

单词 gse
释义 DictionarySeeextract



(aerospace engineering) ground support equipment


Government Sponsored Enterprise

A privately held or publicly traded company created by the U.S. Government for some purpose thought to benefit the American economy. For example, Freddie Mac was originally a GSE created to encourage homeownership among middle class and working class Americans. Because it is "sponsored" but not owned by the government, GSE stocks carry higher risk than, say, Treasury securities, which are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. However, GSEs have an implicit guarantee that the government will not allow them to fail. Indeed, when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapsed in 2008 they almost instantly received federal assistance.


See government-sponsored enterprise.


GSEGraduate School of Education
GSEGroup Study Exchange (Rotary International)
GSEGround Support Equipment (PGSE) Manual
GSEGround Support Equipment
GSEgrapefruit seed extract
GSEGeschichte, Sozialkunde, Erdkunde (German: History, Social Studies, Geography)
GSEGraduate School of Economics (various locations)
GSEGovernment Sponsored Enterprise
GSEGraduate School of the Environment (various schools)
GSEGestore Servizi Elettrici (Italian: Electrical Services Manager)
GSEGovernment Sponsored Entity
GSEGlobal Schema Exchange
GSEGeneral Support Equipment
GSEGeneralized Structure Element
GSEGoogle Search Engine
GSEGeneral System Equipment
GSEGeneric Stream Encapsulation
GSEGreenStreetElite (gaming clan)
GSEGame Studio Express (software; Microsoft)
GSEGlobal Social Entrepreneurship (various locations)
GSEGround Servicing Equipment
GSEGluten-Sensitive Enteropathy
GSEGlobal Solar Energy
GSEGIAC Security Expert
GSEGreater Spotted Eagle
GSEGenetics Selection Evolution (publication; BioMed Central)
GSEGeocentric Solar Ecliptic
GSEGeneral Sports and Entertainment (Rochester, MI)
GSEGlobal Software Engineering
GSEGolden State Exam (California standardized test)
GSEGroup of Scientific Experts
GSEGreat Spy Experiment (band)
GSEGovernment of the State of Eritrea
GSEGenital Self-Examination
GSEGround Systems Engineering
GSEGeological Survey of Ethiopia
GSEGeneralized Self Esteem
GSEGovernment-Supplied Equipment
GSEGovernor's School on the Environment (NJ)
GSEGeneric Substation Events
GSEGraduate Systems Engineering
GSEGezamenlijke Stuurgroep Evenementen
GSEGot Someone Else
GSEGovernment Support Equipment
GSEGeological Survey of Egypt
GSEGlobal Sources Exhibitions
GSEGuest Service Expert (job title)
GSEGeneral Somatic Efferents
GSEGeneral Sensory Efferent (nerve)
GSEGlobal Sniper Elite (web forum)
GSEGeneral Systems Engineer
GSE(USN Rating) Gas Turbine System Technician (Electrical)
GSEGrove Scientific and Engineering (Orlando, FL)




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