

单词 ims



I0041300 (ī′ĕm′) Informal tr.v. IMed, IM·ing, IMs or IM'ed or IM'ing or IM's 1. To send (someone) an instant message: She IMed me to let me know that she would be late.2. To express in an instant message: He IMed me that he wanted to meet at noon.n. An instant message.


abbreviation for (Medicine) Indian Medical Service



Information Management System


(1) See IP Multimedia Subsystem.

(2) (IMs) Instant messages. See instant messaging.

(3) (Information Management System) An early IBM hierarchical DBMS for IBM mainframes. IMS was widely implemented throughout the 1970s under MVS and continues to be used under z/OS. IMS/DB (IMS/DataBase) is the back end database part, and either IMS/TM (IMS/Transaction Manager) or CICS provides the front end online interaction.

IMS/TM, formerly IMS/DC (IMS/Data Communications), runs each transaction in its own address space and allows for more precise tuning than CICS, which runs all transactions in a region. IMS/TM is also used to access DB2 databases, and Java applications can access IMS databases. See CICS.



Abbreviation for Indian Medical Service.

incident management system



A system designed to assist in the management and command of emergency operations such as natural disasters, civil disturbances, multiple casualty incidents, hazardous materials incidents, fires, and acts of terrorism. The key components to the system include finance, logistics, operations, and planning. Synonym: incident command system


S19-899820 (stim?yu-la'shon) [L stimulare, to goad] 1. An irritating or invigorating action of agents on muscles, nerves, or sensory end organs by which excitation or activity in a part is evoked.2. A stimulus.

breast stimulation

In pregnancy, nipple rolling or the application of heat to the breasts to elicit release of endogenous oxytocin and to generate uterine contractions. The procedure also has been used to evaluate placental sufficiency in the third trimester and to increase contractions in patients with ruptured membranes and when contractions are absent, rare, irregular, or of poor quality. See: oxytocin challenge test

cognitive stimulation

A treatment for patients with mild dementia, in which patients are exposed to and tasked with mentally challenging exercises to improve their ability to think and interact effectively with their environment and with other people. It is used as an adjunct to medical therapy, often in a recreational setting, to make the activity fun and socially engaging. Synonym: psychostimulation

deep brain stimulation

The application of pulsed electrical energy via electrodes to the pars interna of the globus pallidus or the subthalamic nucleus. It is used to treat movement disorders, such as Parkinson disease.

dorsal cord stimulation

The relief of pain with electric stimulation of the posterior spinal cord.

double simultaneous stimulation

In a neurological examination, a test of unilateral neglect. A light touch, audible signal, or visual cue is provided to both sides of the patient at the same time, e.g., both arms, both ears, both the left and right visual fields. Failure to detect one of the stimuli suggests a lesion in the opposite side of the cerebral cortex. Double simultaneous stimulation can also be performed on one side of the body, for instance, by tapping the left arm and left side of the face at the same time. If the distal stimulus is undetected even after several trials, the patient may have an organic brain syndrome.

electrical stimulation

Abbreviation: ES
The use of electric current to affect a tissue, e.g., nerve, muscle, or bone. The stimulation of bone, for instance, facilitates and hastens the healing of fractures. Synonym: electrostimulation; electrotherapy See: bipolar (2); monopolar; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

fetal acoustic stimulation

Vibroacoustic stimulation (of the fetus).

fetal scalp stimulation

An assessment of fetal well-being in which the examiner reaches into the vagina and rubs the scalp of the fetus. The fetal heart rate is monitored for accelerations. If the fetal heart rate does not accelerate appropriately, further testing, such as scalp blood sampling, may be needed.

fetal (vibratory) acoustic stimulation

Abbreviation: FAST
A noninvasive means of assessing fetal reactivity during labor. It typically is used as an adjunct to nonstress testing. The examiner applies an electronic source of low-frequency sound (such as an electrolarynx) firmly to the mother's abdomen over the fetal head. A reactive test is characterized by fetal heart rate accelerations or other measurable forms of increased fetal activity.

infant stimulation

The use of various techniques to provide neonates and infants identified with or at risk for developmental delay with an environment that has a rich and diverse range of sensations and experiences.

intramuscular stimulation

Abbreviation: IMS
The insertion of solid needles into sensitive or painful body parts in order to alleviate musculoskeletal, myofascial, or nerve pain. Synonym: dry needling; trigger point dry needling. See: trigger point.

magnetic cortical stimulation

The induction of painless electrical current within the brain to detect abnormalities in cortical motor neuron function.

neural stimulation

The activation or energizing of a nerve, through an external source.

nipple stimulation

Massaging or suckling the nipple of the breast and surrounding aureola to stimulate uterine contractions or induce labor.

ovarian stimulation

A treatment for female infertility that encourages the ovaries to produce and release more eggs than they normally do during each monthly cycle.

percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Abbreviation: PENS
A treatment for pain in which weak electrical currents are applied to acupuncture needles inserted into trigger points or dermatomes near painful body parts. PENS is sometimes used to treat episodic low back pain and other regional pain syndromes. It may be used as an alternative to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).

Russian electrical stimulation

The application of surface electrodes on a muscle with the intent of strengthening the muscle. The patient may perform physiologic muscle contractions while simultaneously using the muscle stimulation.

percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation

A treatment for urinary urgency, urge incontinence, and possibly chronic pelvic pain, in which electrical stimulation is applied by a pulse generator to the tibial nerve in the leg.

transcranial magnetic stimulation

Abbreviation: TMS
The application of pulses from a magnetic coil to induce electrical currents in specific parts of the brain. This treatment has been used in experimental neuroscience to study the activity of different areas of the brain, and in psychiatry as a noninvasive alternative to electroconvulsive therapy. TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION

transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Abbreviation: TENS
The application of mild electrical stimulation through electrodes placed on the skin over a painful area. It alleviates pain by interfering with transmission of painful stimuli. See: illustration

vagus nerve stimulation

A treatment for seizures and treatment-resistant depression in which a generator sends electrical impulses along the left vagus nerve. The impulse generator is typically inserted under the clavicle on the left side of the chest during a brief surgical procedure. The device is set to generate electrical impulses of appropriate amplitude, frequency, and pulse width to control a patient's symptoms.

vibroacoustic stimulation (of the fetus)

A test of fetal responsiveness during pregnancy. A transducer is placed on the mother's abdomen, into which the transducer emits an oscillating sound. The fetal response is measured. Synonym: fetal acoustic stimulation

intramuscular stimulation

Abbreviation: IMS
The insertion of solid needles into sensitive or painful body parts in order to alleviate musculoskeletal, myofascial, or nerve pain. Synonym: dry needling; trigger point dry needling. See: trigger point.See also: stimulation


Abbrev. for Indian Medical Service.

Patient discussion about IMS

Q. how do i get a boyfriend and im really pretty poeple tell me all the boys ever say is HELL NO!! what do i do i have no life really no friends all i need is a boyfriend people tell meA. Don't wait for "the guy". Keep with your normal life and try to do other things - join classes in things that interest you (e.g. foreign languages), go to the gym (where you can find ALOT of guys...), volunteer, join forums on the net etc. Be open to new ideas and invitations - and the guys will already find you... :-)


Q. Im 29 and i want to have a baby,but im scared to ask my doctor if i can because i dont want to know the answer A. if u don't ask you will never know,have faith!

More discussions about IMS


IMSI Must Say
IMSInfrastructure Managed Services
IMSIP (Internet Protocol) Multi-Service
IMSInstitute of Mathematical Statistics
IMSInternational Microwave Symposium (IEEE)
IMSInternational Monitoring System (PIDC and CTBT)
IMSIndianapolis Motor Speedway
IMSIntegrated Management System
IMSInformation Management System
IMSInternational Medical School
IMSInstitute of Materials Science (University of Connecticut)
IMSInstituto Moreira Salles (Brazilian institute; est. 1991)
IMSInsight Meditation Society
IMSInstitute of Marine Sciences
IMSInventory Management Software
IMSInternational Military Staff (NATO)
IMSInternational Music Summit
IMSIncident Management Software (various companies)
IMSInstructional Management System
IMSInstitute for Molecular Science
IMSInformation Management Strategy (various locations)
IMSInstitute of Medical Sciences (various universities)
IMSIntegrated Media Solutions (various locations)
IMSI Am Sorry
IMSIncident Management System
IMSInstitute for Mediterranean Studies (Crete)
IMSInternational Management Studies (various locations)
IMSIon Mobility Spectrometry
IMSInventory Management System
IMSInstitut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (Dresden, Germany)
IMSFraunhofer Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme
IMSInformation Management Services, Inc. (various locations)
IMSIf Modified Since (Squid)
IMSInstant Messaging Service
IMSInterim Management Statement
IMSInternational Maritime Services (Australia)
IMSIntegrated Master Schedule (US DoD systems acquisition)
IMSInternet Mail Service
IMSInternational Motorcycle Show (New York)
IMSInstant Messaging System
IMSIntegrated Micro Systems
IMSInteractive Multimedia System
IMSInnovative Music Systems
IMSIp Multimedia Subsystem
IMSInstant Messengers
IMSIntegrated Master Schedule
IMSInstant Mobility System
IMSInstallation Management Services
IMSInternet Map Server
IMSInstant Messenger Server
IMSInternet Mail Server
IMSInstant Managed Service
IMSInternet Mail and News Setup
IMSInformation and Monitoring Service
IMSInternet Map Service
IMSIP Multimedia Subsystems
IMSImmunomagnetic Separation (laboratory tool)
IMSInformation Management Software (IBM DB2 IMS)
IMSIrritable Male Syndrome
IMSIn Market Sales
IMSInteractive Media Systems (Vienna University of Technology; Austria)
IMSIf Memory Serves
IMSIntelligence Management System
IMSInstitute for Microstructural Sciences (National Research Council, Canada)
IMSIndustrial Maintenance Services (Escanaba, MI)
IMSInterim Management Solutions (various locations)
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IMSInteractive Multimedia Services
IMSIntelligent Mechatronic Systems, Inc. (Canada)
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IMSInsurance Management Solutions (various locations)
IMSIntelligent Management Solutions (various locations)
IMSIrish Mathematical Society (Ireland)
IMSInternet Multicasting Service
IMSInstitute of Management Sciences
IMSInternational Master of Science (various schools)
IMSInternational Meat Secretariat
IMSIon Mobility Spectroscopy
IMSInventory Management Solutions
IMSIntellisync Mobile Suite
IMSInteractive Marketing Solutions
IMSIntelligent Manufacturing System
IMSInstructional Materials Service (curriculum development center for agricultural, trade, and industrial education)
IMSInternet Multimedia Subsystem
IMSImpact Monitoring System (energy absorption)
IMSIon Mass Spectrometer
IMSInternational Magicians Society
IMSInstrumentation and Measurement Society (IEEE)
IMSInternational Measurement System (sailing yacht handicapping system)
IMSInterstate Milk Shippers (US FDA)
IMSIntegrated Modeling System (engineering)
IMSIndustrial Methylated Spirit
IMSInnovative Mobile Solutions
IMSInvestment Management Singapore
IMSIndian Medical Service
IMSInteractive Multimedia Solutions
IMSInbound Marketing Summit (conference)
IMSIndian Mini Satellite
IMSIntegrated Medical Systems, Inc. (Birmingham, AL)
IMSInteractive Mapping Service (various organizations)
IMSCenter for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee)
IMSInternational Media Services
IMSInstitute for Mathematical Statistics
IMSInformation Management Specialist
IMSIndependent Music Shop
IMSInternational Magnetospheric Study
IMSInternational Military Student
IMSInternet Mapping Software
IMSIndependent Mobility Systems
IMSInternet Management System
IMSInstitute of Management Services
IMSInternational Military Standardization (US DoD)
IMSInstitute of Manpower Studies
IMSInterim Management Services
IMSIndian Mathematical Society
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IMSIntermediate Maintenance Standards
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IMSInternational Workshop on Measurement Systems (for Homeland Security)
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IMSImagery Management System
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IMSIndicators Monitoring Survey




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