释义 |
-iasissuff. A pathological condition characterized or produced by: taeniasis. [New Latin -iāsis, from Greek, n. suff.]-iasis or -asisn combining form(in medicine) indicating a diseased condition: psoriasis. Compare -osis2[from New Latin, from Greek, suffix of action]-iasis or -asis a noun suffix used to form names of physical disorders resulting from the agent denoted by the stem word: candidiasis. -iasis
-iasis word element [Gr.], condition; state.-iasis (ī'ă-sis), A condition or state, especially an unhealthy one; in medical neologisms it has the same value as, and is sometimes interchangeable with, -osis. [G. suffix forming nouns from verbs] -iasis Combining form meaning a condition or state, especially an unhealthy one. [G. suffix forming nouns from verbs]-iasis Suffix denoting a pathological condition produced by a specified cause, as in CANDIDIASIS, or relating to or resembling, as in ELEPHANTIASIS. |