释义 |
hypercholesterolaemia (ˌhaɪpəkəˌlɛstərɒlˈiːmɪə) or hypercholesterolemian (Medicine) the condition of having a high concentration of cholesterol in the blood. See hyperlipidaemiahypercholesterolaemia
hy·per·cho·les·ter·ol·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-kŏ-les'tĕr-ol-ē'mē-ă) The presence of an abnormally large amount of cholesterol in the blood. Synonym(s): hypercholesteremia, hypercholesterolaemiahypercholesterolaemia Abnormally high levels of CHOLESTEROL in the blood. This may be dietary or may, rarely, be due to an inherited defect. See also HYPERLIPIDAEMIA.hy·per·cho·les·ter·ol·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-kŏ-les'tĕr-ol-ē'mē-ă) The presence of an abnormally large amount of cholesterol in the blood. Synonym(s): hypercholesteremia, hypercholesterolaemia. ThesaurusSeehypercholesterolemia |