

H0277400 (hôr′ĭ-zŏn′tl, hŏr′-)adj.1. Of, relating to, or near the horizon.2. a. Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon.b. At right angles to a vertical line.3. Occupying or restricted to the same level in a hierarchy: a horizontal study of verbal ability; a horizontal transfer by an employee.4. Medicine Of or relating to transmission of infection by contact with or physical proximity to an infected individual or fomite.n. Something, such as a line, plane, or object, that is horizontal.
[French, from Latin horizōn, horizont-, horizon; see horizon.]
hor′i·zon·tal′i·ty (-zən-tăl′ĭ-tē), hor′i·zon′tal·ness n.hor′i·zon′tal·ly adv.
Adv.1.horizontally - in a horizontal direction; "a gallery quite often is added to make use of space vertically as well as horizontally"


(həˈraizn) noun the line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet. The sun went down below the horizon; A ship could be seen on the horizon. 地平線 地平线horizontal (horiˈzontl) adjective at right angles to vertical; parallel to the horizon; lying level or flat. a horizontal line; a horizontal surface. 水平的,橫向的 地平的,水平的 ˌhoriˈzontally adverb 水平地,橫向地 水平地,横地