Acronym | Definition |
IHD➣Ischemic Heart Disease |
IHD➣In-Home Display (utility information device) |
IHD➣Institute for Human Development (various locations) |
IHD➣Internal Hard Drive |
IHD➣Integrated Help Desk |
IHD➣in House Developed |
IHD➣Intermittent Hemodialysis |
IHD➣International Hydrological Decade |
IHD➣Insan Haklari Dernegi (Turkish: Human Rights Association) |
IHD➣Intramural Hematoma of the Esophagus |
IHD➣Investigations and Hearings Division (US FCC) |
IHD➣Intense Hurricane Days |
IHD➣International Help to the Disabled |
IHD➣Index of Hydrogen Deficiency |
IHD➣Irregular Heartbeat Detector |
IHD➣Intrahepatic Duct (bile duct within the liver) |
IHD➣In Home Devices |
IHD➣In-Home Detention (corrections) |
IHD➣Institute for Health & Disability |
IHD➣Intra Hepatic Duct(s) |
IHD➣Internal Help Desk |
IHD➣In-Home Date (postal term) |
IHD➣Implantable Hearing Device |
IHD➣Innovative Health Diagnostics (Strasbourg, France) |
IHD➣Integrated Handheld Device |