

单词 hdgc



Abbreviation for human diploid cell vaccine; human diploid cell rabies vaccine.


(vak-sen', vak'sen?) [L. (variola) vaccina, cow(pox)] 1. An infectious liquid derived from cowpox lesions and used to prevent and attenuate smallpox in humans. See: Jenner, Edward2. Any suspension containing antigenic molecules derived from a microorganism, given to stimulate an immune response to an infectious disease. Vaccines may be made from weakened or killed microorganisms; inactivated toxins; toxoids derived from microorganisms; or immunologically active surface markers extracted or copied from microorganisms. They can be given intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intradermally, orally, or intranasally; as single agents; or in combinations.

The ideal vaccine should be effective, well tolerated, easy and inexpensive to manufacture, easy to administer, and easy to store. In practice, side effects from vaccines (such as fevers, muscle aches, and pain at the injection site) are common but generally mild. Adverse reactions to vaccines that should be reported include anaphylaxis, shock, seizures, active infection, and death. See: immunization


Because vaccines may cause side effects, all those who receive them should carefully review federally mandated Vaccine Information Sheets before they are immunized.

adsorbed anthrax vaccine

A cell-free, aluminum-hydroxide-adsorbed vaccine, administered to raise protective antibodies against Bacillus anthracis. B. anthracis has been used in biological warfare.

antitumor vaccine

Antitumor vaccination.

autogenous vaccine

Bacterial vaccine prepared from lesions of the individual to be inoculated. Synonym: homologous vaccine

bacterial vaccine

A suspension of killed or attenuated bacteria; used for injection into the body to produce active immunity to the same organism.

BCG vaccine

Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine, a preparation of a dried, living but attenuated culture of Mycobacterium bovis. In areas with a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), it is used to provide passive immunity to infants against disseminated TB or TB meningitis, and it affords some protection against leprosy. It is not effective prevention, however, against pulmonary infection with TB. Among its other shortcomings, the vaccine cannot be used in pregnant women or in the immunosuppressed. It also produces hypersensitivity to TB skin tests, making them unreliable for several years. The vaccine can be used in cancer chemotherapy, e.g., to treat multiple myeloma and cancer of the colon, or as a bladder wash in patients with carcinoma of the bladder. See: bacille Calmette-Guérin

cholera vaccine

A vaccine prepared from killed or inactivated Vibrio cholerae.

dendritic cell vaccine

An anticancer vaccine made by extracting dendritic (antigen-presenting) cells from a patient with cancer, stimulating those cells to reproduce themselves, and then exposing them to antigens taken from the patient's cancer. The antigenically exposed dendritic cells are then injected back into the patient.

diphtheria vaccine

A vaccination against Corynebacterium diphtheriae. See: DTaP vaccine

DNA vaccine

A vaccine made by genetic engineering in which the gene that codes for an antigen is inserted into a bacterial plasmid and then injected into the host. Once inside the host, it uses the nuclear machinery of the host cell to manufacture and express the antigen. Unlike other vaccines, DNA vaccines may have the potential to induce cellular as well as humoral immune responses.

DPT vaccine

An obsolete combination of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and killed pertussis bacilli. It is no longer given in pediatric immunizations because of the superiority of DTaP, a vaccine that contains only acellular pertussis.

DTaP vaccine

A preparation of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis proteins. It is used to immunize children against all three infections or adults at high risk of complications of infection with pertussis.

edible vaccine

A genetically manipulated food containing organisms or related antigens that may provide active immunity against infection. Edible vaccines against many microorganisms are being developed, with the goal of using them to vaccinate children in nonindustrialized countries where there are obstacles to the use of traditional injectable vaccines.

Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine

Abbreviation: HIB
A vaccine created by combining purified polysaccharide antigen from the Haemophilus nfluenzae bacteria and a carrier protein. It reduces the risks of childhood epiglottitis, meningitis, and other diseases caused by H. influenzae.

hepatitis B vaccine

A vaccine prepared from hepatitis B protein antigen produced by genetically engineered yeast. The vaccine prevents acute infection with hepatitis B, the chronic carrier state of hepatitis B infection. In developing nations where hepatitis B infection is endemic, it has been shown to decrease the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma resulting from hepatitis B infection. The World Health Organization has recommended that the vaccine be given to all infants and adolescents, as well as all health care workers and all patients receiving hemodialysis; all incarcerated prisoners; men who have sex with men; and those who inject drugs.

hepatitis B virus vaccine

A recombinant vaccine used to vaccinate children and others at high risk for coming in contact with either hepatitis B carriers or blood or fluids from such people. It contains noninfectious hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), which stimulates the production of antibodies and provides active immunity. Included in the high-risk group are health care workers, hemodialysis patients, police officers and other public safety workers, people with other forms of chronic hepatitis, intravenous drug users, family members and sexual partners of those infected with HBV, and people who travel extensively abroad. See: hepatitis B immune globulin

heterogeneous vaccine

A vaccine made from some source other than the patient's own tissues or cells; the opposite of autogenous vaccine.

heterologous vaccine

A vaccine derived from an organism different from the organism against which the vaccine is used.

homologous vaccine

Autogenous vaccine.

HPV vaccine

A vaccine that protects against several types of human papillomavirus infection, specifically those associated with genital warts and cervical cancer.

human diploid cell rabies vaccine

Abbreviation: HDCV
An inactivated virus vaccine prepared from fixed rabies virus grown in human diploid cell tissue culture.

inactivated poliovirus vaccine

, poliovirus vaccine, inactivatedAn injectable vaccine made from three types of inactivated polioviruses. Developed by Jonas E. Salk, it was the first successful vaccine against poliomyelitis and is now the only polio vaccine administered in the U.S. Synonym: Salk vaccine

Infants should be given three doses, the first at 2 months of age, followed by two more doses at 8-week intervals. A fourth dose should be given at age 18 months unless poliomyelitis is endemic in the area, in which case the fourth dose is given 6 to 12 months after the third. Additional doses are recommended prior to school entry and then every 5 years until age 18.

influenza virus vaccine

A polyvalent vaccine containing either inactivated or live attenuated antigenic variants of the influenza virus (types A and B either individually or combined) for annual usage. It prevents epidemic disease and the morbidity and mortality caused by influenza virus, esp. in the aged and persons with chronic illnesses. The vaccine is reformulated each year to match the strains of influenza present in the population.

killed vaccine

A vaccine prepared from dead microorganisms. This type of vaccine is used to prevent disease caused by highly virulent microbes.

live attenuated influenza vaccine

Abbreviation: LAIV
A live virus vaccine made with influenza viruses adapted to replicate in the nose, sinuses, and pharynx but not in the lower respiratory tract. LAIV is typically administered by nasal inhalation rather than by intramuscular injection.

live attenuated measles (rubeola) virus vaccine

A vaccine prepared from live strains of the measles virus. It is the preferred form except in patients who have one of the following: lymphoma, leukemia, or other generalized malignancy; radiation therapy; pregnancy; active tuberculosis; egg sensitivity; prolonged treatment with drugs that suppress the immune response, i.e., corticosteroids or antimetabolites; or administration of gamma globulin, blood, or plasma. Those persons should be given immune globulin immediately following exposure.

live measles and mumps virus vaccine

A standardized vaccine containing attenuated measles and mumps viruses.

live measles and rubella virus vaccine

A standardized vaccine containing attenuated measles and rubella viruses.

live measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine

Abbreviation: MMR vaccine
A standardized vaccine containing attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella viruses.

live measles virus vaccine

A standardized attenuated virus vaccine for use in immunizing against measles.

live oral poliovirus vaccine

, poliovirus vaccine, live oralA vaccine prepared from three types of live attenuated polioviruses. In 1999, an advisory panel to the CDC recommended that its routine use be discontinued. Because it contains a live, although weakened virus, it had been causing 8 to 10 cases of polio each year in the U.S. This risk was deemed no longer acceptable since by that date polio epidemics had been eliminated in the U.S. Therefore, since 1999 the live oral poliovirus vaccine has not been recommended or routinely given in the U.S. Instead only the inactivated poliovirus vaccine is approved and given in the U.S. Recommendations outside the U.S, , where polio outbreaks still occur, include the use of live oral polio vaccines. Synonym: Sabin vaccine

live rubella virus vaccine

An attenuated virus vaccine used to prevent rubella (German measles). All nonpregnant susceptible women of childbearing age should be provided with this vaccine to prevent fetal infection and the congenital rubella syndrome, i.e., possible fetal death, prematurity, impaired hearing, cataract, mental retardation, and other serious conditions. See: rubella


Women of child-bearing age who receive vaccination are advised to use effective birth control measures for at least 3 months following the immunization. Before administering the RA27/3 rubella vaccine, a history of allergies, esp. to neomycin, and of reactions to previous vaccinations should be obtained, and the primary care provider made aware of any problems. Those who are immunocompromised for any reason should not receive this vaccine, which is more immunogenic than previous preparations.

Lyme disease vaccine

A vaccine that uses as an antigen either the outer surface protein (OspA) of Borrelia burgdorferi or the decorin protein of the same microbe. Lyme vaccine is available in the U.S. for veterinary use only.

meningococcal vaccine

Any of the vaccines prepared from bacterial polysaccharides from certain types of meningococci. Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccines A, C, Y, and W135 are available for preventing diseases caused by those serogroups. A vaccine for meningococcal serogroup B is not available.

Patient care

All adolescents should initially receive meningococcal vaccine at age 11 or 12, and a booster at age 16. Patients with complement deficiencies, HIV, or asplenia should received two doses two months apart, beginning as early as age 2.

See: acute meningococcal meningitis

mumps vaccine

, mumps virus vaccine liveA live attenuated vaccine used to prevent mumps. Its use should be governed by the same restrictions listed for live attenuated measles virus vaccine.

peptide vaccine

A vaccine that stimulates antibody production against specific amino acid sequences, e.g., those expressed on the surface of pathogens or cancer cells.

pertussis vaccine

A vaccine against Bordetella pertussis. See: DTaP vaccine

plague vaccine

A vaccine made either from a crude fraction of killed plague bacilli, Yersinia pestis, or synthetically from recombinant proteins. It is rarely used, except in a laboratory or for field workers in areas where plague is endemic.

pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

A pneumococcal vaccine used for active immunization of infants and toddlers. See: PCV7, PCV13

pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine

Abbreviation: PCV7
A pneumococcal vaccine used for active immunization of infants and toddlers. The vaccine contains antigens from 7 capsular serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae and is used to immunize children against pneumococcal diseases, such as otitis media, pneumonia, and meningitis.

polyvalent vaccine

A vaccine produced from cultures of a number of strains of the same species.

polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine

A vaccine that contains 23 of the known 83 pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides, and induces immunity against Streptococcus pneumoniae, a gram-positive bacterium that causes ear, sinus, lung, blood, and meningeal infections. This vaccine is used to prevent pneumococcal disease in persons with sickle cell diseases; alcoholism; asplenia; chronic heart, lung, liver, or kidney disease; diabetes mellitus; and immunological illnesses; and in people over the age of 65.

Patient care

The value of vaccination is continually rising, as S. pneumoniae becomes more and more resistant to antibiotics. The vaccine should not be coadministered in the same syringe as other vaccines. Common adverse reactions include pain at the site of injection and sometimes a low-grade fever.

rabies vaccine

A vaccine prepared from killed rabies virus used for pre-exposure immunization for persons at high occupational risk. Following a bite by a rabid animal, both the vaccine and rabies immune globulin, containing preformed antibodies, are given. See: human diploid cell rabies vaccine; rabies

reassortant vaccine

A vaccine made by combining antigens from several viruses or from several strains of the same virus.

Sabin vaccine

Live oral poliovirus vaccine. See: poliomyelitis

Salk vaccine

See: inactivated poliovirus vaccine

sensitized vaccine

A vaccine prepared from bacteria treated with their specific immune serum.

smallpox vaccine

A vaccine used to provide immunity against smallpox. The vaccine is made from live vaccinia virus (not from the smallpox virus). Similarities between the two viruses make the vaccine about 95% effective in preventing smallpox in those exposed to the virus. Smallpox vaccine was not used for many years because smallpox had been eradicated worldwide. However, concerns over the use of smallpox as a biological weapon have resulted in vaccination of persons at high risk, e.g., public health workers, health care response teams, members of the armed services. The general public is not being vaccinated. The CDC recommends that persons who could be exposed to the monkeypox virus should also be vaccinated against smallpox.

tetanus vaccine

A vaccine against Clostridium tetani. See: DTaP vaccine

tumor vaccine

Antitumor vaccination.

typhoid vaccine

One of two forms of vaccine against typhoid fever. Attenuated live virus is used for an oral vaccine taken in four doses by adults and children over age 6; it provides protection for 5 years. This vaccine should not be given to people taking antimicrobial drugs or to those with AIDS. A parenteral type of the vaccine, made from the capsular polysaccharide of Salmonella typhi, given to children at least 6 months old, requires two doses 4 weeks apart, is effective 55% to 75% of the time, and lasts 3 years.

typhus vaccine

A sterile suspension of the killed rickettsial organism of a strain or strains of epidemic typhus rickettsiae.

varicella (chickenpox) vaccine

A chickenpox vaccine prepared from attenuated virus. See: chickenpox; herpes zoster

yellow fever vaccine

A vaccine made from a live attenuated strain of yellow fever that protects against this tropical, mosquito-borne, viral hemorrhagic fever.

human diploid cell rabies vaccine

Abbreviation: HDCV
An inactivated virus vaccine prepared from fixed rabies virus grown in human diploid cell tissue culture.See also: vaccine


HDGCHuman Dimensions of Global Change (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
HDGCHereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer
HDGCHuntington Disc Golf Club (Huntington, WV)




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