Gradenigo syndrome

Gra·de·ni·go syn·drome

(grah-dā'nē-go), a syndrome consisting of otorrhea, headache, diplopia, and retroorbital pain in petrositis due to an epidural abscess at the apex of the anterior surface of the petrous pyramid causing compression of the abducens nerve in Dorello canal and irritation of the trigeminal ganglion.

Gra·de·ni·go syn·drome

(grah-dā-nē'gō sin'drōm) A syndrome consisting of otorrhea, headache, diplopia, and retroorbital pain in petrositis due to an epidural abscess at the apex of the anterior surface of the petrous pyramid causing compression of the abducens nerve in Dorello canal and irritation of the trigeminal ganglion.

Gradenigo syndrome

(gra-dĕn-ē′gō) [Giuseppe Gradenigo, Italian physician, 1859–1926] Suppurative otitis media, pain in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve, and abducens palsy, typically associated with infection or cancer at the base of the skull.


Giuseppe, Italian physician, 1859-1926. Gradenigo syndrome - petrositis with abducens paralysis and pain in the temporal region, due to localized meningitis involving the fifth and sixth nerves.