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ileocecocystoplasty cystoplasty [sis´to-plas″te] plastic surgery of the bladder, usually referring to some type of augmentation cystoplasty.augmentation cystoplasty enlargement of the bladder by grafting to it a detached segment of intestine (enterocystoplasty) or stomach (gastrocystoplasty). Called also bladder augmentation.sigmoid cystoplasty cystoplasty" >augmentation cystoplasty using an isolated segment of the sigmoid colon for the graft.il·e·o·ce·co·cys·to·plas·ty (il'ē-ō-sē'kō-sis'tō-plas'tē), Bladder reconstruction and augmentation with an isolated vascularized segment of ileocecum. [ileo- + ceco- + G. kystis, bladder, + plastos, formed] |