Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Treaty of
Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Treaty of
concluded between the USA and Mexico in Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Mexico, on Feb. 2, 1848, after the American-Mexican War of 1846–48, which ended in the defeat of Mexico. The treaty formalized the seizure of more than half of Mexico’s territory by the USA (2.3 million sq km). Under the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the USA paid Mexico US $15 million, and the American government assumed responsibility for the satisfaction of the financial claims of its citizens against Mexico, which totaled US $3.2 million. The territory seized from Mexico makes up about one-fourth of the territory of the present-day United States (the states of Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and part of Colorado and Wyoming) and has great deposits of petroleum, gold, copper, and coal, valuable pastures, and fertile arable lands.
Treaties, Conventions, International Acts, Protocols, and Agreements Between the United States of America and Other Powers, vol. 1. Washington, D. C, 1910.A. B. BELEN’KII