Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area
Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area
Location:On Queen Kaahumanu Highway (Highway 19), 2.3 miles south of Kawaihae.
Facilities:A-frame shelters with pavilion and comfort stations (cold showers and restrooms), picnic areas, food concession, beach, trails.
Activities:Swimming, bodysurfing, other beach activities.
Special Features:Hapuna is a landscaped beach park offering a variety of beachactivities, but visitors are cautioned to be aware of dangerous ripcurrents and pounding shore breaks during periods of high surf. Thesite also offers access to the historic coastal trail, Ala Kahakai.
Address:c/o Hawaii District Office
PO Box 936
Hilo, HI 96721
Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/hawaii.html
Size: 62 acres.
See other parks in Hawaii.