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hepatocholangiostomy hep·a·to·chol·an·gi·os·to·my (hep'ă-tō-kō-lan'jē-os'tŏ-mē), Creation of an opening into the common bile duct to establish drainage.hepatocholangiostomy (hĕp′ə-tō-kō-lăn′jē-ŏs′tə-mē)n. The surgical formation of an opening into the common bile duct to establish drainage.hep·a·to·cho·lan·gi·os·to·my (hep'ă-tō-kō-lan'jē-os'tŏ-mē) Creation of an opening into the common bile duct to establish drainage. hepatocholangiostomy (hĕp″ă-tō-kō-lăn-jē-ŏs′tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ″ + stoma, mouth] Establishing free drainage by making an opening into the hepatic bile duct. |