Iasi, Treaty of 1791

Iaşi, Treaty of (1791)


a treaty between Russia and Turkey that ended the Russo-Turkish War of 1787–91; signed in Iaşi on Dec. 29, 1791 (Jan. 9, 1792). The Russian negotiators were headed initially by G. A. Potemkin and later by A. A. Bezborodko; the chief Turkish negotiator was the grand vizier, Yusuf Paşa.

The Treaty of Iaşi restored the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji (1774), the Treaty of Georgievsk (1783), and all other Russo-Turkish agreements, except for articles nullified by the new treaty. Russia received the lands between the Iuzhnyi Bug and the Dnestr; a border was established along the latter. The privileges granted to the population of Moldavia and Walachia by the treaty of 1774 were acknowledged. In the Caucasus, the border was restored along the Kuban’ River. Turkey relinquished its claims to Georgia and bound itself to refrain from hostile actions against the Georgian lands.

The Treaty of Iaşi secured for Russia all of the Northern Black Sea Coast, including the Crimea, and it strengthened the political position of Russia in the Caucasus and the Balkans.


Dogovory Rossii s Vostokom politicheskie i torgovye. Compiled by T. Iuzefovich. St. Petersburg, 1869. Pages 41–49.