Hunter-Schreger bands

Hun·ter-Schre·ger bands

(hŭn'tĕr shrā'gĕr), alternating light and dark lines seen in enamel of the tooth that begin at the dentoenamel junction and end before they reach the enamel surface; they may represent areas of enamel rods cut in cross-sections dispersed between areas of rods cut longitudinally. Synonym(s): Hunter-Schreger lines, Schreger lines


John, Scottish surgeon, anatomist, physiologist, and pathologist, 1728-1793. Hunter canal - the space in the middle third of the thigh that gives passage to the femoral vessels and saphenous nerve. Synonym(s): adductor canalHunter gubernaculum - an obsolete term for gubernaculum testis.hunterian chancre - chancre resulting from syphilis.hunterian perforatorHunter operation - ligation of the artery proximal and distal to an aneurysm.Hunter-Schreger bands - alternating light and dark lines seen in dental enamel. Synonym(s): Hunter-Schreger lines; Schreger linesHunter-Schreger lines - Synonym(s): Hunter-Schreger bands


Christian H.T., German anatomist and chemist, 1768-1833. Hunter-Schreger bands - see under Hunter, JohnHunter-Schreger lines - Synonym(s): Hunter-Schreger bandsSchreger lines - Synonym(s): Hunter-Schreger bands

Hun·ter-Schre·ger bands

(hŭn'tĕr shrā'gĕr bandz) Alternating light and dark lines seen in tooth enamel that begin at the dentoenamel junction and end before they reach enamel surface; may represent areas of enamel rods cut in cross-sections dispersed between areas of rods cut longitudinally.