Acronym | Definition |
ICOR➣International Consortium for Organizational Resilience (Lombard, IL) |
ICOR➣Incremental Capital-Output Ratio |
ICOR➣First Corinthians |
ICOR➣Interfaith Committee of Remembrance (New York, NY) |
ICOR➣Infantry Combat Regiment (US Army; Korean war era) |
ICOR➣Intelligent Cost Reduction |
ICOR➣Intergovernmental Conference on Oceanic Research |
ICOR➣Islamic Center of Redmond (Redmond, WA) |
ICOR➣Interagency Council for Ocean Resources |
ICOR➣Input, Control, Output, Resource |
ICOR➣Israel Chamber Orchestra of Ramat-gan |
ICOR➣Institute of Clinical Outcomes Research |