Grader Elevator
Grader Elevator
a continuous-motion excavating machine for cutting earth and pushing it to the side (into a dirt pile) or loading it into a means of transportation. Grader elevators are used in landscaping and in the construction of road embankments, excavations, canals, and the like. The blade is constructed most often in the form of a disc 600 to 1,000 mm in diameter. It cuts the earth, which then goes onto an inclined belt conveyer (8 to 10 m long) and is hauled off to the side. Grader elevators can be half-trailers, trailers, or self-powered. Motor graders are equipped with grader elevators as suspended equipment. Grader elevators produced in the USSR have a productive capacity of 500 to 1,600 cu m/hr.
S. A. SOLOMONOV [7 -812–1]