heparin unit

hep·a·rin u·nit

the quantity of heparin required to keep 1 mL of cat's blood fluid for 24 hours at 0°C; it is equivalent approximately to 0.002 mg of pure heparin. Synonym(s): Howell unit


William, U.S. physiologist, 1860-1945. Howell-Jolly bodies - spherical or ovoid eccentrically located granules occasionally observed in the stroma of circulating erythrocytes that occur most frequently after splenectomy or in megaloblastic or severe hemolytic anemia. Synonym(s): Jolly bodiesHowell unit - equivalent approximately to 0.002 mg of pure heparin. Synonym(s): heparin unit

hep·a·rin u·nit

(hepă-rin yūnit) Quantity of heparin required to keep 1 mL of cat's blood fluid for 24 hours at 0°C; it is equivalent approximately to 0.002 mg of pure heparin.