Acronym | Definition |
GTR➣Guitar |
GTR➣General Technical Report |
GTR➣Guaranteed to Run (computer training) |
GTR➣Gross Total Resection |
GTR➣Global Trade Repository (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) |
GTR➣Guided Tissue Regeneration |
GTR➣Ground Tire Rubber (asphalt) |
GTR➣Greater than |
GTR➣Group Trailer |
GTR➣Gt Racing |
GTR➣Grid Technology Repository |
GTR➣Gamertag Radio (gaming community radio show) |
GTR➣General Time-Reversible (DNA sequence evolution model) |
GTR➣General Theory of Relativity (physics) |
GTR➣Grand Trunk Railway |
GTR➣Government Transportation Request |
GTR➣Génie des Télécommunications et Réseaux (French university studies in networks and telecommunications) |
GTR➣Greater Toronto Region (Canada) |
GTR➣Government Technical Representative |
GTR➣Gotta Run |
GTR➣Got That Right |
GTR➣Grand Trunk Road (India) |
GTR➣Green-Tree Retention |
GTR➣Global Talent Resources, Inc (recruiting firm) |
GTR➣Columbus, MS, USA - Golden (Airport Code) |
GTR➣General Tool & Repair (York, PA) |
GTR➣General Tilt Roller (packaging) |
GTR➣Government Travel Request |
GTR➣Grand Turismo Racing |
GTR➣General Technical Requirements |
GTR➣Groove Train Riders (band) |
GTR➣Gay Teen Resources (online gay teen support group) |
GTR➣Ground Test Reactor |
GTR➣Garantie Temps Rétablissement (French) |
GTR➣Grand Touring Rally |
GTR➣Government Travel Rate |
GTR➣Games to Rent |
GTR➣Generic Tilt-Rotor |
GTR➣GPS Tactical Receiver |
GTR➣Government Travel Regulation |
GTR➣Guaranteed Throughput Router |
GTR➣GPS Timing Receiver (Sprint) |
GTR➣Ground Transportation Request |