Ianzhul, Ivan Ivanovich

Ianzhul, Ivan Ivanovich


Born June 2, 1846, in Vasil’kov District, in what is now Kiev Oblast; died Oct. 31, 1914. Russian economist and statistician.

In 1876, Ianzhu! became a professor at Moscow University, where he held the chair of financial law. In 1895 he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences. From 1882 to 1887 he was a factory inspector for the Moscow area. In addition to tax and customs policy, he studied factory and labor legislation. A supporter of state socialism, he argued that government interference in the economy, especially through customs and tax policy, signified the realization of socialism. He was an adherent of the historical school in political economy. Ianzhul contributed to many moderately liberal magazines.


Opyt issledovaniia angliiskikh kosvennykh nalogov: Aktsiz. Moscow, 1874.
Angliiskaia svobodnaia torgovlia, nos. 1–2. Moscow, 1876–82.
Ocherki i issledovaniia: Sb. statei po voprosam narodnogo khoziaistva, politiki i zakonodatel’stva, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1884.
Iz vospominanii i perepiski fabrichnogo inspektora pervogo prizyva. St. Petersburg, 1907.
V poiskakh luchshego budushchego: Sotsial’nye etiudy, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1908.