释义 |
hyper-(word root) excessive, above, overExamples of words with the root hyper-: hyperactivehyper-pref.1. Over; above; beyond: hypercharge.2. Excessive; excessively: hypercritical.3. Existing in more than three dimensions: hyperspace.4. Linked or arranged nonsequentially: hypertext. [Greek huper-, from huper, over, beyond; see uper in Indo-European roots.]hyper- prefix 1. above, over, or in excess: hypercritical. 2. (in medicine) denoting an abnormal excess: hyperacidity. 3. indicating that a chemical compound contains a greater than usual amount of an element: hyperoxide. [from Greek huper over]hy•per (ˈhaɪ pər) adj. Informal. 1. very excitable or nervous; overexcited; keyed up. 2. hyperactive. 3. obsessively concerned; fanatical; rabid. [1970–75; probably independent use of hyper-] hyper- a prefix meaning “excessive,” “undue” ( hypercritical; hypersensitive); “unusual, abnormal” ( hyperactive; hyperinflation), used esp. in terms denoting conditions of the body in which substances or functions are at above-normal levels ( hyperglycemia; hypertension),sometimes as a counterpart to a word formed with hypo-; “greatly exceeding norms” ( hypersonic); “forming an analogue (to the thing named) in space of more than four dimensions” ( hyperspace); “connecting in a nonsequential manner” ( hypertext).Compare super-. [< Greek, prefixal use of hypér over, above; c. Latin super (see super-); akin to over] hyper- A prefix that means "excessively," as in hypertension, excessively high blood pressure.TranslationsEncyclopediaSeehyperhyper-
hyper- word element [Gr.], abnormally increased; excessive.hyper- (hī'pĕr), Do not confuse this prefix with hyp-.Excessive, above normal; opposite of hypo-. [G. hyper, above, over] hyper- Prefix meaning excessive, above normal; opposite of hypo-. [G. hyper, above, over]hyper- Prefix denoting above, beyond, over, excessive. Hyper- is one of the most widely-used prefixes in medicine and covers a range of senses all of which imply an excess over the normal. It may refer to growth of a body part, for instance, indicating an abnormal increase in size, as in hypertrophy or hyperplasia. It may qualify over-production of the secretion of a gland, as in hyperhidrosis, or the excessive effect of excessive glandular secretion, as in hyperthyroidism. It may refer to over-sensitivity of a sense organ, as in hyperacusis, or overactivity of a part or of the whole organism, as in hyperactivity. It can mean an abnormal range of movement, as in hyperextension of a joint, or an abnormally high pressure, as in hypertension. It is commonly used to indicate an abnormally high level of a substance in the body or in the blood, as in hypercholesterolaemia. In almost all these senses and usages the antonym HYPO can also be applied. From the Greek huper .hyper- prefix denoting greater than.hyper- Prefix meaning excessive, above normal; opposite of hypo-. [G. hyper, above, over]HYPER-
Acronym | Definition |
HYPER-➣Beyond, Excessive (Prefix) |