Acronym | Definition |
GSL➣GNU Scientific Library |
GSL➣General Sales List |
GSL➣Great Salt Lake |
GSL➣Graduate School of Law (various locations) |
GSL➣Good Shepherd Lutheran (various locations) |
GSL➣Global Solutions Lab |
GSL➣Grammar Specification Language |
GSL➣Global Solution Lead |
GSL➣Gateway Services Limited |
GSL➣Greater Spokane League (sports league) |
GSL➣Gold Standard Laboratories (record label) |
GSL➣Graduate Student Life (various schools) |
GSL➣Guaranteed Student Loan |
GSL➣Group Scout Leader |
GSL➣Galatasaray Lisesi (Galatasaray High School, Turkey) |
GSL➣Global Shipping Logistics (New York, NY) |
GSL➣Gravelly Sandy Loam |
GSL➣Guns Save Lives (Savoy, IL) |
GSL➣Ground Surface Level (civil engineering) |
GSL➣Game System License |
GSL➣Government Student Loan (various locations) |
GSL➣Grammar Specification Language (speech and VoiceXML applications) |
GSL➣Global Starcraft League (gaming group) |
GSL➣Gain-Switched Laser (optics) |
GSL➣Gender and Sexuality Law (Columbia University; New York) |
GSL➣Gamestar League (gaming group) |
GSL➣General Sales Licence (medicine) |
GSL➣Generalized Substitution Language (formal methods) |
GSL➣Guaranteed Stafford Loan |
GSL➣Glock Shooting League |
GSL➣Generalized Smallest Last (Ordering) |
GSL➣Gemini Sound and Lighting |
GSL➣Grid Simulation Laboratory |