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hyperchloremia Translationshyperchloremia
hyperchloremia [hi″per-klo-re´me-ah] excess of chlorides in the blood; this occurs as a result of fluid deficit for which the kidney seeks to compensate by reabsorbing large amounts of water and the chloride dissolved in it. The signs and symptoms of hyperchloremia are the same as those of acidosis. adj., adj hyperchlore´mic.hy·per·chlor·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-klōr-ē'mē-ă), An abnormally large amount of chloride ions in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): chloremia (2) hyperchloremia (hī′pər-klôr-ē′mē-ə)n. An abnormally large amount of chloride ions in the blood.hy·per·chlor·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-klōr-ē'mē-ă) An abnormally large concentration of chloride ions in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): hyperchloraemia. hy·per·chlor·e·mi·a (hī'pĕr-klōr-ē'mē-ă) Abnormally large amount of chloride ions in the circulating blood. Synonym(s): hyperchloraemia. |