hang heavy

hang heavy

1. To be suspended in air in significant amounts. Smoke hung heavy in the air of the cocktail lounge.2. Of something negative, to linger or continue to be apparent in a way that is unpleasant or oppressive. This usage usually refers to something intangible, such as a quality or feeling. Tension hung heavy in the air after Kiki made her accusation.3. To cause strong and lingering feelings of uneasiness. The documentary hung heavy on me for days after I watched it.See also: hang, heavy

hang/lie ˈheavy (on somebody/something)

1 (of a feeling or something in the air) be very noticeable in a particular place in a way that is unpleasant: Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water.Despair hangs heavy on the air.
2 make somebody/something feel uncomfortable or anxious: The crime lay heavy on her conscience.See also: hang, heavy, lie