

单词 head



H0098000 (hĕd)n.1. a. The uppermost or forwardmost part of the body of a vertebrate, containing the brain and the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and jaws.b. The analogous part of an invertebrate organism.c. The length or height of such a part: The horse lost by a head. She is two heads taller than he is.2. The seat of the faculty of reason; intelligence, intellect, or mind: I did the figuring in my head.3. Mental ability or aptitude: She has a good head for mathematics.4. Freedom of choice or action: Give the child his head and see how well he solves the problems.5. Slang a. A habitual drug user. Often used in combination: a dopehead.b. An enthusiast. Often used in combination: a chilihead.6. A person considered foolish or contemptible. Often used in combination: a chowderhead.7. A portrait or representation of a person's head.8. often heads(used with a sing. verb) The side of a coin having the principal design, often the profile of a political leader's head.9. Informal A headache: had a bad head early this morning.10. a. An individual; a person: charged five dollars a head.b. pl. head A single animal: 20 head of cattle.11. a. A person who leads, rules, or is in charge; a leader, chief, or director: the head of the corporation.b. A headmaster or headmistress.12. The foremost or leading position: marched at the head of the parade.13. A headwaiter.14. a. The difference in depth of a liquid at two given points.b. The measure of pressure at the lower point expressed in terms of this difference.c. The pressure exerted by a liquid or gas: a head of steam.d. The liquid or gas exerting the pressure.15. The froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring an effervescent liquid, such as beer.16. The tip of an abscess, boil, or pimple, in which pus forms.17. A turning point; a crisis: bring matters to a head.18. a. A projection, weight, or fixture at the end of an elongated object: the head of a pin; a head of land overlooking the harbor.b. The working end of a tool or implement: the head of a hammer.c. The looped part at the end a lacrosse stick, to which the webbing is attached.d. The part of an explosive device that carries the explosive; a warhead.e. The part of a stringed instrument where the strings are wound; a tuning head.f. A tuning machine.19. Anatomy a. The rounded proximal end of a long bone: the head of the femur.b. The end of a muscle that is attached to the less movable part of the skeleton.20. a. An attachment to or part of a machine that holds or contains the operative device.b. The magnetic head of a tape recorder or VCR.c. The device in a magnetic disk or tape drive that enables it to read data from and write data to the disk or tape.21. A rounded compact mass, as of leaves or buds: a head of cabbage.22. Botany A flower head.23. The uppermost part; the top: Place the appropriate name at the head of each column.24. The end considered the most important: sat at the head of the table.25. Either end of an object, such as a drum, whose two ends are interchangeable.26. Nautical a. The forward part of a vessel.b. The top part or upper edge of a sail.27. A toilet, especially on a ship.28. A passage or gallery in a coal mine.29. Printing a. The top of a book or page.b. A headline or heading.c. A distinct topic or category: under the head of recent Spanish history.30. Headway; progress.31. Linguistics The word determining the grammatical category of a constituent, often establishing relations of concord or agreement (such as subject-verb agreement) with other constituents.32. Vulgar Slang Oral sex.adj.1. Of, relating to, or intended for the head. Often used in combination: headshaking; headwrap.2. Foremost in rank or importance: the head librarian.3. Placed at the top or the front: the head name on the list.4. Slang Of, relating to, or for drugs or drug users.v. head·ed, head·ing, heads v.tr.1. To be in charge of; lead: The minister headed the committee.2. To be in the first or foremost position of: Collins heads the list of job candidates.3. To aim, point, or turn in a certain direction: headed the team of horses up the hill.4. To remove the head or top of.5. Sports To hit (a soccer ball) in the air with one's head.6. To provide with a head: head each column with a number; headed the flagpole with a golden ball.v.intr.1. To proceed or go in a certain direction: head for town.2. To form a head, as lettuce or cabbage.3. To originate, as a stream or river; rise.Phrasal Verb: head off To block the progress or completion of; intercept: Try to head him off before he gets home. The town headed off the attempt to build another mall.Idioms: have a big/swelled head To be overly self-confident or conceited. head and shoulders above Far superior to: head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical capability. head over heels1. Rolling, as in a somersault: tripped and fell head over heels.2. Completely; hopelessly: head over heels in love. keep (one's) head To remain calm; remain in control of oneself. lose (one's) head To lose one's poise or self-control. off/out of (one's) head Crazy; deranged. on (one's) head As one's responsibility or fault: If this project fails, it's on your head. over (one's) head1. Beyond one's comprehension.2. Beyond one's financial means. put heads together To consult and plan together: Let's put our heads together and solve this problem.
[Middle English, from Old English hēafod; see kaput- in Indo-European roots.]


(hɛd) npl head1. (Anatomy) the upper or front part of the body in vertebrates, including man, that contains and protects the brain, eyes, mouth, and nose and ears when present. 2. (Anatomy) the corresponding part of an invertebrate animal3. something resembling a head in form or function, such as the top of a tool4. (Sociology) a. the person commanding most authority within a group, organization, etcb. (as modifier): head buyer. c. (in combination): headmaster. 5. the position of leadership or command: at the head of his class. 6. a. the most forward part of a thing; a part that juts out; front: the head of a queue. b. (as modifier): head point. 7. the highest part of a thing; upper end: the head of the pass. 8. (Brewing) the froth on the top of a glass of beer9. aptitude, intelligence, and emotions (esp in the phrases above or over one's head, have a head for, keep one's head, lose one's head, etc): she has a good head for figures; a wise old head. 10. a person or animal considered as a unit: the show was two pounds per head; six hundred head of cattle. 11. the head considered as a measure of length or height: he's a head taller than his mother. 12. (Botany) botany a. a dense inflorescence such as that of the daisy and other composite plantsb. any other compact terminal part of a plant, such as the leaves of a cabbage or lettuce13. a culmination or crisis (esp in the phrase bring or come to a head)14. (Pathology) the pus-filled tip or central part of a pimple, boil, etc15. the head considered as the part of the body on which hair grows densely: a fine head of hair. 16. (Physical Geography) the source or origin of a river or stream17. (Physical Geography) (capital when part of name) a headland or promontory, esp a high one18. (Currencies) the obverse of a coin, usually bearing a portrait of the head or a full figure of a monarch, deity, etc. Compare tail119. a main point or division of an argument, discourse, etc20. (Journalism & Publishing) (often plural) the headline at the top of a newspaper article or the heading of a section within an article21. (Nautical Terms) nautical a. the front part of a ship or boatb. (in sailing ships) the upper corner or edge of a sailc. the top of any spar or derrickd. any vertical timber cut to shapee. (often plural) a slang word for lavatory22. (Grammar) grammar another word for governor723. (Instruments) the taut membrane of a drum, tambourine, etc24. (General Physics) a. the height of the surface of liquid above a specific point, esp when considered or used as a measure of the pressure at that point: a head of four feet. b. pressure of water, caused by height or velocity, measured in terms of a vertical column of waterc. any pressure: a head of steam in the boiler. 25. (Pharmacology) slang a. a person who regularly takes drugs, esp LSD or cannabisb. (in combination): an acidhead; a pothead. 26. (Mining & Quarrying) mining a road driven into the coal face27. a. the terminal point of a routeb. (in combination): railhead. 28. (General Engineering) a device on a turning or boring machine, such as a lathe, that is equipped with one or more cutting tools held to the work by this device29. (Automotive Engineering) See cylinder head30. (Electronics) an electromagnet that can read, write, or erase information on a magnetic medium such as a magnetic tape, disk, or drum, used in computers, tape recorders, etc31. (Education) informal short for headmaster, headmistress, head teacher32. (Horse Racing) a. the head of a horse considered as a narrow margin in the outcome of a race (in the phrase win by a head)b. any narrow margin of victory (in the phrase (win) by a head)33. (Pathology) informal short for headache34. (Curling) curling the stones lying in the house after all 16 have been played35. (Bowls & Bowling) bowls the jack and the bowls that have been played considered together as a target area36. (Rugby) against the head rugby from the opposing side's put-in to the scrum37. bite someone's head off snap someone's head off to speak sharply and angrily to someone38. bring to a head come to a head a. to bring or be brought to a crisis: matters came to a head. b. (of a boil) to cause to be or be about to burst39. get it into one's head to come to believe (an idea, esp a whimsical one): he got it into his head that the earth was flat. 40. give head slang to perform fellatio41. give someone his head to allow a person greater freedom or responsibility42. (Horse Racing) give a horse its head to allow a horse to gallop by lengthening the reins43. go to one's head a. to make one dizzy or confused, as might an alcoholic drinkb. to make one conceited: his success has gone to his head. 44. head and shoulders above greatly superior to45. head over heels a. turning a complete somersaultb. completely; utterly (esp in the phrase head over heels in love)46. hold up one's head to be unashamed47. keep one's head to remain calm48. keep one's head above water to manage to survive a difficult experience49. make head to make progress50. make head or tail of (used with a negative) to attempt to understand (a problem, etc): he couldn't make head or tail of the case. 51. off one's head out of one's head slang insane or delirious52. off the top of one's head without previous thought; impromptu53. on one's head on one's own head at one's (own) risk or responsibility54. one's head off slang loudly or excessively: the baby cried its head off. 55. over someone's head a. without a person in the obvious position being considered, esp for promotion: the graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors. b. without consulting a person in the obvious position but referring to a higher authority: in making his complaint he went straight to the director, over the head of his immediate boss. c. beyond a person's comprehension56. put their heads together informal to consult together57. take it into one's head to conceive a notion, desire, or wish (to do something)58. turn heads to be so beautiful, unusual, or impressive as to attract a lot of attention59. turn something on its head stand something on its head to treat or present something in a completely new and different way: health care which has turned orthodox medicine on its head. 60. turn someone's head to make someone vain, conceited, etcvb61. (tr) to be at the front or top of: to head the field. 62. (often foll by: up) to be in the commanding or most important position63. (often foll by for) to go or cause to go (towards): where are you heading?. 64. (Nautical Terms) to turn or steer (a vessel) as specified: to head into the wind. 65. (Soccer) soccer to propel (the ball) by striking it with the head66. (tr) to provide with or be a head or heading: to head a letter; the quotation which heads chapter 6. 67. (Botany) (tr) to cut the top branches or shoots off (a tree or plant)68. (intr) to form a head, as a boil or plant69. (Physical Geography) (often foll by: in) (of streams, rivers, etc) to originate or rise in70. (Games, other than specified) head them Austral to toss the coins in a game of two-up[Old English hēafod; related to Old Norse haufuth, Old Frisian hāved, Old Saxon hōbid, Old High German houbit] ˈheadˌlike adj


(hɛd) n (Biography) Edith. 1907–81, US dress designer: won many Oscars for her Hollywood film costume designs



n. 1. the anterior or upper part of the vertebrate body, containing the skull with mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and brain. 2. the corresponding part of the body in invertebrates. 3. the head considered as the center of the intellect; mind; brain: a good head for mathematics. 4. the position or place of leadership, greatest authority, or honor. 5. a person to whom others are subordinate, as the director of an institution; leader or chief. 6. a person considered with reference to his or her mind, attributes, status, etc.: wise heads; crowned heads. 7. the part of anything that forms or is regarded as forming the top or upper end: head of a pin; head of a page. 8. the foremost part or front end of something or a forward projecting part: head of a procession. 9. the part of a weapon, tool, etc., used for striking: the head of a hammer. 10. a person or animal considered as one of a number, herd, or group: a dinner at $20 a head; ten head of cattle. 11. the approximate length of a horse's head, as indicating a margin of victory in a race. 12. a culminating point, usu. of a critical nature; crisis or climax: to bring matters to a head. 13. froth or foam at the top of a liquid: the head on beer. 14. a. any dense flower cluster or inflorescence. b. any other compact part of a plant, usu. at the top of the stem, as that composed of leaves in the cabbage. 15. the maturated part of an abscess, boil, etc. 16. a projecting point of a coast, esp. when high, as a cape, headland, or promontory. 17. Also, heads. the obverse of a coin, as bearing a head or other principal figure(opposed to tail). 18. one of the chief parts or points of a written or oral discourse. 19. something resembling a head in form or a representation of a head, as a piece of sculpture. 20. the source of a river or stream. 21. Slang. a. a habitual user of an illicit drug (often used in combination): an acid-head; a pothead. b. a fan or devotee (usu. used in combination): a punk-rock head; a chili head. 22. heads, alcohol produced during the initial fermentation. 23. headline. 24. a toilet or lavatory, esp. on a boat or ship. 25. a. the forepart of a vessel; bow. b. the upper edge of a quadrilateral sail. c. the upper corner of a jib-headed sail. 26. Gram. a. the member of an endocentric construction that can play the same grammatical role as the construction itself. b. the member of a construction upon which another member depends and to which it is subordinate. 27. the stretched membrane covering the end of a drum or similar musical instrument. 28. a level or road driven into solid coal for proving or working a mine. 29. any of various devices on machine tools for holding, moving, indexing, or changing tools or work, as the headstock or turret of a lathe. 30. (loosely) the pressure exerted by confined fluid: a head of steam. 31. a. the vertical distance between two points in a liquid, as water, or some other fluid. b. the pressure differential resulting from this separation, expressed in terms of the vertical distance between the points. 32. any of the parts of a tape recorder that record, play back, or erase magnetic signals on audiotape or videotape. adj. 33. first in rank or position; chief; leading; principal: a head official. 34. of or for the head (often used in combination): head covering; headgear. 35. situated at the top, front, or head of anything (often used in combination): headline; headboard. 36. moving or coming from a direction in front, as of a vessel: head tide. 37. Slang. of or pertaining to drugs, drug paraphernalia, or drug users. v.t. 38. to go at the head of or in front of; lead: to head a list. 39. to outdo or excel: to head one's competitors in a field. 40. to be the head or chief of (sometimes fol. by up): to head a school. 41. to direct the course of; turn the head or front of in a specified direction: I'll head the boat for the shore. 42. to go around the head of (a stream). 43. to furnish or fit with a head. 44. to take the head off; decapitate; behead. 45. to get in front of in order to stop, turn aside, attack, etc. 46. headline (def. 4). 47. to propel (a soccer ball) by striking it with the head, esp. with the forehead. v.i. 48. to move forward toward a point specified; go in a certain direction: to head toward town. 49. to form a head: Cabbage heads quickly. 50. (of a river or stream) to have the head or source where specified. 51. head off, to hinder the progress of; intercept. Idioms: 1. come to a head, a. to suppurate, as a boil. b. to reach a crisis; culminate. 2. get one's head together, to get oneself under control; become sensible. 3. give someone his or her head, to allow someone freedom of choice. 4. go to one's head, a. to overcome one with exhilaration, dizzyness, or intoxication. b. to fill one with conceit. 5. hang or hide one's head, to manifest shame. 6. head and shoulders, by an impressively great amount: head and shoulders above the rest in talent. 7. head over heels, a. headlong, as in a somersault. b. intensely; completely: head over heels in love. c. impulsively; carelessly: They plunged head over heels into the fighting. 8. head to head, in direct opposition or competition. 9. keep one's head, to remain calm and effective. 10. lay or put heads together, to meet in order to discuss, consult, or scheme. 11. lose one's head, to become uncontrolled or wildly excited. 12. make head(s) or tail(s) of, to understand or interpret to even a small extent (often used in the negative). 13. make heads roll, to dismiss numbers of employees or subordinates. 14. on one's head, as one's responsibility or fault. 15. out of one's head or mind, a. insane; crazy. b. delirious; irrational. 16. over one's head, beyond one's comprehension, ability, or resources. 17. turn someone's head, a. to make someone smug or conceited. b. to confuse someone. [before 900; Middle English he(v)ed, Old English hēafod, c. Old Saxon hōbid, Old High German houbit, Old Norse haufuth; akin to Old Norse hǫfoth, Latin caput]


a noun suffix of state or condition (godhead; maidenhead), occurring in words now mostly archaic or obsolete, many being superseded by forms in -hood. [Middle English -hede, Old English *-hǣdu, akin to -hād -hood]


n. Bessie, 1937–86, South African novelist.


See also anatomy; body, human.
brachycephalism, brachycephalythe condition of having a wide or broad head. — brachycephalic, brachycephalous, adj.bumpologya sarcastic term for phrenology. — bumpologist, n.cephalomancya form of divination involving measurement of the head.cephalometrythe science of measuring the dimensions of the human head. — cephalometer, n.cephalometric, cephalometrical, adj.craniologythe science that studies the size, shape, and other features of human skulls. — craniologist, n.craniologic, craniological, adj.craniometrythe science of measuring skulls. — craniometrist, n.craniometric, craniometrical, adj.cranioscopythe observation, examination, and description of the human skull. — cranioscopist, n.cranioscopic, cranioscopical, adj.craniotomythe surgical operation of opening the skull, as for an operation on the brain.dicephalism, dicephalythe state or condition of having two heads. — dicephalic, dicephalous, adj.dolichocephalism, dolicocephalythe condition of having a long or narrow head. — dolicephalic, dolicocephalous, adj.hypsicephalythe condition of very high vertical cranial development. — hypsicephalic, adj.isocephalism, isocephalythe characteristic of depicting heads of figures at the same level, as in a painting. — isocephalic, isocephalous, adj.macrocephalism, macrocephalya condition in which the head or cranial capacity is unusually large. — macrocephalic, macrocephalous, adj.orthocephalism, orthocephalythe condition of having an intermediate or medium relation between the height of the skull and its breadth or length. — orthocephalic,orthocephalous, adj.phrenologya system by which an analysis of character and of the development of faculties is attempted by studying the shape and protuberances of the skull. — phrenologist, n.phrenologic, phrenological, adj.plagiocephalism, plagiocephalya deformity of the skull in which one side is more developed in the front, and the other more developed in the rear. — plagiocephalic, plagiocephalous, adj.


 A collection of animals; an indefinite number; a bundle of flax or silk.Examples: head of blackmen, 1856; of cattle, 1667; of flax; of lambs, 1533; of pheasants, 1862; of rabbits, 1894; of sheep, 1533; of silk; of wolves, 1601.




  1. Great head and neck rising up like a howitzer shell from out of his six-button double-breasted, after the manner of the eternal Occupation Zone commandant —Tom Wolfe

    The man being profiled by Wolfe is Otto Preminger.

  2. Head like a hard apple —Hugh Walpole
  3. Head stiff and to the side like the bust of a minor Roman official —Cynthia Ozick
  4. A head too small for the size of his face, like an underinflated balloon —Sue Grafton
  5. Held his torso like a bit of classical rubble —Cynthia Ozick
  6. Her head looks as if it had worn out two bodies —American colloquialism attributed to New England
  7. His skull curved like a helmet above his deep-set blue eyes —Jonathan Valin

    In the novel, Life’s Work, Valin follows this with a sentence containing another simile: “His lower face fit into that helmet like a hardwood dowel driven in by a hammer.”

  8. A sleek, round head like an umbrella’s —Arthur Train


Past participle: headed
Gerund: heading
I head
you head
he/she/it heads
we head
you head
they head
I headed
you headed
he/she/it headed
we headed
you headed
they headed
Present Continuous
I am heading
you are heading
he/she/it is heading
we are heading
you are heading
they are heading
Present Perfect
I have headed
you have headed
he/she/it has headed
we have headed
you have headed
they have headed
Past Continuous
I was heading
you were heading
he/she/it was heading
we were heading
you were heading
they were heading
Past Perfect
I had headed
you had headed
he/she/it had headed
we had headed
you had headed
they had headed
I will head
you will head
he/she/it will head
we will head
you will head
they will head
Future Perfect
I will have headed
you will have headed
he/she/it will have headed
we will have headed
you will have headed
they will have headed
Future Continuous
I will be heading
you will be heading
he/she/it will be heading
we will be heading
you will be heading
they will be heading
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been heading
you have been heading
he/she/it has been heading
we have been heading
you have been heading
they have been heading
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been heading
you will have been heading
he/she/it will have been heading
we will have been heading
you will have been heading
they will have been heading
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been heading
you had been heading
he/she/it had been heading
we had been heading
you had been heading
they had been heading
I would head
you would head
he/she/it would head
we would head
you would head
they would head
Past Conditional
I would have headed
you would have headed
he/she/it would have headed
we would have headed
you would have headed
they would have headed
Noun1.head - the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animalshead - the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window"caputanimal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movementmuzzle - forward projecting part of the head of certain animals; includes the jaws and nosebody, organic structure, physical structure - the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"external body part - any body part visible externallyear - the sense organ for hearing and equilibriumarteria basilaris, basilar artery - an unpaired artery; supplies the pons and cerebellum and the back part of the cerebrum and the inner earbrain, encephalon - that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cordhuman head - the head of a human beingskull - the bony skeleton of the head of vertebratesface, human face - the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear; "he washed his face"; "I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news"temple - the flat area on either side of the forehead; "the veins in his temple throbbed"
2.head - a single domestic animal; "200 head of cattle"domestic animal, domesticated animal - any of various animals that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment
3.head - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelingshead - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"mind, psyche, nous, braincognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoningnoddle - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"tabula rasa - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)ego - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mindunconscious, unconscious mind - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unawaresubconscious, subconscious mind - psychic activity just below the level of awareness
4.head - a person who is in chargehead - a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation"chief, top dogleader - a person who rules or guides or inspires othersadministrator, executive - someone who manages a government agency or departmentadministrator, decision maker - someone who administers a businesscapo - the head of a branch of an organized crime syndicatedepartment head - the head of a departmentdon, father - the head of an organized crime familysuperior general, general - the head of a religious order or congregationgeneral manager - the highest ranking managergrand dragon - a high ranking person in the Ku Klux Klanhead of household - the head of a household or family or tribesecretary - a person who is head of an administrative department of government
5.head - the front of a military formation or procession; "the head of the column advanced boldly"; "they were at the head of the attack"armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"formation - an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"rear - the back of a military formation or procession; "infantrymen were in the rear"
6.head - the pressure exerted by a fluid; "a head of steam"force per unit area, pressure, pressure level - the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit); "the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure"
7.head - the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list"top - the upper part of anything; "the mower cuts off the tops of the grass"; "the title should be written at the top of the first page"foot - the lower part of anything; "curled up on the foot of the bed"; "the foot of the page"; "the foot of the list"; "the foot of the mountain"
8.head - the source of water from which a stream arises; "they tracked him back toward the head of the stream"headspring, fountainheadorigin, source, root, rootage, beginning - the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"
9.head - (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituenthead wordgrammar - the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)word - a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"
10.head - the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)tip, peak, point - a V shape; "the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points"abscess - symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
11.head - the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head; "he is two heads taller than his little sister"; "his horse won by a head"linear measure, linear unit - a unit of measurement of length
12.head - a dense cluster of flowers or foliage; "a head of cauliflower"; "a head of lettuce"capitulumplant organ - a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus
13.head - the educator who has executive authority for a schoolhead - the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"head teacher, school principal, principalchancellor - the honorary or titular head of a universityeducator, pedagog, pedagogue - someone who educates young peopleheadmaster, schoolmaster, master - presiding officer of a schoolheadmistress - a woman headmaster
14.head - an individual person; "tickets are $5 per head"individual - a single organism
15.head - a user of (usually soft) drugs; "the office was full of secret heads"colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speechacid head - someone who takes LSDdrug user, substance abuser, user - a person who takes drugshash head - a user of hashishpill head - a consumer of amphetamine pillspothead - someone who smokes marijuana habitually
16.head - a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)head - a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)foreland, headland, promontorymull - a term used in Scottish names of promontories; "the Mull of Kintyre"natural elevation, elevation - a raised or elevated geological formationpoint - a promontory extending out into a large body of water; "they sailed south around the point"
17.head - a rounded compact mass; "the head of a comet"object, physical object - a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow; "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects"
18.head - the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container; "the beer had a large head of foam"foam, froth - a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid; "the beer had a thick head of foam"
19.head - the part in the front or nearest the viewer; "he was in the forefront"; "he was at the head of the column"forefrontforepart, front, front end - the side that is forward or prominent
20.head - a difficult juncture; "a pretty pass"; "matters came to a head yesterday"straits, passjuncture, occasion - an event that occurs at a critical time; "at such junctures he always had an impulse to leave"; "it was needed only on special occasions"
21.head - forward movement; "the ship made little headway against the gale"headwayadvance, progression, progress - a movement forward; "he listened for the progress of the troops"
22.head - a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north"pointmark - a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation); "his answer was just a punctuation mark"arrow, pointer - a mark to indicate a direction or relation
23.head - the subject matter at issue; "the question of disease merits serious discussion"; "under the head of minor Roman poets"questionsubject, theme, topic - the subject matter of a conversation or discussion; "he didn't want to discuss that subject"; "it was a very sensitive topic"; "his letters were always on the theme of love"problem - a question raised for consideration or solution; "our homework consisted of ten problems to solve"matter of fact, question of fact - a disputed factual contention that is generally left for a jury to decidematter of law, question of law - a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to decide
24.head - a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is abouthead - a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"header, headingcrosshead, crossheading - a heading of a subsection printed within the body of the textheadline, newspaper headline - the heading or caption of a newspaper articlelemma - the heading that indicates the subject of an annotation or a literary composition or a dictionary entryrubric - a title or heading that is printed in red or in a special typerunning head, running headline - a heading printed at the top of every page (or every other page) of a booksubhead, subheading - a heading of a subdivision of a textstatute title, title, rubric - a heading that names a statute or legislative bill; may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with; "Title 8 provided federal help for schools"line - text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen; "the letter consisted of three short lines"; "there are six lines in every stanza"
25.head - the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint; "the head of the humerus"anatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure - a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure"
26.head - that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it movesanatomical structure, bodily structure, body structure, complex body part, structure - a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing; "he has good bone structure"skeletal muscle, striated muscle - a muscle that is connected at either or both ends to a bone and so move parts of the skeleton; a muscle that is characterized by transverse stripes
27.head - (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a diskread/write headcoil - reactor consisting of a spiral of insulated wire that introduces inductance into a circuitcomputer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
28.head - (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head; "call heads or tails!"obverse - the side of a coin or medal bearing the principal stamp or designplural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than onecoin - a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as moneytail - (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person's head
29.head - the striking part of a tool; "the head of the hammer"face - the striking or working surface of an implementclub head, clubhead, club-head, golf-club head - (golf) the head of the club which strikes the ballhammer - a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by strikinghammerhead - the striking part of a hammerram - a tool for driving or forcing something by impactstriker - the part of a mechanical device that strikes something
30.head - (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or shipjohn, lav, lavatory, privy, toilet, bathroom, can - a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
31.head - a projection out from one end; "the head of the nail", "a pinhead is the head of a pin"bolt - a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastenernail - a thin pointed piece of metal that is hammered into materials as a fastenerpin - a small slender (often pointed) piece of wood or metal used to support or fasten or attach thingspinhead - the head of a pinprojection - any structure that branches out from a central supportscrew - a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head
32.head - a membrane that is stretched taut over a drumdrumheaddrum, membranophone, tympan - a musical percussion instrument; usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each endmembrane - a thin pliable sheet of material
33.head - oral stimulation of the genitals; "they say he gives good head"oral sexsexual perversion, perversion - an aberrant sexual practice;cunnilinctus, cunnilingus - oral stimulation of the vulva or clitorisfellatio, fellation - oral stimulation of the penissixty-nine, soixante-neuf - oral sex practiced simultaneously by two people
Verb1.head - to go or travel towards; "where is she heading"; "We were headed for the mountains"go forward, proceed, continue - move ahead; travel onward in time or space; "We proceeded towards Washington"; "She continued in the direction of the hills"; "We are moving ahead in time now"take, make - head into a specified direction; "The escaped convict took to the hills"; "We made for the mountains"
2.head - be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?"leaddirect - be in charge ofchair, chairman - act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; "She chaired the department for many years"captain - be the captain of a sports teamspearhead - be the leader of; "She spearheaded the effort to find a cure for the disease"take charge, take control, take hold - assume control
3.head - travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John"leadprecede, lead - move ahead (of others) in time or spacedraw away - move ahead of (one's competitors) in a racehead up, head - be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel; "This student heads the class"
4.head - be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel; "This student heads the class"head uphead, lead - travel in front of; go in advance of others; "The procession was headed by John"be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
5.head - direct the coursehead - direct the course; determine the direction of travellingguide, maneuver, channelise, channelize, steer, manoeuver, manoeuvre, point, directdock - maneuver into a dock; "dock the ships"sheer - cause to sheer; "She sheered her car around the obstacle"pull over - steer a vehicle to the side of the road; "The car pulled over when the ambulance approached at high speed"helm - be at or take the helm of; "helm the ship"crab - direct (an aircraft) into a crosswindnavigate - direct carefully and safely; "He navigated his way to the altar"stand out - steer away from shore, of shipsstarboard - turn to the right, of helms or ruddersconn - conduct or direct the steering of a ship or planenavigate, pilot - act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"; "Who was navigating the ship during the accident?"canalise, canalize, channel - direct the flow of; "channel information towards a broad audience"tree, corner - force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escapepark - maneuver a vehicle into a parking space; "Park the car in front of the library"; "Can you park right here?"control, command - exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
6.head - take its rise; "These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas"arise, originate, spring up, uprise, develop, grow, rise - come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose"
7.head - be in the front of or on top of; "The list was headed by the name of the president"lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain positionsurmount - be on top of; "The scarf surmounted the gown"crown - form the topmost part of; "A weather vane crowns the building"
8.head - form a head or come or grow to a head; "The wheat headed early this year"form - assume a form or shape; "the water formed little beads"
9.head - remove the head of; "head the fish"remove, take away, withdraw, take - remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"


noun1. skull, crown, pate, bean (U.S. & Canad. slang), nut (slang), loaf (slang), cranium, conk (slang), noggin, noddle (informal, chiefly Brit.) She turned her head away from him.2. mind, reasoning, understanding, thought, sense, brain, brains (informal), intelligence, wisdom, wits, common sense, loaf (Brit. informal), intellect, rationality, grey matter, brainpower, mental capacity He was more inclined to use his head.3. ability, mind, talent, capacity, faculty, flair, mentality, aptitude I don't have a head for business.4. front, beginning, top, first place, fore, forefront the head of the queue5. forefront, cutting edge, vanguard, van his familiar position at the head of his field6. top, crown, summit, height, peak, crest, pinnacle, apex, vertex the head of the stairs7. (Informal) head teacher, principal, headmaster or headmistress full of admiration for the head and teachers8. leader, president, director, manager, chief, boss (informal), captain, master, premier, commander, principal, supervisor, superintendent, chieftain heads of government from more than 100 countries9. climax, crisis, turning point, culmination, end, conclusion These problems came to a head in September.10. source, start, beginning, rise, origin, commencement, well head the head of the river11. (Geography) headland, point, cape, promontory, foreland a ship off the beach headadjective1. chief, main, leading, first, highest, front, prime, premier, supreme, principal, arch, foremost, pre-eminent, topmost I had the head man out from the gas company.verb1. lead, precede, be the leader of, be or go first, be or go at the front of, lead the way The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right.2. top, lead, crown, cap Running a business heads the list of ambitions among interviewees.3. be in charge of, run, manage, lead, control, rule, direct, guide, command, govern, supervise He heads the department's Office of Civil Rights.do your head in (Informal) depress, dishearten, frustrate, discourage Living with my parents is doing my head in.from head to foot from top to toe, completely, all over, entirely, thoroughly scrubbed from head to footget something into your head realise, understand, get the message, take it in, twig (informal) Managers have at last got it into their heads.go over your head be baffling, be perplexing, be incomprehensible, be impenetrable, be beyond comprehension, be all Greek to you (informal), be above your head, be beyond your grasp A lot of the ideas went way over my head.go to your head1. intoxicate, befuddle, inebriate, addle, stupefy, fuddle, put (someone) under the table (informal) That wine was strong, it went to your head.2. make someone conceited, puff someone up, make someone full of themselves not a man to let a little success go to his headhead for something or someone make for, aim for, set off for, go to, turn to, set out for, make a beeline for, start towards, steer for He headed for the bus stop.head over heels completely, thoroughly, utterly, intensely, wholeheartedly, uncontrollably head over heels in lovehead someone off intercept, divert, deflect, cut someone off, interpose, block someone off He turned into the hallway and headed her off.head something off prevent, stop, avert, parry, fend off, ward off, forestall good at spotting trouble on the way and heading it offhead something up lead, run, head, control, manage, direct, guide, govern, supervise, be in charge of Judge Frederick Lacey headed up the investigation.keep your head stay calm, stay cool, remain unruffled, keep your shirt on (informal), maintain your equilibrium She was able to keep her head and not panic.lose your head panic, go to pieces, get hysterical, get flustered, lose your self-control, lose control of yourself, lose your composure She lost her head and started screaming at me.off your head (Informal) mad, insane, demented, nuts (slang), barmy (slang), deranged, out of your mind, gaga (informal) He's gone completely off his head.put your heads together (Informal) consult, confer, discuss, deliberate, talk (something) over, powwow, confab (informal), confabulate Everyone put their heads together and reached an arrangement.Related words
technical name caput
adjective capital, cephalic


noun1. The uppermost part of the body:noddle, pate, poll.Slang: bean, block, conk, dome, noggin, noodle, nut.2. The seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason:brain, mind.Informal: gray matter.3. An innate capability:aptitude, aptness, bent, faculty, flair, genius, gift, instinct, knack, talent, turn.4. One who is highest in rank or authority:boss, chief, chieftain, director, headman, hierarch, leader, master.Slang: honcho.Idiom: cock of the walk.5. Someone who directs and supervises workers:boss, director, foreman, foreperson, forewoman, manager, overseer, superintendent, supervisor, taskmaster, taskmistress.Informal: straw boss.Slang: chief.6. A mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid:foam, froth, lather, spume, suds, yeast.7. A decisive point:climacteric, crisis, crossroad (used in plural), exigence, exigency, juncture, pass, turning point, zero hour.8. A term or terms in large type introducing a text:heading, headline.adjectiveHaving or exercising authority:chief, principal.verb1. To have charge of (the affairs of others):administer, administrate, direct, govern, manage, run, superintend, supervise.2. To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, cast, direct, level, point, set, train, turn, zero in.Military: lay.3. To proceed in a specified direction:bear, go, make, set out, strike out.phrasal verb
head offTo block the progress of and force to change direction:cut off, intercept.


(hed) noun1. the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body. The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.2. a person's mind. An idea came into my head last night. 頭腦 头脑3. the height or length of a head. The horse won by a head. 一頭的距離 一头的距离4. the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc). Kings and presidents are heads of state; (also adjective) a head waiter; the head office. 首腦 首脑5. anything that is like a head in shape or position. the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers. 頭狀物 头状物体6. the place where a river, lake etc begins. the head of the Nile. 源頭 源头7. the top, or the top part, of anything. Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table. 上頭 上端8. the front part. He walked at the head of the procession. 前頭 最前面部分9. a particular ability or tolerance. He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures. 才智,容忍度 才智10. a headmaster or headmistress. You'd better ask the Head. 校長 校长11. (for) one person. This dinner costs $10 a head. 個人 个人12. a headland. Beachy Head.13. the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc. 啤酒泡沫 啤酒沫 verb1. to go at the front of or at the top of (something). The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list? 在...的前頭 在...的前头2. to be in charge of; to be the leader of. He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer. 領導,率領 率领3. (often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction. The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster! (使)往特定方向前進 (向特定方向)出发 4. to put or write something at the beginning of. His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'. 加上標題 在...上加标题5. (in football) to hit the ball with the head. He headed the ball into the goal. (足球)用頭頂球 (足球)用头顶球 -headed having (a certain number or type of) head(s). a two-headed monster; a bald-headed man. 有...頭的 有…头的ˈheader noun1. a fall or dive forwards. He slipped and took a header into the mud. 倒栽蔥落下或潛入 头朝下的一跳或跌落2. (in football) the act of hitting the ball with the head. He scored with a great header. (足球)頂球 (足球)用头顶球 ˈheading noun what is written at the top of a page etc. The teacher said that essays must have a proper heading. 標題 标题heads noun, adverb (on) the side of a coin with the head of a king, president etc on it. He tossed the penny and it came down heads. (印有頭像硬幣的)正面 (印有头像硬币的)正面 ˈheadache noun1. a pain in the head. Bright lights give me a headache. 頭痛 头痛2. something worrying. Lack of money is a real headache. 使煩憂的事 使头痛的(事) ˈheadband noun a strip of material worn round the head to keep one's hair off one's face. 束髮帶,頭帶 束发带ˈhead-dress noun something, usually ornamental, which is worn on, and covers, the head. The tribesmen were wearing head-dresses of fur and feathers. 頭飾 头巾,头饰 ˌheadˈfirst adverb with one's head in front or bent forward. He fell headfirst into a pool of water. 頭往前的 头向前的ˈheadgear noun anything that is worn on the head. Hats, caps and helmets are headgear. 帽子,戴在頭上的東西 帽子ˈheadlamp noun a headlight. 前頭燈 头灯,前灯 ˈheadland noun a point of land which sticks out into the sea. ˈheadlight noun a powerful light at or on the front of a car, lorry, train, ship, aeroplane etc. As it was getting dark, the driver switched on his headlights. 前頭燈 前灯ˈheadline noun the words written in large letters at the top of newspaper articles. I never read a paper in detail – I just glance at the headlines. 報紙頭條 大字标题ˈheadlines noun plural a brief statement of the most important items of news, on television or radio. the news headlines. 新聞頭條播報 新闻广播的摘要ˈheadlong adjective, adverb1. moving forwards or downwards, with one's head in front. a headlong dive into the pool of water; He fell headlong into a pool of water. 頭往前的/地 头向前的(地) 2. (done) without thought or delay, often foolishly. a headlong rush; He rushes headlong into disaster. 輕率的/地 轻率的(地) head louse a type of louse that infests the human head. 頭虱 头虱headˈmasterfeminine headˈmistress noun the person in charge of a school; the principal. 校長 校长ˌhead-ˈon adverb, adjective (usually of cars etc) with the front of one car etc hitting the front of another car etc. a head-on collision; The two cars crashed head-on. (汽車)正面衝撞 正面的(撞车) ˈheadphones noun plural (also ˈearphones) a pair of electronic instruments held over a person's ears, by a metal band over the head, which are connected to a radio. a set of headphones. 耳機 耳机ˌheadˈquarters noun singular or plural (often abbreviated to HQ (eitʃˈkjuː) noun) the place from which the chief officers or leaders of an organization (especially an army) direct and control the activities of that organization. During the election, his house was used as the campaign headquarters. 司令部, 總部 司令部,指挥部 ˈheadrest noun a sort of small cushion which supports a person's head, eg as fitted to a dentist's chair, a car seat. 頭墊 头靠,靠头之物 ˈheadscarf, ˈheadsquare nouns a usually square scarf worn by women over or round the head. 女人的頭巾 女人的头巾ˈheadstone noun a stone put at a grave, usually with the name of the dead person on it, the date of his birth and death etc. 墓石 墓石ˈheadstrong adjective (of people) difficult to persuade or control; always doing or wanting to do what they themselves want. a headstrong, obstinate child. 任性的,剛愎自用的 不受管束的,刚愎的 ˈheadwind noun a wind which is blowing towards one. 逆風 逆风above someone's head too difficult (for someone) to understand. His lecture was well above their heads. 深奧,難以理解 深奥,不易理解 go to someone's head1. (of alcohol) to make someone slightly drunk. Champagne always goes to my head. (酒)讓人微醺 (酒)冲上人的头脑 2. (of praise, success etc) to make someone arrogant, foolish etc. Don't let success go to your head. (讚美、成功等)讓某人沖昏頭 (赞美、成功等)冲昏某人的头脑 head off1. to make (a person, animal etc) change direction. One group of the soldiers rode across the valley to head the bandits off. 使(人、動物)掉頭轉向 拦截,使转向 2. to go in some direction. He headed off towards the river. 向某個方向走 向某个方向走head over heels1. completely. He fell head over heels in love. 完全地 完全地2. turning over completely; headfirst. He fell head over heels into a pond. 倒栽蔥 头朝下heads or tails? used when tossing a coin, eg to decide which of two people does, gets etc something. Heads or tails? Heads you do the dishes, tails I do them. (擲硬幣)正面或反面 (掷钱币时问)正面还是反面? keep one's head to remain calm and sensible in a crisis etc. 處變不驚 保持镇静lose one's head to become angry or excited, or to act foolishly in a crisis. 發怒,驚慌失措 慌乱,不知所措 make head or tail of to understand. I can't make head or tail of these instructions. 理解 理解make headway to make progress. We're not making much headway with this new scheme. 往前推進 前进,取得进展 off one's head mad. You must be off your head to work for nothing. 瘋了 失常


头zhCN, 领头zhCN, 首脑zhCN


*(big) head

a hangover. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) Oh, man, that booze gave me a big head! Tom has a head this morning and won't be coming into work.

(a) head

 and per head[for] a person; [for] an individual. How much do you charge per head for dinner? It costs four dollars a head.


1. n. a headache. Music that loud gives me a head. 2. and a head n. a hangover. (Always with a in this sense.) How do you get rid of a head so you can go to work? 3. n. a toilet; a restroom. (Originally nautical. Usually with the.) Ralph is in the head. He’ll be back in a minute. 4. n. a member of the drug culture; a hippie or a person who drops out of mainstream society because of drug use. (From the 1960s and 1970s.) You still see a few heads around, even today. 5. n. a smart person; an intellectual person. I’m no head, but I am sure you made a mistake in your addition.
  • (as) cross as a bear with a sore head
  • (one's) eyes are popping out of (one's) head
  • (one's) eyes pop out of (one's) head
  • (one's) head off
  • (one's) head on a plate/platter
  • (the) last (one) heard
  • a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
  • a bean head
  • a big head
  • a cool head
  • a hard head
  • a head
  • a head of steam
  • a head start
  • a head-scratcher
  • a kick in the head
  • a light bulb goes off in (one's) head
  • a light bulb goes on in (one's) head
  • a price on (one's) head
  • a price on head
  • a price on somebody's head
  • a price on someone's head
  • a roof over your head
  • a rush of blood
  • a sore head
  • a still tongue makes a wise head
  • a thick head
  • a/per head
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one)
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
  • able to do (something) standing on (one's) head
  • able to do blindfolded
  • above (one's) head
  • above (someone's) head
  • above your head
  • above/over somebody's head
  • airhead
  • all in (one's) head
  • an old head on young shoulders
  • banana-head
  • bang (one's) head against a brick wall
  • bang (one's) head against a wall
  • bang (people's) heads together
  • bang people's heads together
  • bang your head against a brick wall
  • bang your/their/our heads together
  • bang/knock your/their heads together
  • be banging (one's) head against a brick wall
  • be banging your head against a brick wall
  • be banging, etc. your head against a brick wall
  • be hanging over (one's) head
  • be hanging over your head
  • be head over heels (in love)
  • be hitting (one's) head against a (brick) wall
  • be in over (one's) head
  • be laughing (one's) head off
  • be laughing your head off
  • be like a bear with a sore head
  • be not right in the head
  • be on (one's) (own) head
  • be on someone's head
  • be out of (one's) head
  • be running around like a headless chicken
  • be scratching (one's) head
  • be scratching your head
  • be shouting (one's) head off
  • be shouting your head off
  • be soft in the head
  • be/go soft in the head
  • bean head
  • beat (one's) head against a stone wall
  • beat (one's) head against a/the wall
  • beat (something) into (someone's) head
  • beat head against the wall
  • beat into one's head
  • beat one's head against the wall
  • beat one's head against the wall, to
  • beef-head
  • Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
  • big head, have a
  • bighead
  • bite (one's) head off
  • bite head off
  • bite someone's head off
  • bite someone's head off, to
  • bite/snap somebody's head off
  • bless your pointy little head
  • blockhead
  • bonehead
  • born with a caul on (one's) head
  • bother (one's) (pretty little) head about (something)
  • bother head about
  • bring (something) down on (one's) head
  • bring (something) to a head
  • bring something/come to a head
  • bring to a head
  • bubblehead
  • bud head
  • build up a head of steam
  • build up/work up, etc. a head of steam
  • bump heads with
  • bury (one's) head in the sand
  • bury head in the sand
  • bury your head in the sand
  • bury/hide one's head in the sand, to
  • bury/hide your head in the sand
  • butt heads
  • butt-head
  • by a short head
  • by the (unit)
  • cabbagehead
  • can do something standing on your head
  • cannot make head or tail of something
  • can't make head nor tail of (someone or something)
  • can't make head or tail of
  • can't make head or/nor tail of something
  • can't make heads nor tails of (someone or something)
  • can't make heads or tails (out) of (someone or something)
  • can't make heads or tails of
  • C-head
  • cheesehead
  • chowderhead
  • clunkhead
  • cokehead
  • come into (one's) head
  • come to a head
  • come to a head, to
  • come up heads
  • conehead
  • cool head
  • cooler heads prevail
  • cooler heads will prevail
  • cop a head
  • cough (one's) head off
  • cough head off
  • could (do something) standing on (one's) head
  • count heads
  • count noses
  • crackhead
  • crazy in the head
  • cross as a bear
  • cylinder head
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one)
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one's) head
  • deadhead
  • dinghead
  • do (one's) head in
  • do (something) standing on (one's) head
  • do blindfolded
  • do somebody's head in
  • do someone's head in
  • do something standing on your head
  • do your head in
  • don't worry your (pretty little) head about it
  • Don't worry your head about it
  • dough head
  • dough-head
  • drughead
  • drum (something) into (someone's) head
  • drum (something) into one's head, to
  • dumbhead
  • egghead
  • enter (one's) head
  • enter one's mind
  • enter somebody's head
  • enter someone's head
  • eyes in the back of (one's) head
  • eyes in the back of one's head, have
  • eyes in the back of one's head, to have
  • eyes in the back of your head
  • face head-on
  • fall head over heels
  • fall head over heels in love
  • fall head over heels in love with (someone)
  • fathead
  • fill (one's) head with (something)
  • fill head with
  • flathead
  • fling (one's) head back
  • fling (oneself) at (someone's) head
  • fling head back
  • fling oneself at someone
  • from head to foot
  • from head to foot/toe
  • from head to heels
  • from head to toe
  • from head/top to heels/toe/foot
  • full speed ahead
  • funny in the head
  • garbagehead
  • get (one's) head above water
  • get (one's) head around (something)
  • get (one's) head down
  • get (one's) head examined
  • get (one's) head together
  • get (something) into (one's) head
  • get (something) through (someone's) head
  • get a big head
  • get a price on (one's) head
  • get head above water and have head above water
  • get head together
  • get in over (one's) head
  • get into (one's) head
  • get into one's head
  • get into someone's head
  • get one’s act together
  • get one’s head together
  • get one's head examined
  • get out of mind
  • get something into your/somebody's head
  • get through one's head
  • get through thick skull
  • get up a (full) head of steam
  • get up a head of steam
  • get your head around something
  • get your head down
  • get your head out of the clouds
  • Get your head out of the clouds!
  • get your head round something
  • get/take it into your head that...
  • ginhead
  • give (one) (one's) head
  • give (one) a heads up
  • give (one) head
  • give (one's) head for the washing
  • give (someone) a big head
  • give head
  • give somebody their head
  • give someone his or her head
  • give someone his/her head, to
  • give someone their head
  • give your head a shake
  • Go chase yourself!
  • go fly a kite
  • go head to head
  • go off
  • go off one's chump/head/rocker, to
  • go over (one's) head
  • go over someone's head
  • go soak your head
  • Go soak your head!
  • go soft in the head
  • go south
  • go to (one's) head
  • go to head
  • go to one's head
  • go to one's head, to
  • go to your head
  • good head on one's shoulders, have a
  • good head on one's shoulders, to have a
  • goophead
  • grasshead
  • gumbyhead
  • hammer (something) into (one's) head
  • hand (one) (one's) head
  • hang (one's) head
  • hang one's head
  • hang over
  • hang over (one's) head
  • hang over somebody's head
  • hang your head
  • hard head
  • harder than the back of God's head
  • harm a hair on (one's) head
  • hash-head
  • have (one's) head above water
  • have (one's) head examined
  • have (one's) head in the clouds
  • have (one's) head in the sand
  • have (one's) head read
  • have (one's) head screwed on (right)
  • have (someone's) blood on (one's) head
  • have (something) hanging over (one's) head
  • have a (sudden) rush of blood to the head
  • have a big head
  • have a clear head
  • have a fat head
  • have a good head on (one's) shoulders
  • have a good head on shoulders
  • have a good head on your shoulders
  • have a gun to (one's) head
  • have a gun to your head
  • have a hard head
  • have a head
  • have a head for
  • have a head for (something)
  • have a head for figures
  • have a head for heights
  • have a head start
  • have a light bulb go off (in (one's) head)
  • have a light bulb go on (in (one's) head)
  • have a price on (one's) head
  • have a rush of blood to the head
  • have a screw loose
  • have a swelled head
  • have a swollen head
  • have a thick head
  • have eyes in the back of (one's) head
  • have eyes in the back of head
  • have eyes in the back of your head
  • have got rocks in (one's) head
  • have hanging over head
  • have head in the clouds
  • have one's head screwed on right
  • have rocks in (one's) head
  • have rocks in head
  • have rocks in one’s head
  • have windmills in (one's) head
  • have your head in the clouds
  • have your head screwed on
  • have/keep a clear head
  • hay burner
  • hay head
  • he wears a $10 hat on a five-cent head
  • He wears a ten-dollar hat on a five-cent head
  • head
  • head (someone or something) off at the pass
  • head above water, keep one's
  • head and shoulders above
  • head and shoulders above (someone or something)
  • head and shoulders above somebody/something
  • head and shoulders above someone/something
  • head and shoulders above, to be
  • head at
  • head away from
  • head away from (someone or something)
  • head back
  • head canon
  • head cook and bottle washer
  • head drug
  • head first
  • head for
  • head for (someone or something)
  • head for (the) tall timber
  • head for a fall
  • head for tall timber
  • head for the hills
  • head for the last roundup
  • head for the setting sun
  • head honcho
  • head hunt
  • head hunter
  • head in
  • head in the clouds
  • head in the clouds, have one's
  • head in the clouds, to have one's
  • head into
  • head into (something)
  • head north/south
  • head off
  • head off at the pass
  • head off to (some place)
  • head on
  • head out
  • head out after
  • head out after (someone or something)
  • head over heels
  • head over heels (in love), to be/fall
  • head over heels in debt
  • head over heels in love
  • head someone or something off at the pass
  • head south
  • head start
  • head the ball
  • head the bill
  • head to head
  • head to toe
  • head toward
  • head toward (someone or something)
  • head trip
  • head up
  • head/top the bill
  • headbone
  • headbutter
  • headcase
  • headfirst
  • headfucker
  • headhunt
  • head-job
  • head-on
  • heads I win, tails you lose
  • heads or tails
  • Heads or tails?
  • heads up
  • Heads up!
  • heads will roll
  • head-spinningly
  • head-to-foot
  • head-to-head
  • head-to-toe
  • heap coals of fire on (one's) head
  • heap coals of fire on someone's head
  • heap scorn on (one's) head
  • helium head
  • hide (one's) head
  • hide (one's) head in the sand
  • hide one's face
  • hide one's head in the sand
  • hit the bull's-eye
  • hit the nail (right) on the head
  • hit the nail on the head
  • hit the nail on the head, to
  • hold (one's) head (up) high
  • hold (one's) head up
  • hold a gun to (one's) head
  • hold a gun to head
  • hold a gun to someone's head
  • hold a pistol to (one's) head
  • hold head up
  • hold one's head high
  • hold your head high
  • hold your head up
  • hold/put a gun to somebody's head
  • hooch head
  • hooch hound
  • hophead
  • hot head
  • hothead
  • I'll knock your block/head off!
  • in deep
  • in over (one's) head
  • in over head
  • in over one's head
  • in over one's head, to be
  • in over your head
  • I've seen better heads on nickel beers
  • keep (one's) head
  • keep (one's) head above water
  • keep (one's) head below the parapet
  • keep (one's) head down
  • keep (one's) head on a swivel
  • keep (something) straight (in one's mind/head)
  • keep a civil tongue in (one's) head
  • keep a civil tongue in one's head
  • keep a civil tongue in your head
  • keep a clear head
  • keep a cool head
  • keep a level head
  • keep cool
  • keep head
  • keep head above water
  • keep one’s head right
  • keep one's head
  • keep one's head above water, to
  • keep your head
  • keep your head above water
  • keep your head down
  • King Charles's head
  • knock (one's) block off
  • knock (one's) head against a (brick) wall
  • knock (one's) head against a/the wall
  • knock (one's) head off
  • knock (people's) heads together
  • knock (someone or something) on the head
  • knock head against a brick wall
  • knock people's heads together
  • knock some heads together
  • knock someone or something on the head
  • knock something on the head
  • knock your/their/our heads together
  • lardhead
  • laugh (one's) head off
  • laugh head off
  • laugh your head off
  • lay (one's) head on the block
  • lay (one's) neck on the block
  • lay (our/your/their) heads together
  • let (one) have (one's) head
  • let (one's) heart rule (one's) head
  • let your heart rule your head
  • like a bear with a sore head
  • like a chicken with its head cut off
  • like a chicken with its head cut off, (run about)
  • live in (someone's) head rent-free
  • live rent-free in (one's) head
  • lose (one's) head
  • lose head
  • lose one's head
  • lose one's head, to
  • lose your head
  • love-tooth in the head
  • make (one's) head spin
  • make (one's) head swim
  • make head or tail (out) of (someone or something)
  • make head or tail of
  • make head or tail of something, to be unable to
  • make head swim
  • make heads or tails (out) of (someone or something)
  • make heads or tails of
  • make heads roll
  • make one's head spin
  • meathead
  • meet head-on
See head
See head
See head
See head
See head
See head
FinancialSeeCaputSee HD


HEADHigh Energy Astrophysics Division (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; Cambridge, Massachusetts)
HEADHigher Education and Development (USAID; US-Iraqi college and university partnership program grants)
HEADHigh Energy Astrophysics Division (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
HEADHealth Alliance for Democracy
HEADHedonistic Eye Art and Design
HEADHand-held Encryption Authentication Device


Related to head: Head pressure
  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for head

noun skull


  • skull
  • crown
  • pate
  • bean
  • nut
  • loaf
  • cranium
  • conk
  • noggin
  • noddle

noun mind


  • mind
  • reasoning
  • understanding
  • thought
  • sense
  • brain
  • brains
  • intelligence
  • wisdom
  • wits
  • common sense
  • loaf
  • intellect
  • rationality
  • grey matter
  • brainpower
  • mental capacity

noun ability


  • ability
  • mind
  • talent
  • capacity
  • faculty
  • flair
  • mentality
  • aptitude

noun front


  • front
  • beginning
  • top
  • first place
  • fore
  • forefront

noun forefront


  • forefront
  • cutting edge
  • vanguard
  • van

noun top


  • top
  • crown
  • summit
  • height
  • peak
  • crest
  • pinnacle
  • apex
  • vertex

noun head teacher


  • head teacher
  • principal
  • headmaster or headmistress

noun leader


  • leader
  • president
  • director
  • manager
  • chief
  • boss
  • captain
  • master
  • premier
  • commander
  • principal
  • supervisor
  • superintendent
  • chieftain

noun climax


  • climax
  • crisis
  • turning point
  • culmination
  • end
  • conclusion

noun source


  • source
  • start
  • beginning
  • rise
  • origin
  • commencement
  • well head

noun headland


  • headland
  • point
  • cape
  • promontory
  • foreland

adj chief


  • chief
  • main
  • leading
  • first
  • highest
  • front
  • prime
  • premier
  • supreme
  • principal
  • arch
  • foremost
  • pre-eminent
  • topmost

verb lead


  • lead
  • precede
  • be the leader of
  • be or go first
  • be or go at the front of
  • lead the way

verb top


  • top
  • lead
  • crown
  • cap

verb be in charge of


  • be in charge of
  • run
  • manage
  • lead
  • control
  • rule
  • direct
  • guide
  • command
  • govern
  • supervise

phrase do your head in


  • depress
  • dishearten
  • frustrate
  • discourage

phrase from head to foot


  • from top to toe
  • completely
  • all over
  • entirely
  • thoroughly

phrase get something into your head


  • realise
  • understand
  • get the message
  • take it in
  • twig

phrase go over your head


  • be baffling
  • be perplexing
  • be incomprehensible
  • be impenetrable
  • be beyond comprehension
  • be all Greek to you
  • be above your head
  • be beyond your grasp

phrase go to your head: intoxicate


  • intoxicate
  • befuddle
  • inebriate
  • addle
  • stupefy
  • fuddle
  • put (someone) under the table

phrase go to your head: make someone conceited


  • make someone conceited
  • puff someone up
  • make someone full of themselves

phrase head for something or someone


  • make for
  • aim for
  • set off for
  • go to
  • turn to
  • set out for
  • make a beeline for
  • start towards
  • steer for

phrase head over heels


  • completely
  • thoroughly
  • utterly
  • intensely
  • wholeheartedly
  • uncontrollably

phrase head someone off


  • intercept
  • divert
  • deflect
  • cut someone off
  • interpose
  • block someone off

phrase head something off


  • prevent
  • stop
  • avert
  • parry
  • fend off
  • ward off
  • forestall

phrase head something up


  • lead
  • run
  • head
  • control
  • manage
  • direct
  • guide
  • govern
  • supervise
  • be in charge of

phrase keep your head


  • stay calm
  • stay cool
  • remain unruffled
  • keep your shirt on
  • maintain your equilibrium

phrase lose your head


  • panic
  • go to pieces
  • get hysterical
  • get flustered
  • lose your self-control
  • lose control of yourself
  • lose your composure

phrase off your head


  • mad
  • insane
  • demented
  • nuts
  • barmy
  • deranged
  • out of your mind
  • gaga

phrase put your heads together


  • consult
  • confer
  • discuss
  • deliberate
  • talk (something) over
  • powwow
  • confab
  • confabulate

Synonyms for head

noun the uppermost part of the body


  • noddle
  • pate
  • poll
  • bean
  • block
  • conk
  • dome
  • noggin
  • noodle
  • nut

noun the seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason


  • brain
  • mind
  • gray matter

noun an innate capability


  • aptitude
  • aptness
  • bent
  • faculty
  • flair
  • genius
  • gift
  • instinct
  • knack
  • talent
  • turn

noun one who is highest in rank or authority


  • boss
  • chief
  • chieftain
  • director
  • headman
  • hierarch
  • leader
  • master
  • honcho

noun someone who directs and supervises workers


  • boss
  • director
  • foreman
  • foreperson
  • forewoman
  • manager
  • overseer
  • superintendent
  • supervisor
  • taskmaster
  • taskmistress
  • straw boss
  • chief

noun a mass of bubbles in or on the surface of a liquid


  • foam
  • froth
  • lather
  • spume
  • suds
  • yeast

noun a decisive point


  • climacteric
  • crisis
  • crossroad
  • exigence
  • exigency
  • juncture
  • pass
  • turning point
  • zero hour

noun a term or terms in large type introducing a text


  • heading
  • headline

adj having or exercising authority


  • chief
  • principal

verb to have charge of (the affairs of others)


  • administer
  • administrate
  • direct
  • govern
  • manage
  • run
  • superintend
  • supervise

verb to move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something


  • aim
  • cast
  • direct
  • level
  • point
  • set
  • train
  • turn
  • zero in
  • lay

verb to proceed in a specified direction


  • bear
  • go
  • make
  • set out
  • strike out

phrase head off: to block the progress of and force to change direction


  • cut off
  • intercept

Synonyms for head

noun the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals


  • caput

Related Words

  • animal
  • animate being
  • beast
  • creature
  • fauna
  • brute
  • muzzle
  • body
  • organic structure
  • physical structure
  • external body part
  • ear
  • arteria basilaris
  • basilar artery
  • brain
  • encephalon
  • human head
  • skull
  • face
  • human face
  • temple

noun a single domestic animal

Related Words

  • domestic animal
  • domesticated animal

noun that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings


  • mind
  • psyche
  • nous
  • brain

Related Words

  • cognition
  • knowledge
  • noesis
  • noddle
  • tabula rasa
  • ego
  • unconscious
  • unconscious mind
  • subconscious
  • subconscious mind

noun a person who is in charge


  • chief
  • top dog

Related Words

  • leader
  • administrator
  • executive
  • decision maker
  • capo
  • department head
  • don
  • father
  • superior general
  • general
  • general manager
  • grand dragon
  • head of household
  • secretary

noun the front of a military formation or procession

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • formation


  • rear

noun the pressure exerted by a fluid

Related Words

  • force per unit area
  • pressure
  • pressure level

noun the top of something

Related Words

  • top


  • foot

noun the source of water from which a stream arises


  • headspring
  • fountainhead

Related Words

  • origin
  • source
  • root
  • rootage
  • beginning

noun (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent


  • head word

Related Words

  • grammar
  • word

noun the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)

Related Words

  • tip
  • peak
  • point
  • abscess

noun the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head

Related Words

  • linear measure
  • linear unit

noun a dense cluster of flowers or foliage


  • capitulum

Related Words

  • plant organ

noun the educator who has executive authority for a school


  • head teacher
  • school principal
  • principal

Related Words

  • chancellor
  • educator
  • pedagog
  • pedagogue
  • headmaster
  • schoolmaster
  • master
  • headmistress

noun an individual person

Related Words

  • individual

noun a user of (usually soft) drugs

Related Words

  • colloquialism
  • acid head
  • drug user
  • substance abuser
  • user
  • hash head
  • pill head
  • pothead

noun a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea)


  • foreland
  • headland
  • promontory

Related Words

  • mull
  • natural elevation
  • elevation
  • point

noun a rounded compact mass

Related Words

  • object
  • physical object

noun the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container

Related Words

  • foam
  • froth

noun the part in the front or nearest the viewer


  • forefront

Related Words

  • forepart
  • front
  • front end

noun a difficult juncture


  • straits
  • pass

Related Words

  • juncture
  • occasion

noun forward movement


  • headway

Related Words

  • advance
  • progression
  • progress

noun a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer


  • point

Related Words

  • mark
  • arrow
  • pointer

noun the subject matter at issue


  • question

Related Words

  • subject
  • theme
  • topic
  • problem
  • matter of fact
  • question of fact
  • matter of law
  • question of law

noun a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about


  • header
  • heading

Related Words

  • crosshead
  • crossheading
  • headline
  • newspaper headline
  • lemma
  • rubric
  • running head
  • running headline
  • subhead
  • subheading
  • statute title
  • title
  • line

noun the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint

Related Words

  • anatomical structure
  • bodily structure
  • body structure
  • complex body part
  • structure

noun that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves

Related Words

  • anatomical structure
  • bodily structure
  • body structure
  • complex body part
  • structure
  • skeletal muscle
  • striated muscle

noun (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk


  • read/write head

Related Words

  • coil
  • computer science
  • computing

noun (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person's head

Related Words

  • obverse
  • plural
  • plural form
  • coin


  • tail

noun the striking part of a tool

Related Words

  • face
  • club head
  • clubhead
  • club-head
  • golf-club head
  • hammer
  • hammerhead
  • ram
  • striker

noun (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship

Related Words

  • john
  • lav
  • lavatory
  • privy
  • toilet
  • bathroom
  • can

noun a projection out from one end

Related Words

  • bolt
  • nail
  • pin
  • pinhead
  • projection
  • screw

noun a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum


  • drumhead

Related Words

  • drum
  • membranophone
  • tympan
  • membrane

noun oral stimulation of the genitals


  • oral sex

Related Words

  • sexual perversion
  • perversion
  • cunnilinctus
  • cunnilingus
  • fellatio
  • fellation
  • sixty-nine
  • soixante-neuf

verb to go or travel towards

Related Words

  • go forward
  • proceed
  • continue
  • take
  • make

verb be in charge of


  • lead

Related Words

  • direct
  • chair
  • chairman
  • captain
  • spearhead
  • take charge
  • take control
  • take hold

verb travel in front of


  • lead

Related Words

  • precede
  • lead
  • draw away
  • head up
  • head

verb be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel


  • head up

Related Words

  • head
  • lead
  • be

verb direct the course


  • guide
  • maneuver
  • channelise
  • channelize
  • steer
  • manoeuver
  • manoeuvre
  • point
  • direct

Related Words

  • dock
  • sheer
  • pull over
  • helm
  • crab
  • navigate
  • stand out
  • starboard
  • conn
  • pilot
  • canalise
  • canalize
  • channel
  • tree
  • corner
  • park
  • control
  • command

verb take its rise

Related Words

  • arise
  • originate
  • spring up
  • uprise
  • develop
  • grow
  • rise

verb be in the front of or on top of

Related Words

  • lie
  • surmount
  • crown

verb form a head or come or grow to a head

Related Words

  • form

verb remove the head of

Related Words

  • remove
  • take away
  • withdraw
  • take




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