Ianovskii, Feofil Gavrilovich

Ianovskii, Feofil Gavrilovich


Born June 12 (24), 1860, in the village of Min’kovtsy, Podol’sk Province; died July 8, 1928, in Kiev. Soviet internist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1927).

Ianovskii graduated from the medical faculty at the University of Kiev in 1884. He studied pathological anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, and phthisiology under such scientists as V. K. Vysokovich, L. Pasteur, and R. Koch. He became a professor at the clinic of internal medicine at Novorossiia University in Odessa in 1904 and at the University of Kiev in 1905. His principal works dealt with the symptoms and immunology of tuberculosis of the lungs, the diagnosis of kidney diseases, the physiology and pathology of digestion, and clinical bacteriology.

A school of internists developed around Ianovskii. The Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Thoracic Surgery was named in honor of Ianovskii in 1928.


Diagnostika zabolevanii pochek v sviazis ikh patologiei. Kiev, 1927.
Tuberkulez legkikh. Moscow-Leningrad, 1931.


Ivanov, V. N. “Akademik Feofil Gavrilovich Ianovskii.” In Ocherki istorii medüsinskoi nauki i zdravookhranenüa na Ukraine. Kiev, 1954. Pages 343–352.
Shkliar, B. C. “Vospominaniia ob akademike F. G. Ianovskom: K 100–letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia.” Klinicheskaia meditsina, 1961, vol. 39, no. 1.