Henri Paul Cartan
Cartan, Henri Paul
Born July 8, 1904, in Nancy. French mathematician. Son of E. J. Cartan.
Cartan graduated from the Ecole Normal Supérieure in 1926. In 1940 he became a professor at the University of Paris. His principal works deal with the theory of analytic functions of many variables, topology, and homological algebra. Cantan’s annual seminar at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, devoted to the exposition of the newest results in these branches of mathematics as well as in algebraic geometry and the theory of automorphic functions, helped to spread the latest findings in these fields and also to spread the language and style of thinking characteristic of the French school of mathematics.
In Russian translation:Gomologicheskaia algebra. Moscow, 1960. (With S. Eilenberg.)
Elementarnaia teoriia analiticheskikh funktsii odnogo i neskoVkikh kompleksnykh peremennykh. Moscow, 1963.