Acronym | Definition |
HRI➣Hellenic Resources Institute (Greece) |
HRI➣Horse Racing Ireland |
HRI➣Housing Resources, Inc. (various locations) |
HRI➣Heme-Regulated Inhibitor (proteins) |
HRI➣Human-Robot Interaction |
HRI➣Heat-Related Illness |
HRI➣High Resolution Imager |
HRI➣Historic Resources Inventory (various locations) |
HRI➣Human Rights Internet (Ottawa, Canada) |
HRI➣Hans Rudolph, Inc. (respiratory valves; Shawnee, KS) |
HRI➣Human Rights Institute (various organizations) |
HRI➣High-Risk Infant (various organizations) |
HRI➣Hitachi Research Institute (Japan) |
HRI➣High Rising Intonation (speech) |
HRI➣Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution |
HRI➣Horticulture Research Institute (American Nursery & Landscape Association) |
HRI➣High Resolution Instrument |
HRI➣Horticultural Research International (United Kingdom) |
HRI➣Hull Royal Infirmary |
HRI➣Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (UK) |
HRI➣High Refractive Index |
HRI➣Health-Related Item (non-drug pharmacy products) |
HRI➣Human Readable Interpretation |
HRI➣Hannah Research Institute (UK) |
HRI➣High Resolution Imagery |
HRI➣Heart Rate Impairment (cardiology) |
HRI➣Hyundai Research Institute |
HRI➣Humanitarian Relief Initiative |
HRI➣Health Right, Inc. (Washington, DC) |
HRI➣Hazard Risk Index |
HRI➣Handedness Research Institute (Bloomington, IN) |
HRI➣Human Resources Improvements (France) |
HRI➣Hard Rock International |
HRI➣Health Resources Incorporated |
HRI➣Hamagin Research Institute (Japan) |
HRI➣High Resolution Isolation |
HRI➣Household Residual Income (UK) |
HRI➣Human Resource Index |
HRI➣High Risk of Isolation |
HRI➣Height-Range Indicator |
HRI➣High Resolution Information |
HRI➣Heading Repeater Indicator |
HRI➣Howe Robinson Index (shipbroker freight index) |