Iao Valley State Monument
Iao Valley State Monument
Location:At the end of Iao Valley Road (Highway 32) in Iao Valley.
Facilities:Paved walking path, scenic overlook, botanical garden; no drinking water.
Activities:Nature study.
Special Features:Park offers a scenic view of Iao Needle, an erosion feature that rises1,200 feet from the valley floor. A botanical garden contains plantsbrought by the Hawiians who settled in Iao Valley, an area rich incultural and spiritual values. It also is the site of the Battle ofKepaniwai, where Kamehameha I's forces conquered Maui's army in aneffort to unite the islands in 1790.
Address:c/o Maui District Office
54 S High St, Rm 101
Wailuku, HI 96793
Web: www.hawaii.gov/dlnr/dsp/maui.html
Size: 6.2 acres.
See other parks in Hawaii.