IASM➣Individual Academic Staff Members |
IASM➣Integrated Assessment Services Model |
IASM➣Informative All Student Meetings |
IASM➣Indiana Academic Standards for Mathematics |
IASM➣Information Assurance Security Manager |
IASM➣International Association for Sport Management |
IASM➣Intensive Aquaculture System Model |