

单词 ico



(Initial Coin Offering) The fundraising event for a cryptocurrency and other blockchain-based offerings. Also called an IPCO (Initial Public Coin Offering), an ICO is a type of crowdsale that issues tokens with a value determined by the founding organization, and that value fluctuates on the market. See blockchain.

A Lot of Scamming
Cryptocurrency ICOs are infamous for being nothing more than a scam that generates a lot of hype with the founder cashing out at the opportune time. In 2017, China placed a temporary ban on ICOs and while the U.S., Canada, U.K. and other countries have stated that ICO tokens might qualify as securities that should be regulated like an IPO stock offering, as yet they are not. Even Switzerland, the most ICO-friendly country in the world (an area around Zug is called Crypto Valley), has issued warnings.

Also in 2017, more than USD $100,000 was raised for the "Useless Ethereum Token" ICO that clearly states the tokens are worthless (see below). The website guarantees that the value of the tokens cannot go down because they are already worth nothing. See Ethereum and crowdsale.

"Seriously, don't buy these tokens."
Excerpted from the home page of the Useless Ethereum Token website, this is perhaps the only honest ICO scam on the market. At least this offering is truthful, and a lot of people likely bought tokens just for fun. For more information, visit www.uetoken.com.
FinancialSeeInternational Congress Office


ICOInitial Coin Offering (cryptocurrency)
ICOInformation Commissioner's Office (UK)
ICOIcon (File Name Extension)
ICOInstituto de Crédito Oficial (Spain: Official Credit Institute)
ICOIn Case Of
ICOInternational Council of Ophthalmology (San Francisco, CA)
ICOInternational Coffee Organization
ICOIllinois College of Optometry (Chicago, IL)
ICOInternational Congress on Obesity
ICOInternational Commission for Optics
ICOIndianapolis Chamber Orchestra (Indianapolis, IN)
ICOIntermediate Circular Orbit
ICOIcon File
ICOIca Client Object
ICOInternational Cocoa Organization
ICOInitial Cash Outlay
ICOInstitut Catala d'Oncologia (Catalan Institute of Oncology)
ICOIsrael Chamber Orchestra (est. 1965)
ICOIndependent Coast Observer (newspaper; Gualala, CA)
ICOInner City Outings
ICOIndependent Company
ICOIndia Country Office (UNICEF)
ICOInsurance Companies Ordinance
ICOInterface Control Officer
ICOInternational College for Officers (Salvation Army)
ICOInterfaith Community Organization
ICOInstituto de Cultura Oregoniana (Spanish: Institute of Oregonian Culture)
ICOInternet Connectivity Option
ICOIntegrated Checkout
ICOInterim Court Order
ICOInternational Culture Organization (Kainan University; Taiwan)
ICOIn Care Of
ICOInternational Catholic Organizations
ICOIndustrial Common Ownership
ICOIndustrial Commission of Ohio
ICOIntellectual Capital Office (PatentCafe)
ICOInternational Cooperative Opportunities
ICOIranian Cultural Organization
ICOSicogon Island, Philippines (Airport Code)
ICOIdle Cut-Off (mixture control in piston powered aircraft)
ICOIncident Contracting Officer
ICOIntensive Corrections Order (Australian criminal justice)
ICOInteragency Committee on Oceanography
ICOInternational Communist Opposition (old anti-communist league)
ICOIngénierie du Confort et de l'Eau (French energy performance association)
ICOIncident Command Officer
ICOInstallation & Checkout
ICOInitial Cost of Ownership
ICOInternational Congress of Ophtalmology
ICOIllinois Chamber Orchestra
ICOInternational Computer Olympiad
ICOInstrumentation Control Operator
ICOIntegration and Coordination Office
ICOIntegrated Contract/Contractor Order
ICOInternational Culture Organization (Kainan University, Taiwan)
ICOIn-house Computing Option
ICOIntegration Coaching
ICOItem Change Order
ICOInternational Committee of the PRCA
ICOIntracellular Organism
ICOInitial Calibration Only
ICOInternet Connected Office
ICOInstallation Command Officer (US Navy)




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