

单词 hard



H0056700 (härd)adj. hard·er, hard·est 1. a. Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated; firm or solid: a hard material.b. Well protected from an attack, as by aerial bombardment: bunkers and other hard targets.2. a. Requiring great effort or endurance: a hard assignment.b. Performed with or marked by great diligence or energy: a project that required years of hard work.c. Difficult to resolve, accomplish, or finish: That was a hard question.d. Difficult to understand or impart: Physics was the hardest of my courses. Thermodynamics is a hard course to teach.3. Proceeding or performing with force, vigor, or persistence; assiduous: a hard worker.4. a. Intense in force or degree: a hard blow.b. Inclement or severe: a long, hard winter.5. a. Stern, strict, or demanding: a hard taskmaster.b. Lacking compassion or sympathy; callous: became hard after years in prison.6. a. Difficult to endure; causing hardship or suffering: a hard life.b. Oppressive or unjust in nature or effect: restrictions that were hard on welfare applicants.c. Harsh or severe in effect or intention: I said some hard things that I regret.d. Marked by stubborn refusal to compromise or yield; uncompromising: drives a hard bargain.e. Bitter or resentful: hard feelings caused by the insult.f. Showing disapproval, bitterness, or resentment: gave me a hard look.7. a. Causing damage or premature wear: Snow and ice are hard on a car's finish.b. Bad; adverse: hard luck.8. a. Real and unassailable: hard evidence.b. Definite; firm: a hard commitment.c. Free from illusion or sentimentality; practical or realistic: We need to take a hard look at the situation.d. Using or based on data that are readily quantified or verified: the hard sciences.9. a. Marked by sharp delineation or contrast: a hard line separating the two lists.b. Lacking in shade; undiminished: the hard light of the midday sun.10. Hardcore.11. Being a turn in a specific direction at an angle more acute than other possible routes.12. a. Metallic, as opposed to paper. Used of currency.b. Backed by bullion rather than by credit. Used of currency.c. High and stable. Used of prices.13. a. Durable; lasting: hard merchandise.b. Written or printed rather than stored in electronic media: sent the information by hard mail.14. Erect; tumid. Used of a penis.15. a. Having high alcoholic content; intoxicating: hard liquor.b. Rendered alcoholic by fermentation; fermented: hard cider.16. Containing dissolved salts that interfere with the lathering action of soap or other cleansing agents. Used of water.17. Linguistics Velar, as in c in cake or g in log, as opposed to palatal or soft.18. Physics Of relatively high energy; penetrating: hard x-rays.19. High in gluten content: hard wheat.20. Chemistry Resistant to biodegradation: a hard detergent.21. Extremely or dangerously addictive. Used of certain illegal drugs, such as heroin.adv.1. With strenuous effort; intently: worked hard all day; stared hard at the accused criminal.2. With great force, vigor, or energy: pressed hard on the lever.3. In such a way as to cause great damage or hardship: industrial cities hit hard by unemployment.4. With great distress, grief, or bitterness: took the divorce hard.5. Firmly; securely: held hard to the railing.6. Toward or into a solid condition: concrete that sets hard within a day.7. Near in space or time; close: The factory stands hard by the railroad tracks.8. Nautical Completely; fully: hard alee.Idioms: hard and fast Defined, fixed, and invariable: hard and fast rules. hard of hearing1. Having a partial loss of hearing.2. People who have partial loss of hearing, considered as a group. hard put Undergoing great difficulty: Under the circumstances, he was hard put to explain himself. hard up Informal 1. In need; poor.2. Lacking something that is greatly desired: hard up for companionship.
[Middle English, from Old English heard; see kar- in Indo-European roots.]


(hɑːd) adj1. firm or rigid; not easily dented, crushed, or pierced2. toughened by or as if by physical labour; not soft or smooth: hard hands. 3. difficult to do or accomplish; arduous: a hard task. 4. difficult to understand or perceive: a hard question. 5. showing or requiring considerable physical or mental energy, effort, or application: hard work; a hard drinker. 6. stern, cold, or intractable: a hard judge. 7. exacting; demanding: a hard master. 8. harsh; cruel: a hard fate. 9. inflicting pain, sorrow, distress, or hardship: hard times. 10. tough or adamant: a hard man. 11. forceful or violent: a hard knock. 12. cool or uncompromising: we took a long hard look at our profit factor. 13. indisputable; real: hard facts. 14. (Chemistry) chem (of water) impairing the formation of a lather by soap. See hardness315. practical, shrewd, or calculating: he is a hard man in business. 16. too harsh to be pleasant: hard light. 17. (Banking & Finance) a. (of cash, money, etc) in coin and paper rather than chequesb. (of currency) in strong demand, esp as a result of a good balance of payments situationc. (of credit) difficult to obtain; tight18. (Brewing) (of alcoholic drink) being a spirit rather than a wine, beer, etc: the hard stuff. 19. (Pharmacology) (of a drug such as heroin, morphine, or cocaine) highly addictive. Compare soft2020. (General Physics) physics (of radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays) having high energy and the ability to penetrate solids21. (General Physics) physics (of a vacuum) almost complete22. (Commerce) chiefly US (of goods) durable23. short for hard-core. See hard core3, hard core424. (Journalism & Publishing) (of news coverage) concentrating on serious stories25. (Broadcasting) (of news coverage) concentrating on serious stories26. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics a. an older word for fortisb. (not in modern technical usage) denoting the consonants c and g in English when they are pronounced as velar stops (k, g)c. (of consonants in the Slavonic languages) not palatalized27. (Fortifications) a. being heavily fortified and protectedb. (of nuclear missiles) located underground in massively reinforced silos28. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) politically extreme: the hard left. 29. informal Brit and NZ incorrigible or disreputable (esp in the phrase a hard case)30. (Cookery) (of bread, etc) stale and old31. a hard nut to crack a. a person not easily persuaded or won overb. a thing not easily understood32. hard by near; close by33. hard doer NZ a tough worker at anything34. hard done by unfairly or badly treated35. hard up informal a. in need of money; poorb. (foll by for) in great need (of): hard up for suggestions. 36. put the hard word on informal Austral and NZ to ask or demand something fromadv37. with great energy, force, or vigour: the team always played hard. 38. as far as possible; all the way: hard left. 39. with application; earnestly or intently: she thought hard about the formula. 40. with great intensity, force, or violence: his son's death hit him hard. 41. (foll by: on, upon, by, or after) close; near: hard on his heels. 42. (foll by at) assiduously; devotedly43. a. with effort or difficulty: their victory was hard won. b. (in combination): hard-earned. 44. slowly and reluctantly: prejudice dies hard. 45. go hard with to cause pain or difficulty to (someone): it will go hard with you if you don't tell the truth. 46. hard at it working hard47. hard put hard put to it scarcely having the capacity (to do something): he's hard put to get to work by 9:30. n48. any colorant that produces a harsh coarse appearance49. (Civil Engineering) Brit a roadway across a foreshore50. slang hard labour51. slang an erection of the penis (esp in the phrase get or have a hard on)[Old English heard; related to Old Norse harthr, Old Frisian herd, Old High German herti, Gothic hardus hard, Greek kratus strong]



adj. and
adv. -er, -est. adj. 1. not soft; solid and firm to the touch. 2. firmly formed; tight: a hard knot. 3. difficult to do or accomplish; fatiguing; troublesome: a hard task. 4. difficult or troublesome with respect to an action, situation, person, etc.: hard to please. 5. difficult to deal with, manage, control, overcome, or understand: a hard problem. 6. involving a great deal of effort, energy, or persistence: hard labor. 7. performing or carrying on work with great effort, energy, or persistence: a hard worker. 8. vigorous or violent in force; severe: a hard fall. 9. bad; unendurable; unbearable: hard luck. 10. oppressive; harsh; rough: hard treatment. 11. austere; severe: a hard winter. 12. harsh or severe in dealing with others: a hard master. 13. difficult to explain away; undeniable: hard facts. 14. factual, as distinguished from speculation or hearsay: hard information. 15. harsh or unfriendly; resentful; bitter: hard feelings. 16. of stern judgment or close examination; searching: We took a hard look at our finances. 17. lacking delicacy or softness; clear and distinct; sharp; harsh: a hard line; hard features. 18. severe or rigorous in terms: a hard bargain. 19. sternly realistic; dispassionate; unsentimental: a hard view of life. 20. incorrigible; disreputable; tough: a hard character. 21. (of the penis) erect. 22. (of water) containing mineral salts that interfere with the action of soap. 23. in coins or paper money as distinguished from checks, promissory notes, or the like: hard cash. 24. (of paper money) backed by gold reserves and readily convertible into foreign currency. 25. (of assets) having intrinsic value, as gold or diamonds. 26. (of alcoholic beverages) a. containing more than 22.5 percent alcohol by volume, as whiskey and brandy as opposed to beer and wine. b. strong because of fermentation; intoxicating: hard cider. 27. (of wine) tasting excessively of tannin. 28. (of an illicit narcotic or drug) known to be physically addictive, as opium, morphine, or cocaine. 29. (of a fabric) having relatively little nap; smooth. 30. (of the landing of a space vehicle) executed without decelerating. 31. (of a missile) capable of being launched from an underground silo. 32. (of a military installation) heavily reinforced. 33. (of wheat) having a high gluten content. 34. a. (of c and g) pronounced as (k) in come and (g) in go. b. (of consonants) fortis. c. (of consonants in Slavic languages) not palatalized. Compare soft (def. 19). adv. 35. with great exertion; with vigor or violence; strenuously: to work hard. 36. earnestly, intently, or critically: to look hard at a decision. 37. harshly or severely. 38. so as to be solid, tight, or firm: frozen hard. 39. with strong force or impact: to be hit hard. 40. in a deeply affected manner; with genuine sorrow or remorse: He took the news very hard. 41. closely; immediately: Defeat seemed hard at hand. 42. to an unreasonable or extreme degree; excessively; immoderately. 43. Naut. closely, fully, or to the extreme limit: hard aport. Idioms: 1. be hard on, to deal harshly or strictly with. 2. hard by, in close proximity to; near. 3. hard put, in great perplexity or difficulty; at a loss: We are hard put to pay the rent now. 4. hard up, Informal. a. urgently in need of money. b. feeling a lack or need. [before 900; Middle English; Old English heard, c. Old Saxon hard, Old High German hart, Old Norse harthr, Gothic hardus; akin to Greek kratýs strong, Ionic dial. kártos strength (compare -cracy)]


– hardly">hardly1. 'hard'

Hard can be an adjective. If something is hard, it is not easy to do.

Coping with three babies is very hard work.

Hard can also be an adverb. For example, if you work hard, you work with a lot of effort.

Many elderly people have worked hard all their lives.
2. 'hardly'

Hardly is an adverb. It has a totally different meaning from hard. You use hardly to modify a statement when you want to emphasize that only a small amount or detail makes it true, and it is best to consider the opposite as true. For example, if someone hardly speaks, they do not speak much. If something is hardly surprising, it is not very surprising.

I hardly knew him.Nick hardly slept because he was so worried.

If you use an auxiliary verb or modal with hardly, you put the auxiliary verb or modal first. You say, for example, 'I can hardly see'. Don't say 'I hardly can see'.

Two years before, the wall had hardly existed.She can hardly wait to begin.We could hardly move.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'not' with hardly. Don't say, for example, 'I did not hardly know him'. Say 'I hardly knew him'.

Hardly is sometimes used in longer structures to say that one thing happened immediately after another.

The local police had hardly finished their search when the detectives arrived.

Be Careful!
In structures like these you use when, not 'than'. Don't say, for example, 'The local police had hardly finished their search than the detectives arrived'.

In stories, hardly is sometimes put at the beginning of a sentence, followed by had or the verb be and the subject.

Hardly had he uttered the words when he began laughing.
3. 'hardly ever'

If something hardly ever happens, it almost never happens.

I hardly ever spoke to them.Tim hardly ever met her friends.
Adj.1.hard - not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"difficultdemanding - requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill; "found the job very demanding"; "a baby can be so demanding"effortful - requiring great physical efforthard - dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer";
2.hard - dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer";difficult, hard - not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; "a difficult task"; "nesting places on the cliffs are difficult of access"; "difficult times"; "why is it so hard for you to keep a secret?"merciless, unmerciful - having or showing no mercy; "the merciless enemy"; "a merciless critic"; "gave him a merciless beating"insensitive - deficient in human sensibility; not mentally or morally sensitive; "insensitive to the needs of the patients"tough - not given to gentleness or sentimentality; "a tough character"soft - compassionate and kind; conciliatory; "he was soft on his children"
3.hard - resisting weight or pressuresoft - yielding readily to pressure or weight
4.hard - very strong or vigorous; "strong winds"; "a hard left to the chin"; "a knockout punch"; "a severe blow"knockout, severestrong - having strength or power greater than average or expected; "a strong radio signal"; "strong medicine"; "a strong man"
5.hard - characterized by effort to the point of exhaustionhard - characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace"arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, laborious, operose, toilsome, punishing, heavyeffortful - requiring great physical effort
6.hard - produced without vibration of the vocal cords; "unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'"surd, unvoiced, voiceless
7.hard - (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light sourceconcentrateddiffuse, diffused, soft - (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected
8.hard - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants"soft - (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh')
9.hard - given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors; "a hard drinker"intemperate, heavyindulgent - characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone ; "indulgent grandparents"
10.hard - being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content; "hard liquor"strongalcoholic - characteristic of or containing alcohol; "alcoholic drinks"
11.hard - unfortunate or hard to bearhard - unfortunate or hard to bear; "had hard luck"; "a tough break"toughbad - having undesirable or negative qualities; "a bad report card"; "his sloppy appearance made a bad impression"; "a bad little boy"; "clothes in bad shape"; "a bad cut"; "bad luck"; "the news was very bad"; "the reviews were bad"; "the pay is bad"; "it was a bad light for reading"; "the movie was a bad choice"
12.hard - dried out; "hard dry rolls left over from the day before"stale - lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"; "the beer was stale"
Adv.1.hard - with effort or force or vigor; "the team played hard"; "worked hard all day"; "pressed hard on the lever"; "hit the ball hard"; "slammed the door hard"
2.hard - with firmness; "held hard to the railing"firmly
3.hard - earnestly or intently; "thought hard about it"; "stared hard at the accused"
4.hard - causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the bank's failure"severely
5.hard - slowly and with difficulty; "prejudices die hard"
6.hard - indulging excessively; "he drank heavily"intemperately, heavily
7.hard - into a solid condition; "concrete that sets hard within a few hours"
8.hard - very near or close in space or time; "it stands hard by the railroad tracks"; "they were hard on his heels"; "a strike followed hard upon the plant's opening"
9.hard - with pain or distress or bitterness; "he took the rejection very hard"
10.hard - to the full extent possible; all the way; "hard alee"; "the ship went hard astern"; "swung the wheel hard left"


adjective1. tough, strong, firm, solid, stiff, compact, rigid, resistant, dense, compressed, stony, impenetrable, inflexible, unyielding, rocklike He stamped his feet on the hard floor.
tough soft, weak, flexible, malleable, pliable
2. difficult, involved, complex, complicated, puzzling, tangled, baffling, intricate, perplexing, impenetrable, thorny, knotty, unfathomable, ticklish That's a very hard question.
difficult easy, simple, straightforward, clear, direct, uncomplicated, easy-peasy (slang)
3. exhausting, tough, exacting, formidable, fatiguing, wearying, rigorous, uphill, gruelling, strenuous, arduous, laborious, burdensome, Herculean, backbreaking, toilsome Coping with three babies is very hard work.
exhausting light, easy, soft, lazy, easy-peasy (slang)
4. forceful, strong, powerful, driving, heavy, sharp, violent, smart, tremendous, fierce, vigorous, hefty He gave her a hard push which toppled her backwards.5. harsh, severe, strict, cold, exacting, cruel, grim, stern, ruthless, stubborn, unjust, callous, unkind, unrelenting, implacable, unsympathetic, pitiless, unfeeling, obdurate, unsparing, affectless, hardhearted His father was a hard man.
harsh kind, good, gentle, flexible, mild, careless, humane, amiable, lenient, permissive, merciful
6. grim, dark, painful, distressing, harsh, disastrous, unpleasant, intolerable, grievous, disagreeable, calamitous Those were hard times.7. definite, reliable, verified, cold, plain, actual, bare, undeniable, indisputable, verifiable, unquestionable, unvarnished He wanted more hard evidence.8. bitter, angry, hostile, resentful, acrimonious, embittered, antagonistic, rancorous I struck him, and dismissed him with hard words.
adverb1. strenuously, steadily, persistently, earnestly, determinedly, doggedly, diligently, energetically, assiduously, industriously, untiringly I'll work hard. I don't want to let him down.2. intently, closely, carefully, sharply, keenly You had to listen hard to hear him.3. forcefully, strongly, heavily, sharply, severely, fiercely, vigorously, intensely, violently, powerfully, forcibly, with all your might, with might and main I kicked a dustbin very hard and broke my toe.
forcefully lightly, softly, weakly, loosely, lazily
4. with difficulty, painfully, laboriously the hard won rights of the working woman
hard and fast fixed, strict, rigid, binding, definite, clear-cut, stringent, cast-iron, inflexible, immutable, incontrovertible, invariable, unalterable There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to garden design.hard by right beside, near, close to, alongside, next to, adjacent to, cheek by jowl with The hamper stood hard by the foot of the white iron bed.


adjective1. Unyielding to pressure or force:firm, incompressible, solid.2. Physically toughened so as to have great endurance:hard-bitten, hard-handed, hardy, rugged, tough.Idiom: hard as nails.3. Not easy to do, achieve, or master:arduous, difficult, laborious, serious, tall, tough, uphill.4. Requiring great or extreme bodily, mental, or spiritual strength:arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, demanding, difficult, effortful, exacting, exigent, formidable, heavy, laborious, onerous, oppressive, rigorous, rough, severe, taxing, tough, trying, weighty.5. Conveying great physical force:heavy, hefty, powerful, severe.6. Indulging in drink to an excessive degree:heavy.Informal: two-fisted.7. Rigorous and unsparing in treating others:demanding, exacting, harsh, rigid, severe, stern, strict, tough, unyielding.8. Cold and forbidding:austere, bleak, dour, grim, harsh, severe, stark.9. Causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort:bitter, brutal, harsh, rough, severe.10. Completely lacking in compassion:callous, cold-blooded, cold-hearted, compassionless, hard-boiled, hardened, hardhearted, heartless, obdurate, stonyhearted, unfeeling.11. Bitingly hostile:acrimonious, bitter, embittered, rancorous, resentful, virulent.12. Established beyond a doubt:certain, inarguable, incontestable, incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, irrefutable, positive, sure, unassailable, undeniable, undisputable, unquestionable.13. Based on fact:factual.14. Having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are:down-to-earth, hardheaded, matter-of-fact, objective, practical, pragmatic, pragmatical, prosaic, realistic, sober, tough-minded, unromantic.15. Containing alcohol:alcoholic, intoxicative, spirituous, strong.adverb1. In a violent, strenuous way:fiercely, frantically, frenziedly, furiously, strenuously.2. With effort:arduously, difficultly, heavily, laboriously.3. With intense energy and force:energetically, forcefully, forcibly, powerfully, vigorously.Idioms: hammer and tongs, tooth and nail, with might and main.4. To a point near in time, space, or relation:close, closely, near, nearby, nigh.


(haːd) adjective1. firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc. The ground is too hard to dig. 堅硬的 硬的2. not easy to do, learn, solve etc. Is English a hard language to learn?; He is a hard man to please. 困難的 困难的3. not feeling or showing kindness. a hard master. 冷酷的 冷酷的4. (of weather) severe. a hard winter. 惡劣的 恶劣的5. having or causing suffering. a hard life; hard times. 辛苦的 艰难的6. (of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added. The water is hard in this part of the country. 硬水 硬水 adverb1. with great effort. He works very hard; Think hard. 努力地 努力地2. with great force; heavily. Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard. 猛力地 猛烈的,重重地 3. with great attention. He stared hard at the man. 極專注地 极专注地,紧紧地 4. to the full extent; completely. The car turned hard right. 完全地 完全地ˈharden verb to make or become hard. Don't touch the toffee till it hardens; Try not to harden your heart against him. (使)變硬 使变硬ˈhardness noun 硬度 硬度ˈhardship noun (something which causes) pain, suffering etc. a life full of hardship. (造成)痛苦、磨難 苦难ˈhard-and-fast adjective (of rules) that can never be changed or ignored. (規定)不容變通的 不容变通的ˈhard-back noun a book with a hard cover. Hard-backs are more expensive than paperbacks. 精裝本 硬书皮的书,精装书 ˌhard-ˈboiled adjective (of eggs) boiled until the white and the yolk are solid. (雞蛋)完全煮熟的 (鸡蛋)煮得老的 hardˈdisk noun a device that is fixed inside a computer and is used for storing information. 硬碟 硬盘ˈhard-earned adjective earned by hard work or with difficulty. I deserve every penny of my hard-earned wages. 辛苦掙得的 辛苦挣得的ˌhard-ˈheaded adjective practical; shrewd; not influenced by emotion. a hard-headed businessman. 講求實際的,精明的,不感情用事的 讲实际的,头脑冷静的 ˌhard-ˈhearted adjective not feeling or showing pity or kindness. a hard-hearted employer. 冷酷的 冷酷的ˈhardware noun1. metal goods such as pots, tools etc. This shop sells hardware. 五金 金属器具2. the mechanical parts of a computer. 電腦硬體 (电脑的)硬件 ˌhard-ˈwearing adjective that will not wear out easily. a hard-wearing fabric. 耐磨損的 耐磨损的be hard on1. to punish or criticize severely. Don't be too hard on the boy – he's too young to know that he was doing wrong. 嚴厲懲罰或批評 过分严厉地对待某人2. to be unfair to. If you punish all the children for the broken window it's a bit hard on those who had nothing to do with it. 不公平地對待 不公平地对待hard at it busy doing (something). I've been hard at it all day, trying to get this report finished. 忙著做(某事) 忙于作(某事) hard done by unfairly treated. You should complain to the headmaster if you feel hard done by. 受到不公平對待 受到不公平对待hard lines/luck bad luck. Hard lines/luck! I'm afraid you haven't won this time; It's hard luck that he broke his leg. 運氣不好 坏运气hard of hearing rather deaf. He is a bit hard of hearing now. 幾乎沒有聽力 听觉不灵的,有点耳聋的 a hard time (of it) trouble, difficulty, worry etc. The audience gave the speaker a hard time of it at the meeting; The speaker had a hard time (of it) trying to make himself heard. 麻煩,困難,煩擾 受苦,困难 hard up not having much especially money. I'm a bit hard up at the moment; I'm hard up for envelopes. 短缺(尤指金錢),缺錢 (钱)不多,缺钱


努力地zhCN, 困难的zhCN, 硬的zhCN



1. mod. fermented, as with cider. (see also hard liquor.) This juice got hard. What shall I do with it? 2. mod. having to do with an addictive drug. (Compare this with soft.) Hard drugs are easier to get than ever before. 3. mod. tough. (Akin to hardhearted; hard as nails.) Only the hard guys get through basic training.
  • (as) hard as a rock
  • (as) hard as nails
  • (as) hard as stone
  • (as) hard as the nether millstone
  • A good man is hard to find.
  • a hard act to follow
  • a hard bargain
  • a hard case
  • a hard egg to crack
  • a hard head
  • a hard nut (to crack)
  • a hard pill to swallow
  • a hard row to hoe
  • a hard time
  • a hard/tough act to follow
  • a hard/tough nut
  • a hard-luck story
  • a little (hard) work never hurt anybody
  • a little (hard) work never hurt anyone
  • a little (hard) work never killed anybody
  • a little (hard) work never killed anyone
  • a tough act to follow
  • a tough nut
  • a tough nut to crack
  • at someone's heels
  • bad habits die hard
  • be (as) hard as nails
  • be a hard act to follow
  • be hard at it
  • be hard done-by
  • be hard hit (by something)
  • be hard on
  • be hard on (one)
  • be hard on somebody
  • be hard pushed
  • be hard put
  • be hard put to
  • be hard put to (do something)
  • be hard up
  • be hard up for something
  • be hard-pressed
  • be/feel hard done by
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
  • cold cash
  • cold, hard cash
  • come down hard
  • come down hard on (someone or something)
  • come down hard on someone
  • come down on
  • didn't care too hard
  • die hard
  • do (something) the hard way
  • do something the hard way
  • do the hard way
  • do the hard yards
  • do/learn something the hard way
  • drive a hard bargain
  • drive a hard bargain, to
  • fall on hard times
  • feel hard done-by
  • find (something) out the hard way
  • first hundred years are the hardest
  • first step is always the hardest
  • give (one) a bad time
  • give (one) a hard time
  • give (one) a rough time
  • give a hard time
  • give somebody a rough, hard, bad, etc. time
  • go hard or go home
  • go hard with
  • go hard with (someone)
  • Good men are scarce
  • hard
  • hard act to follow
  • hard and fast
  • hard as a rock
  • hard as nails
  • hard as the nether millstone
  • hard at
  • hard at (something)
  • hard at it
  • hard bargain
  • hard by
  • hard case
  • hard cases make bad laws
  • hard cash
  • hard cheddar
  • hard cheese
  • hard coin
  • hard core
  • hard done by
  • hard done-by
  • hard drug
  • hard facts
  • hard feelings
  • hard going
  • hard hat
  • hard head
  • hard hit, be
  • hard knocks
  • hard line
  • hard lines
  • hard lines!
  • hard liquor
  • hard luck
  • hard luck/lines
  • hard nut to crack
  • hard of hearing
  • hard off
  • hard on
  • hard on (one's)/the heels
  • hard on the eyes
  • hard on the heels of (someone or something)
  • hard on the heels of something
  • hard on your heels
  • hard pass
  • hard power
  • hard pressed
  • hard put
  • hard put to (do something)
  • hard put to do something
  • hard put, be
  • hard reboot
  • hard sell
  • hard sledding
  • hard time
  • hard to believe
  • hard to swallow
  • hard to take
  • hard up
  • hard way, the
  • hard words break no bones
  • hard yards
  • hard/hot on somebody's heels
  • hard/tough act to follow
  • hard/tough sledding
  • hard-as-nails
  • hard-boiled
  • hard-core
  • harder than the back of God's head
  • hardheaded
  • hardliner
  • hard-nosed
  • hard-on
  • hard-pressed
  • have a hard head
  • have a hard-on
  • have a hard-on for (someone or something)
  • have a hard-on for someone
  • have a job
  • hit (someone or something) hard
  • hit hard
  • hit somebody/something hard
  • hold hard
  • hot on (one's) heels
  • learn (something) the hard way
  • learn the hard way
  • make hard work of (something)
  • make hard work of something
  • no hard and fast rules
  • no hard feelings
  • not any hard feelings
  • Old habits die hard
  • old habits, traditions, etc. die hard
  • old traditions die hard
  • on the heels of
  • over easy
  • over easy/medium/hard
  • over hard
  • over medium
  • play hard to get
  • put in a hard day at work
  • put in a hard day's work
  • put the hard word on
  • put the hard word on (one)
  • put the hard word on someone
  • put the make on
  • put the make on someone
  • ridden hard and put away wet
  • ridden hard and put up wet
  • ride hard and put (something) away wet
  • ride hard and put (something) up wet
  • rode hard and put away wet
  • rode hard and put up wet
  • school of hard knocks
  • take (something) hard
  • take a hard line
  • take a long, hard look at (something)
  • take something hard
  • teach an old dog new tricks, one can't/it's hard to
  • the bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come/are, the harder they fall
  • the first hundred years are the hardest
  • the first step is always the hardest
  • the hard sell
  • the hard stuff
  • the hard way
  • the school of hard knocks
  • think long and hard
  • too much like hard work
  • tough act to follow
  • tough nut to crack, a
  • tough row to hoe
  • tough/hard/long row to hoe, a
  • work smarter, not harder



1. Chem (of water) impairing the formation of a lather by soap 2. (of alcoholic drink) being a spirit rather than a wine, beer, etc. 3. (of a drug such as heroin, morphine, or cocaine) highly addictive 4. Physics (of radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays) having high energy and the ability to penetrate solids 5. Physics (of a vacuum) almost complete 6. Chiefly US (of goods) durable 7. politically extreme 8. Brit a roadway across a foreshore


[härd] (materials) Quality of a material that is compact, solid, and difficult to deform.
See hard
See hard
See hard
See hard
See hard
FinancialSeeDurable merchandise


HARDHardware Assisted Resilient Data (Oracle)
HARDHayward Area Recreation and Park District
HARDHealth and Rural Development (various locations)
HARDHigh Accuracy Retrieval from Documents
HARDHalf Absolute Relative Difference
HARDHelmet Assisted Radar Detection
HARDHydrocephalus, Agyria, and Retinal Dysplasia (syndrome)
HARDHope Agency for Relief and Development
HARDHealth Advantage Research and Development (Nutrition)
HARDHorizontal Acoustic Range Depiction


Related to hard: die hard, Hard boiled eggs
  • all
  • adj
  • adv
  • phrase

Synonyms for hard

adj tough


  • tough
  • strong
  • firm
  • solid
  • stiff
  • compact
  • rigid
  • resistant
  • dense
  • compressed
  • stony
  • impenetrable
  • inflexible
  • unyielding
  • rocklike


  • soft
  • weak
  • flexible
  • malleable
  • pliable

adj difficult


  • difficult
  • involved
  • complex
  • complicated
  • puzzling
  • tangled
  • baffling
  • intricate
  • perplexing
  • impenetrable
  • thorny
  • knotty
  • unfathomable
  • ticklish


  • easy
  • simple
  • straightforward
  • clear
  • direct
  • uncomplicated
  • easy-peasy

adj exhausting


  • exhausting
  • tough
  • exacting
  • formidable
  • fatiguing
  • wearying
  • rigorous
  • uphill
  • gruelling
  • strenuous
  • arduous
  • laborious
  • burdensome
  • Herculean
  • backbreaking
  • toilsome


  • light
  • easy
  • soft
  • lazy
  • easy-peasy

adj forceful


  • forceful
  • strong
  • powerful
  • driving
  • heavy
  • sharp
  • violent
  • smart
  • tremendous
  • fierce
  • vigorous
  • hefty

adj harsh


  • harsh
  • severe
  • strict
  • cold
  • exacting
  • cruel
  • grim
  • stern
  • ruthless
  • stubborn
  • unjust
  • callous
  • unkind
  • unrelenting
  • implacable
  • unsympathetic
  • pitiless
  • unfeeling
  • obdurate
  • unsparing
  • affectless
  • hardhearted


  • kind
  • good
  • gentle
  • flexible
  • mild
  • careless
  • humane
  • amiable
  • lenient
  • permissive
  • merciful

adj grim


  • grim
  • dark
  • painful
  • distressing
  • harsh
  • disastrous
  • unpleasant
  • intolerable
  • grievous
  • disagreeable
  • calamitous

adj definite


  • definite
  • reliable
  • verified
  • cold
  • plain
  • actual
  • bare
  • undeniable
  • indisputable
  • verifiable
  • unquestionable
  • unvarnished

adj bitter


  • bitter
  • angry
  • hostile
  • resentful
  • acrimonious
  • embittered
  • antagonistic
  • rancorous

adv strenuously


  • strenuously
  • steadily
  • persistently
  • earnestly
  • determinedly
  • doggedly
  • diligently
  • energetically
  • assiduously
  • industriously
  • untiringly

adv intently


  • intently
  • closely
  • carefully
  • sharply
  • keenly

adv forcefully


  • forcefully
  • strongly
  • heavily
  • sharply
  • severely
  • fiercely
  • vigorously
  • intensely
  • violently
  • powerfully
  • forcibly
  • with all your might
  • with might and main


  • lightly
  • softly
  • weakly
  • loosely
  • lazily

adv with difficulty


  • with difficulty
  • painfully
  • laboriously

phrase hard and fast


  • fixed
  • strict
  • rigid
  • binding
  • definite
  • clear-cut
  • stringent
  • cast-iron
  • inflexible
  • immutable
  • incontrovertible
  • invariable
  • unalterable

phrase hard by


  • right beside
  • near
  • close to
  • alongside
  • next to
  • adjacent to
  • cheek by jowl with

Synonyms for hard

adj unyielding to pressure or force


  • firm
  • incompressible
  • solid

adj physically toughened so as to have great endurance


  • hard-bitten
  • hard-handed
  • hardy
  • rugged
  • tough

adj not easy to do, achieve, or master


  • arduous
  • difficult
  • laborious
  • serious
  • tall
  • tough
  • uphill

adj requiring great or extreme bodily, mental, or spiritual strength


  • arduous
  • backbreaking
  • burdensome
  • demanding
  • difficult
  • effortful
  • exacting
  • exigent
  • formidable
  • heavy
  • laborious
  • onerous
  • oppressive
  • rigorous
  • rough
  • severe
  • taxing
  • tough
  • trying
  • weighty

adj conveying great physical force


  • heavy
  • hefty
  • powerful
  • severe

adj indulging in drink to an excessive degree


  • heavy
  • two-fisted

adj rigorous and unsparing in treating others


  • demanding
  • exacting
  • harsh
  • rigid
  • severe
  • stern
  • strict
  • tough
  • unyielding

adj cold and forbidding


  • austere
  • bleak
  • dour
  • grim
  • harsh
  • severe
  • stark

adj causing sharp, often prolonged discomfort


  • bitter
  • brutal
  • harsh
  • rough
  • severe

adj completely lacking in compassion


  • callous
  • cold-blooded
  • cold-hearted
  • compassionless
  • hard-boiled
  • hardened
  • hardhearted
  • heartless
  • obdurate
  • stonyhearted
  • unfeeling

adj bitingly hostile


  • acrimonious
  • bitter
  • embittered
  • rancorous
  • resentful
  • virulent

adj established beyond a doubt


  • certain
  • inarguable
  • incontestable
  • incontrovertible
  • indisputable
  • indubitable
  • irrefutable
  • positive
  • sure
  • unassailable
  • undeniable
  • undisputable
  • unquestionable

adj based on fact


  • factual

adj having or indicating an awareness of things as they really are


  • down-to-earth
  • hardheaded
  • matter-of-fact
  • objective
  • practical
  • pragmatic
  • pragmatical
  • prosaic
  • realistic
  • sober
  • tough-minded
  • unromantic

adj containing alcohol


  • alcoholic
  • intoxicative
  • spirituous
  • strong

adv in a violent, strenuous way


  • fiercely
  • frantically
  • frenziedly
  • furiously
  • strenuously

adv with effort


  • arduously
  • difficultly
  • heavily
  • laboriously

adv with intense energy and force


  • energetically
  • forcefully
  • forcibly
  • powerfully
  • vigorously

adv to a point near in time, space, or relation


  • close
  • closely
  • near
  • nearby
  • nigh

Synonyms for hard

adj not easy


  • difficult

Related Words

  • demanding
  • effortful
  • hard

adj dispassionate

Related Words

  • difficult
  • hard
  • merciless
  • unmerciful
  • insensitive
  • tough


  • soft

adj resisting weight or pressure


  • soft

adj very strong or vigorous


  • knockout
  • severe

Related Words

  • strong

adj characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion


  • arduous
  • backbreaking
  • grueling
  • gruelling
  • laborious
  • operose
  • toilsome
  • punishing
  • heavy

Related Words

  • effortful

adj produced without vibration of the vocal cords


  • surd
  • unvoiced
  • voiceless

adj (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source


  • concentrated


  • diffuse
  • diffused
  • soft

adj (of speech sounds)


  • soft

adj given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors


  • intemperate
  • heavy

Related Words

  • indulgent

adj being distilled rather than fermented


  • strong

Related Words

  • alcoholic

adj unfortunate or hard to bear


  • tough

Related Words

  • bad

adj dried out

Related Words

  • stale

adv with firmness


  • firmly

adv causing great damage or hardship


  • severely

adv indulging excessively


  • intemperately
  • heavily




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