Hungarian-Venetian Wars
Hungarian-Venetian Wars
(11th to 15th centuries), wars between Hungary and Venice for domination of the Dalmatian coast. The Venetian doge Peter Orseolo made the first attempt to establish Venetian rule of Dalmatia in the year 1000. The beginning of Hungary’s expansion on the Dalmatian coast dates to the end of the 11th century (the war of 1097). The wars of 1105, 1115-16, 1124, 1126, 1181, 1191, 1193, 1202, and 1243-44 followed. The struggle resumed with new force under the Hungarian king Lajos (Louis) I (ruled 1342-82); wars took place in 1345-46, 1356-57, and 1378-81. By early 1358 most of the cities of Dalmatia had recognized the authority of the Hungarian king. By the terms of the peace treaty signed in Zadar in February 1358, Venice renounced any rights to Dalmatia. The peace of Turin (Aug. 28, 1381) concluding the war of 1378—81, in which Venice was defeated, reinforced the provisions of the Zadar treaty. In 1411, Venice took advantage of the war between Hungary and Turkey and attempted to subjugate the cities of Dalmatia. A truce was concluded in February 1413 for a period of five years; under this agreement, Hungary retained only Trogir, Split, and several islands. In 1419, Venice at last deprived Hungary of its coastal possessions. The Hungarian-Venetian wars came to an end with the treaty of 1433, which reconfirmed Hungary’s loss of the Dalmatian cities.
Baumgarten, F. “Forrástanulmányok Nagy Lajos és Velence történetéhéz.” Századok, year 36. Budapest, 1902.Voinovitch, L. de. Histoire de Dalmatie, vols. 1-2. Paris, 1934.