BGVBackground Verification
BGVBackground Video (music)
BGVBundesverband für Gesundheitsinformation und Verbraucherschutz (German: Federal Association of Health and Consumer Information)
BGVBergischer Geschichtsverein (German: Bergischer Historical Association; Bergisches Land, Germany)
BGVBackground Vocal (music)
BGVBateau à Grande Vitesse (French: Fast Boat)
BGVBoost Glide Vehicle
BGVBretagne Grande Vitesse (French: High Speed Britain; high speed train project)
BGVBébé Grandit Vite (French: Baby Grows Quickly; consignment shop)
BGVBlood Glucose Value
BGVBelow Ground Vault
BGVBavis Gam Vidyalaya
BGVBassett Griffon Vendeen (UK dog breed club)
BGVBanda de Gaites Villaviciosa-El Gaitero (band)
BGVBiogas Vehicle