Governor Dodge State Park

Governor Dodge State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Wisconsin
Location:3 miles north of Dodgeville on WI 23.
Facilities:269 campsites (80 with electrical hookups), showers, 8 group camps, 6 backpack campsites, 11 horsemen's campsites, picnic areas, concessions, hiking trails, nature trails, bridle trails, mountain bike trails, snowmobile trails, ski trails, nature center, scenic vista, shoreline, boat launch.
Activities:Camping (including winter camping), boating (electric motors only), canoeing, fishing, ice fishing, hunting, swimming, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, ice skating, sledding, naturalist programs (seasonal).
Special Features:In 1958 a dam was constructed across Mill Creek and Cox Hollow Lake was created. A second dam was built in 1966, forming Twin Valley Lake. These two lakes are just some of the scenic points of this park, which also features steep hills, bluffs, deep valleys, and a waterfall.
Address:4175 Hwy 23
Dodgeville, WI 53533

Size: 5,270 acres.

See other parks in Wisconsin.