Acronym | Definition |
GPE➣Gross-Pitaevskii Equation (physics) |
GPE➣General Protection Error |
GPE➣Government Wide Point of Entry |
GPE➣Graphic Parallelization Environment |
GPE➣Group Policy Editor |
GPE➣General Purpose Event |
GPE➣Governmentwide Point of Entry |
GPE➣Gravitational Potential Energy |
GPE➣Group Policy Editor (Microsoft) |
GPE➣Greatest Potential for Exposure (Canada) |
GPE➣Grove Park Elementary (North Carolina) |
GPE➣General-Purpose Event (ACPI) |
GPE➣Great Plains Energy Incorporated (Kansas City, MO) |
GPE➣Gold Plated Everything |
GPE➣Germ Plasm Evaluation (livestock) |
GPE➣Global Pharmacovigilance and Epidemiology |
GPE➣Green Power Experience (New York) |
GPE➣Greatest Possible Error |
GPE➣Gas Phase Epitaxy |
GPE➣General Purpose Evaporator |
GPE➣Graphite Paste Electrode |
GPE➣Galena Peak Enterprises (mining; Las Vegas, NV) |
GPE➣Gross Profit Estimate |
GPE➣Generalized Potential Energy (mechanics) |