

单词 guardianship



G0297800 (gär′dē-ən)n.1. One that guards, watches over, or protects.2. Law a. One who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or minor.b. See guardian ad litem.3. A superior in a Franciscan monastery.
[Middle English gardein, from Anglo-Norman, from Old French gardien, from alteration of gardenc, from garder, to guard; see guard.]
guard′i·an·ship′ n.


(ˈgɑr di ənˌʃɪp)

n. 1. the position and responsibilities of a guardian, esp. toward a ward. 2. care; responsibility; charge: a museum that is under the guardianship of trustees. [1545–55]
Noun1.guardianship - attention and management implying responsibility for safetyguardianship - attention and management implying responsibility for safety; "he is in the care of a bodyguard"tutelage, care, chargeprotection - the activity of protecting someone or something; "the witnesses demanded police protection"due care, ordinary care, reasonable care - the care that a reasonable man would exercise under the circumstances; the standard for determining legal dutyfoster care - supervised care for delinquent or neglected children usually in an institution or substitute homegreat care - more attention and consideration than is normally bestowed by prudent persons; "the pilot exercised great care in landing"providence - the guardianship and control exercised by a deity; "divine providence"slight care - such care as a careless or inattentive person would exercise
2.guardianship - the responsibility of a guardian or keeper; "he left his car in my keeping"safekeeping, keepinghands, custody - (with `in') guardianship over; in divorce cases it is the right to house and care for and discipline a child; "my fate is in your hands"; "too much power in the president's hands"; "your guests are now in my custody"; "the mother was awarded custody of the children"duty, obligation, responsibility - the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr


nounThe function of watching, guarding, or overseeing:care, charge, custody, keeping, superintendence, supervision, trust.


(ˈgaːdiən) noun1. a person who has the legal right to take care of a child (usually an orphan). He became the child's guardian when her parents died. 保護人, 監護人 保护人,监护人 2. a person who looks after something. the guardian of the castle. 護衛者 护卫者ˈguardianship noun the state or duty of being a guardian. 監護的職責(地位、期間) 守护,监护人的职责




in the USSR, a legal means exercised by state agencies to protect the personal and property rights and interests of citizens.

Among the purposes of guardianship are the raising of minors under 15 years of age and the protection of their personal and property rights and interests. Guardianship is instituted in the event of death or illness of the parents, in case of deprivation of parental rights, or in all other cases where children have been left without care by parents evading their responsibilities or for any other reason. Guardians are obliged to ensure the physical well-being, education, and preparation for socially useful activity of their wards and to defend their rights and interests. Guardians are not appointed for children who are being raised by children’s institutions; guardianship is assigned in such cases to the administration of these institutions.

Another purpose of guardianship is protection of the personal and property rights and interests of adults who have been recognized by a court as incapable, as in cases of mental illness or feeblemindedness. The guardian of an incapable person is obliged to ensure the care and treatment of the ward. Guardianship is established by a special decision of the executive committee of the local soviet at the place of residence of either the guardian or the person in need of guardianship. Such functions as examining the living conditions of the person in need of guardianship, searching for a guardian, or assigning children to a children’s home or boarding school are performed by departments of public education for minors and by departments of public health for incapable persons. The immediate duties of guardianship are carried out by the guardian appointed by these agencies. Guardians are the legal representatives of their wards and undertake legal actions on their behalf and in their name.

Only a citizen who has reached the age of 18 and has voluntarily assumed the responsibilities of guardianship may be a guardian. These responsibilities cannot be assigned to persons who have been deprived of parental rights or to those recognized by a court to be either incapable or of limited capability. A guardian may be relieved of his duties in certain legally recognized instances, as when children return to their parents or are adopted, or when incapable adults are placed in state institutions. A guardian may also be relieved at his own request if there are valid reasons. A guardian may be removed if the duties of guardianship have been performed improperly. If the guardianship has been used for personal gain and if the ward has been left unsupervised and without essential care, the guardian may be criminally liable. When a ward reaches 15 years of age, the guardianship ceases, and in the absence of a special decision, the guardian becomes a curator. Where an adult ward regains health, guardianship ceases upon a court decision.

Protection of the property of those recognized through established legal procedure as missing persons, as affirmed in a court decision, is another aim of guardianship. A guardian is also appointed for property, such as a residence, that requires management prior to its transfer to heirs. In cases where there are no notarial offices the guardian is appointed by the executive committee of the local soviet.



in the USSR, a form of legal protection of the personal and property rights and interests of citizens.

Guardianship has two purposes. The first is the bringing up of minors between the ages of 15 and 18. A guardian is named in cases where the adolescent does not have parents, in cases where the parents have been deprived of their parental rights, and in all other cases where the adolescent is left for any reason without parental care. The guardian must live with the ward and look after the ward’s physical health, education, and preparation for socially useful activity. The guardian must also defend the ward’s rights and interests. In certain cases, wardship and guardianship agencies may authorize separate residences for guardian and ward if this will not interfere with the ward’s education or with the protection of the ward’s rights and interests.

The second purpose of guardianship is the protection of the rights and interests of a legally capable adult who cannot do so independently for reasons of health. Guardians see that the ward enjoys adequate living conditions, care, and treatment. They assist the ward in the exercise of rights and the performance of duties, and they protect the ward against ill-treatment by third parties.

Guardianship is established in the same manner as wardship. A special system of guardianship is provided for persons whose legal capability is restricted by a court owing to the person’s abuse of alcohol or narcotics. The ward may receive and dispose of wages, a pension, and other payments only with the consent of the guardian, whose permission is also required before the ward may dispose of any other property. Guardianship may be revoked by wardship and guardianship agencies after a court decision to restrict legal capability has been canceled.


See also Protectiveness.Argushundred-eyed giant guarding Io. [Gk. Myth.: Leach, 72]Argus Panoptesall-seeing herdsman with one hundred eyes. [Gk. Myth.: Walsh Classical, 29]battle axsymbol of wardship. [Western Folklore: Jobes, 163]beefeaterpopular name for a Yeoman of the Guard or Yeoman Warder of the Tower of London. [Br. Hist.: Payton, 88]Bodhisattvaenlightened one deferring Nirvana to help others. [Buddhism: Parrinder, 48]Cardeaprotects children from witches. [Rom. Myth.: Leach, 191]Cerberusthree-headed dog, guards gate to Hades. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 55]cherubimdefended tree of life with flaming swords. [O.T.: Genesis 3:24]cockwatchful church-tower sitter. [Christian Symbolism: Appleton, 21]Cybeleprotector of cities and mother-goddess. [Phrygian Myth.: Avery, 345]Delphynehalf-woman, half-beast; guarded Zeus while imprisoned by Typhon. [Gk. Myth.: Howe, 78]Egilgiant who watched over Thor’s goats. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 327]Erytheisstood vigil over golden apples of Hesperides. [Gk. Myth.: LLEI, I: 327]eunuchcastrated guardian of Eastern harems. [Arab. Culture: Jobes, I, 530–531]Fafnirdragon guarding the Nibelung’s gold. [Ger. Opera: Wagner, Siegfried, Westerman, 240–241]fairy godmothermythical being who guards children from danger and rewards them for good deeds. [Folklore: Misc.]Faithful Eckhardtold man; warns people of death procession on Maundy Thursday. [Ger. Folklore: LLEI, I: 281]Feroherstutelary angels. [Persian Myth.: LLEI, I: 328]fiery swordsbrandished by cherubim safeguarding tree of life. [O.T.: Genesis 3:24]Fisher Kingguardian of the Grail. [Ger. Legend, Parzival; Arthurian Legend: Walsh Classical, 227]Fylgieguardian spirit assigned to each human for life. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 328]Garmferocious watchdog at gate of Hell. [Norse Myth.: LLEI, I: 328]guardian angelterm for Christian namesake who watches over a young child. [Christianity: Misc.]Heimdallguardian of Bifrost; distinguished for acute vision and hearing. [Norse Myth.: Leach, 488]Ladonhundred-headed dragon; guarded apples of the Hesperides. [Rom. Myth.: Zimmerman, 145]lionsleeps with eyes open. [Christian Symbolism: Appleton, 59]Mahub Alihorse-dealer in charge of Kim. [Br. Lit.: Kim]Nanagentle old dog; guards the Darling children. [Br. Lit.: Peter Pan]Palace Guard, thesobriquet for the zealous spokesmen-defenders of the Nixon Administration. [Am. Hist.: The Palace Guard]palladiuma “safeguard”; Troy believed safe while statue of Pallas Athene remained. [Gk. Lit.: Iliad; Espy, 40]ravenguardian of the dead. [Christian Folklore: Mercatante, 159]Swiss Guardspapal praetorian guard instituted by Julius II. [Ital. Hist.: Plumb, 218, 254]wyvernprotector of treasure and wealth. [Heraldry: Halberts, 40]


GUARDIANSHIP, persons. The power or protective authority given by law, and imposed on an individual who is free and in the enjoyment of his rights, over one whose weakness on account of his age, renders him unable to protect himself. Vide Tutor.



Legal responsibility by a non-parent for a minor child or mentally incompetent person. Guardianship may be designated by a parent, perhaps in a will, or a guardian may be appointed by a court. More than one guardian may be designated for a single person, each with his/her own areas of responsibility. For example, a child may live with one guardian while another is responsible for administering assets left to the child in his/her parent's estate.


  • noun

Synonyms for guardianship

noun the function of watching, guarding, or overseeing


  • care
  • charge
  • custody
  • keeping
  • superintendence
  • supervision
  • trust

Synonyms for guardianship

noun attention and management implying responsibility for safety


  • tutelage
  • care
  • charge

Related Words

  • protection
  • due care
  • ordinary care
  • reasonable care
  • foster care
  • great care
  • providence
  • slight care

noun the responsibility of a guardian or keeper


  • safekeeping
  • keeping

Related Words

  • hands
  • custody
  • duty
  • obligation
  • responsibility




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