Hungarian-German Treaty of 1967 on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual

Hungarian-German Treaty of 1967 on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance


signed on May 18 in Budapest by First Secretary J. Kádár of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party, Chairman P. Losonczi of the Presidium of the Hungarian People’s Republic, and Chairman J. Fock of the Hungarian Revolutionary Workers’ and Peasants’ Government for the Hungarian People’s Republic; and by First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party and Chairman of the State Council of the GDR W. Ulbricht and Chairman W. Stoph of the Council of Ministers for the German Democratic Republic. It was concluded for a period of 20 years. The parties pledged to develop relations of friendship and cooperation in accordance with the principles of socialist internationalism and on the basis of equality of rights, respect for sovereignty, and mutual nonintervention in domestic affairs. In accordance with the charter and principles of the UN, they pledged to further the maintenance of peace in Europe and throughout the world, to continue the policy of peaceful coexistence among states with differing social systems, and to support disarmament and the final liquidation of all forms of colonialism, neocolonialism, and racial discrimination. Guided by the Warsaw Pact of 1955, they resolved to defend vigorously the inviolability of the borders of the two states, including the border between the two German states, and to prevent and repulse aggression by West German or other militarist and revanchist forces striving to revise the results of World War II. In the event that one of the parties is subjected to armed attack by a state or group of states, the other is to aid it immediately in every way possible, including militarily, and also support it with all means at its disposal. The parties regard West Berlin as an independent political unit; they are continuing the effort to achieve a peaceful German settlement that would maintain European peace and security. They agreed to strengthen economic cooperation, develop cultural ties, support cooperation among public organizations, and consult each other on important international questions. The treaty was to be reviewed in the event of the creation of a single democratic German state in accordance with the exigencies of international peace and security.


Népzsabadság, May 19, 1967.
Neues Deutschland, May 19, 1967.