

单词 hang



H0048200 (hăng)v. hung (hŭng), hang·ing, hangs v.tr.1. To fasten from above with no support from below; suspend: hung the hat on a peg.2. To suspend or fasten so as to allow free movement at or about the point of suspension: hang a door.3. past tense and past participle hanged (hăngd) a. To execute by hanging: They hanged the prisoner at dawn.b. Used to express exasperation or disgust: I'll be hanged! Hang it all!4. To alter the hem of (a garment) so as to fall evenly at a specified height.5. To furnish, decorate, or appoint by suspending objects around or about: hang a room with curtains.6. To hold or incline downward; let droop: hang one's head in sorrow.7. Informal To make (a turn in a specific direction): At the next intersection, hang a right.8. a. To attach to a wall: hang wallpaper.b. To display by attaching to a wall or other structure: hung four new paintings in the foyer.9. Informal To give (a nickname or label) to someone.10. To deadlock (a jury) by failing to render a unanimous verdict.11. Baseball To throw (a pitch) in such a manner as to fail to break.12. Computers To cause (a computer system) to halt so that input devices, such as the keyboard or the mouse, do not function.v.intr.1. To be attached from above with no support from below.2. To die as a result of hanging.3. To remain suspended or poised over a place or an object; hover: rain clouds hanging low over the corn fields.4. To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment; cling.5. To incline downward; droop.6. To depend: Everything hangs on the committee's decision.7. To pay strict attention: a student who hangs on the professor's every word.8. To remain unresolved or uncertain: His future hung in the balance.9. To fit the body in loose lines: a dress that hangs well.10. To be on display, as in a gallery.11. Baseball To fail to break or move in the intended way, as a curve ball.12. To be imminent; loom: the threat hanging over us.13. To be or become burdensome: Time hung heavy on my hands.14. Computers To be halted, as a computer system, so that input devices do not function: The power surge caused my computer to hang, so I had to reboot it.15. Slang a. To spend one's free time in a certain place. Often used with around or out: liked to hang out at the pool hall.b. To pass time idly; loiter. Often used with around or out: spent the evening hanging at home; hung out for an hour before going to the play.c. To keep company; see socially. Often used with around or out: hangs around with kids from a different school.n.1. The way in which something hangs.2. A downward inclination or slope.3. Particular meaning or significance.4. Informal The proper method for doing, using, or handling something: finally got the hang of it.5. A suspension of motion; a slackening.Phrasal Verbs: hang back To be averse; hold back. hang in Informal To persevere: decided to hang in despite his illness. hang off To hold back; be averse. hang on1. To cling tightly to something.2. To continue persistently; persevere: We'll finish if we can just hang on.3. To keep a telephone connection open.4. To wait for a short period of time. hang together1. To stand united; stick together: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" (Benjamin Franklin).2. To constitute a coherent totality: diverse plot lines that did not hang together. hang up1. To suspend on a hook or hanger.2. a. To replace (a telephone receiver) on its base or cradle.b. To end a telephone conversation.3. To delay or impede; hinder: Budget problems hung up the project for months.4. To become halted or snagged: The fishing line hung up on a rock.5. Informal To have or cause to have emotional difficulties or inhibitions.Idioms: give/care a hang To be concerned or anxious: I don't give a hang what you do. hang fire1. To delay: "They are people who hung fire even through the bloody days of the Hungarian Revolution" (Mark Muro).2. To be slow in firing, as a gun. hang in there Informal To persevere despite difficulties; persist: She hung in there despite pressure to resign. hang it up Informal To give up; quit. hang loose Slang To stay calm or relaxed. hang (one's) hat To settle oneself; take up residence: hung my hat in Chicago. hang on to To hold firmly; keep fast: Hang on to your money. hang (someone) out to dry Informal To leave (someone) in a difficult situation, especially in taking blame for a failure or an act of wrongdoing. hang tough Informal To remain firmly resolved: "We are going to hang tough on this" (Donald T. Regan). let it all hang out Slang 1. To be completely relaxed.2. To be completely candid.
[Middle English hongen, from Old English hangian, to be suspended, and from hōn, to hang; see konk- in Indo-European roots.]
hang′a·ble adj.Usage Note: Hanged, as a past tense and a past participle of hang, is used in the sense of "to put to death by hanging," as in Frontier courts hanged many a prisoner after a summary trial. In our 2008 survey, some 71 percent of the Usage Panel objected to hung used in this sense. The Panel's opposition to this usage has remained strong since balloting began in the 1960s. In all other senses, hung is the preferred form as past tense and past participle, as in I hung my child's picture above my desk.


(hæŋ) vb, hangs, hanging or hung (hʌŋ) 1. to fasten or be fastened from above, esp by a cord, chain, etc; suspend: the picture hung on the wall; to hang laundry. 2. to place or be placed in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement around or at the place of suspension: to hang a door. 3. (sometimes foll by: over) to be suspended or poised; hover: a pall of smoke hung over the city. 4. (sometimes foll by: over) to be imminent; threaten5. (intr) to be or remain doubtful or unresolved (esp in the phrase hang in the balance)6. (past tense and past participle hanged) to suspend or be suspended by the neck until dead7. (tr) to fasten, fix, or attach in position or at an appropriate angle: to hang a scythe to its handle. 8. (tr) to decorate, furnish, or cover with something suspended or fastened: to hang a wall with tapestry. 9. (tr) to fasten to or suspend from a wall: to hang wallpaper. 10. (Art Terms) to exhibit (a picture or pictures) by (a particular painter, printmaker, etc) or (of a picture or a painter, etc) to be exhibited in an art gallery, etc11. to fall or droop or allow to fall or droop: to hang one's head in shame. 12. (of cloth, clothing, etc) to drape, fall, or flow, esp in a specified manner: her skirt hangs well. 13. (Cookery) (tr) to suspend (game such as pheasant) so that it becomes slightly decomposed and therefore more tender and tasty14. (Law) (of a jury) to prevent or be prevented from reaching a verdict15. (past tense and past participle hanged) slang to damn or be damned: used in mild curses or interjections: I'll be hanged before I'll go out in that storm. 16. (intr) to pass slowly (esp in the phrase time hangs heavily)17. to be delayed18. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) to be delayed19. to procrastinate. See also fire1620. hang tough See tough10n21. the way in which something hangs22. (usually used with a negative) slang a damn: I don't care a hang for what you say. 23. get the hang of informal a. to understand the technique of doing somethingb. to perceive the meaning or significance of[Old English hangian; related to Old Norse hanga, Old High German hangēn]



v. hung (esp. for 4,5,20,24 ) hanged, hang•ing, v.t. 1. to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top; suspend. 2. to attach or suspend so as to allow free movement: to hang a door. 3. to place in position or fasten so as to allow easy or ready movement. 4. to execute by suspending from a gallows, gibbet, or the like: to hang a convicted murderer. 5. to suspend by the neck until dead: He committed suicide by hanging himself. 6. to furnish or decorate with something suspended: to hang a room with pictures. 7. to fasten into position; fix at a proper angle: to hang a scythe. 8. to fasten or attach (wallpaper, pictures, curtains, etc.) to a wall or the like. 9. a. to exhibit (a painting or group of paintings). b. to put the paintings of (an art exhibition) on the wall of a gallery. 10. to attach or annex as an addition: to hang a rider on a bill. 11. to make (something) dependent on something else: She hung the meaning of her puns on the current political scene. 12. to throw (a baseball pitch) so that it fails to break, as a curve. 13. (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions, often as a euphemism for damn): Well, I'll be hanged! 14. to keep (a jury) from rendering a verdict, as one juror by refusing to agree with the others. v.i. 15. to be suspended; dangle. 16. to swing freely, as on a hinge. 17. to incline downward, jut out, or lean over or forward. 18. to be suspended by the neck, as from a gallows, and suffer death in this way. 19. to be conditioned or contingent; be dependent: Our future hangs on the outcome of their discussion. 20. to be doubtful or undecided; waver or hesitate. 21. to remain unfinished or undecided; be delayed. 22. to linger, remain, or persist. 23. to float or hover in the air. 24. to be oppressive, burdensome, or tedious: guilt that hangs on one's conscience. 25. to fit or drape in graceful lines: That coat hangs well in back. 26. a. to be exhibited: Her works hang in this museum. b. to have one's works on display: Rembrandt hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 27. Informal. to hang out. 28. hang around or about,Informal. a. to spend time in a certain place or in certain company. b. to linger about; loiter. 29. hang back, to hesitate or be reluctant to move forward or take action. 30. hang in (there), Informal. to persevere or endure. 31. hang on, a. to cling tightly. b. to persevere in doing something. c. to persist unremittingly, as an illness. d. to keep a telephone line open: Hang on, I'll see if she's here. e. to wait briefly; keep calm. f. to listen very attentively to: They hung on his every word. 32. hang out, a. to lean out, suspend, or be suspended, as through an opening. b. Informal. to loiter idly; frequent a place. c. Informal. to associate in casual companionship. 33. hang over, a. to remain unfinished or unsettled. b. to menace; overshadow. 34. hang up, a. to suspend, as on a hook. b. to stop or delay the progress of. c. to end a telephone call by breaking the connection. n. 35. the way in which a thing hangs. 36. Informal. the precise manner of doing, using, etc., something; knack. 37. Informal. meaning or significance: to get the hang of a subject. 38. the least degree of care, concern, etc. (used in mild curses and emphatic expressions as a euphemism for damn) : He doesn't give a hang about it. Idioms: 1. hang a left (or right), Slang. to make a left (or right) turn, as while driving. 2. hang fire, a. (of a weapon) to be delayed in exploding or firing. b. to be kept in a state of delay. 3. hang it up, Informal. to quit; give up. 4. hang loose, Slang. to remain relaxed or calm. 5. hang one on, Slang. a. to become very drunk. b. to hit (someone). 6. hang together, a. to be loyal to one another; remain united. b. to cohere. c. to be logical or consistent. 7. hang tough, Informal. to remain unyielding or inflexible. [before 900; fusion of 3 verbs: (1) Middle English, Old English hōn to hang (transitive verb), c. Old Saxon, Old High German hāhan, Gothic hāhan; (2) Middle English hang(i)en, Old English hangian to hang (intransitive verb), c. Old Saxon hangon, Old High German hangēn; (3) Middle English hengen < Old Norse hengja to hang (transitive verb)] hang′a•ble, adj. hang`a•bil′i•ty, n. usage: hanged, the historically older form of the past tense and past participle, is rarely used except in the sense of putting to death, esp. legally: to be hanged by the neck until dead. But hung also occurs in this sense, except in legal documents, and is actually the more frequent form when legal execution is not meant: The prisoner hung himself in his cell. This use of hung is sometimes considered incorrect.


1. 'hang' something somewhere

If you hang something somewhere, you place it so that its highest part is supported and the rest is not. When hang has this meaning, its past tense and past participle is hung.

She hung the kettle on the iron post.He had hung the coat where he could see it.
2. 'hang' a person

To hang a person means to kill them by tying a rope around their neck and taking away the support from under their feet so that they hang in the air. When hang has this meaning, its past tense and past participle is hanged.

He went off and hanged himself.Rebecca Smith was hanged in 1849.
3. other meanings

Hang has several other meanings and is used in some phrasal verbs. For all these other meanings, the past tense and past participle is hung.

Her long hair hung over her face.The smell of paint hung in the air.'Good night.' He hung up the phone.


Past participle: hanged/hung
Gerund: hanging
I hang
you hang
he/she/it hangs
we hang
you hang
they hang
I hanged/hung
you hanged/hung
he/she/it hanged/hung
we hanged/hung
you hanged/hung
they hanged/hung
Present Continuous
I am hanging
you are hanging
he/she/it is hanging
we are hanging
you are hanging
they are hanging
Present Perfect
I have hanged/hung
you have hanged/hung
he/she/it has hanged/hung
we have hanged/hung
you have hanged/hung
they have hanged/hung
Past Continuous
I was hanging
you were hanging
he/she/it was hanging
we were hanging
you were hanging
they were hanging
Past Perfect
I had hanged/hung
you had hanged/hung
he/she/it had hanged/hung
we had hanged/hung
you had hanged/hung
they had hanged/hung
I will hang
you will hang
he/she/it will hang
we will hang
you will hang
they will hang
Future Perfect
I will have hanged/hung
you will have hanged/hung
he/she/it will have hanged/hung
we will have hanged/hung
you will have hanged/hung
they will have hanged/hung
Future Continuous
I will be hanging
you will be hanging
he/she/it will be hanging
we will be hanging
you will be hanging
they will be hanging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been hanging
you have been hanging
he/she/it has been hanging
we have been hanging
you have been hanging
they have been hanging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been hanging
you will have been hanging
he/she/it will have been hanging
we will have been hanging
you will have been hanging
they will have been hanging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been hanging
you had been hanging
he/she/it had been hanging
we had been hanging
you had been hanging
they had been hanging
I would hang
you would hang
he/she/it would hang
we would hang
you would hang
they would hang
Past Conditional
I would have hanged/hung
you would have hanged/hung
he/she/it would have hanged/hung
we would have hanged/hung
you would have hanged/hung
they would have hanged/hung


To suspend game in a dry, cool place to allow time for enzymes to tenderize and improve the flavor of the flesh.
Noun1.hang - a special way of doing something; "he had a bent for it"; "he had a special knack for getting into trouble"; "he couldn't get the hang of it"knack, bentendowment, natural endowment, talent, gift - natural abilities or qualities
2.hang - the way a garment hangs; "he adjusted the hang of his coat"fit - the manner in which something fits; "I admired the fit of her coat"
3.hang - a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the armsgymnastic exercise - (gymnastics) an exercise designed to develop and display strength and agility and balance (usually performed with or on some gymnastic apparatus)bent hang - a hang performed with the elbows bentinverted hang - a hang performed on the rings with the body upside downlever hang - a hang performed on the rings with the body stationary in a horizontal positionreverse hang - a hang with the arms extended in backstraight hang - a hang performed on the rings or parallel bars with the body erect and the arms at the sides
Verb1.hang - be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"hang, hang up - cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"beetle, overhang - be suspended over or hang over; "This huge rock beetles over the edge of the town"dangle, swing, drop - hang freely; "the ornaments dangled from the tree"; "The light dropped from the ceiling"hang - be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"
2.hang - cause to be hanging or suspended; "Hang that picture on the wall"hang upfasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"suspend - hang freely; "The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them"hang - be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"sling - hang loosely or freely; let swing
3.hang - kill by hanging; "The murderer was hanged on Friday"string upexecute, put to death - kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment; "In some states, criminals are executed"halter - hang with a haltergibbet - hang on an execution instrument
4.hang - let drop or droop; "Hang one's head in shame"drop - let fall to the ground; "Don't drop the dishes"
5.hang - fall or flow in a certain way; "This dress hangs well"; "Her long black hair flowed down her back"flow, fall
6.hang - be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive; "This worry hangs on my mind"; "The cloud of suspicion hangs over her"be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"bulk large, brood, loom, hover - hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing; "The terrible vision brooded over her all day long"
7.hang - give heed (to)hang - give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"advert, give ear, pay heed, attendlisten - hear with intention; "Listen to the sound of this cello"fixate - pay attention to exclusively and obsessively; "The media are fixating on Princess Diana's death"
8.hang - be suspended or poised; "Heavy fog hung over the valley"
9.hang - hold on tightly or tenaciously; "hang on to your father's hands"; "The child clung to his mother's apron"clinggrasp, hold on - hold firmly
10.hang - be exhibited; "Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum"hang - be suspended or hanging; "The flag hung on the wall"
11.hang - prevent from reaching a verdict, of a juryblockade, obstruct, stymie, stymy, embarrass, hinder, block - hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
12.hang - decorate or furnish with something suspended; "Hang wallpaper"adorn, decorate, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify - make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
13.hang - be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"hang - place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"
14.hang - place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction; "hang a door"fasten, fix, secure - cause to be firmly attached; "fasten the lock onto the door"; "she fixed her gaze on the man"hang - be placed in position as by a hinge; "This cabinet door doesn't hang right!"
15.hang - suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste; "hang the venison for a few days"molder, moulder, rot, decompose - break down; "The bodies decomposed in the heat"


verb1. dangle, swing, suspend, be pendent I was left hanging by my fingertips.2. lower, suspend, dangle, let down, let droop I hung the sheet out of the window at 6am.3. lean, incline, loll, bend forward, bow, bend downward He hung over the railing and kicked out with his feet4. droop, drop, dangle, trail, sag the shawl hanging loose from her shoulders5. decorate, cover, fix, attach, deck, furnish, drape, fasten The walls were hung with huge modern paintings.6. execute, lynch, string up (informal), gibbet, send to the gallows The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday.7. hover, float, drift, linger, remain A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.get the hang of something grasp, understand, learn, master, comprehend, catch on to, acquire the technique of, get the knack or technique It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.hang about or around loiter, frequent, haunt, linger, roam, loaf, waste time, dally, dawdle, skulk, tarry, doss (Brit. slang), dilly-dally (informal) On Saturdays we hang about in the park.hang around with someone associate, go around with, mix, hang (informal, chiefly U.S.), hang out (informal) She used to hang around with the boys.hang back be reluctant, hesitate, hold back, recoil, demur, be backward His closest advisors believe he should hang back no longer.hang fire put off, delay, stall, be slow, vacillate, hang back, procrastinate I've got to hang fire on that one.hang on (Informal)1. wait, stop, hold on, hold the line, remain Hang on a sec. I'll come with you.2. continue, remain, go on, carry on, endure, hold on, persist, hold out, persevere, stay the course Manchester United hung on to take the Cup.3. grasp, grip, clutch, cling, hold fast He hangs on tightly, his arms around my neck.hang on or upon something1. depend, turn, rest, be subject to, hinge, be determined by, be dependent, be conditional, be contingent Much hangs on the success of the collaboration.2. listen attentively to, pay attention to, be rapt, give ear to a man who knew his listeners were hanging on his every wordhang onto something1. retain, keep, maintain, preserve, hold onto, keep possession of The President has been trying hard to hang onto power.2. grip, seize, grasp, clutch, hold onto, take hold of, latch onto, hold tightly hanging onto his legshang over something or someone loom, threaten, menace, impend A question mark hangs over many of their futures.


verb1. To fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below:dangle, depend, sling, suspend, swing.2. To execute by suspending by the neck:gibbet.Informal: string up.Slang: swing.3. To remain stationary over a place or object:hover, poise.phrasal verb
hang around1. To visit regularly:frequent, haunt, repair, resort.Slang: hang out.2. To be with as a companion:associate, consort, fraternize, hobnob, run (around), troop.Slang: hang out.Idiom: rub elbows.phrasal verb
hang on1. To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang upon, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on, turn upon.2. To continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks:carry on, go on, keep on, persevere, persist.Idioms: hang in there, keep going , keep it up.phrasal verb
hang out1. Slang. To visit regularly:frequent, hang around, haunt, repair, resort.2. Slang. To be with as a companion:associate, consort, fraternize, hang around, hobnob, run (around), troop.Idiom: rub elbows.phrasal verb
hang overTo be imminent:brew, impend, loom, lower, menace, overhang, threaten.phrasal verb
hang upTo cause to be later or slower than expected or desired:delay, detain, hold up, lag, retard, set back, slow (down or up), stall.phrasal verb
hang uponTo be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:depend on (or upon), hang on, hinge on (or upon), rest on (or upon), turn on, turn upon.nounInformal. The proper method for doing, using, or handling something:feel, knack, trick.


(hӕŋ) past tense, past participle hung (haŋ) verb1. to put or fix, or to be put or fixed, above the ground eg by a hook. We'll hang the picture on that wall; The picture is hanging on the wall. 懸掛 悬挂2. to fasten (something), or to be fastened, at the top or side so that it can move freely but cannot fall. A door hangs by its hinges. 裝設 安装3. (past tense, past participle hanged) to kill, or to be killed, by having a rope put round the neck and being allowed to drop. Murderers used to be hanged in the United Kingdom, but no-one hangs for murder now. 絞死 绞死4. (often with down or out) to be bending, drooping or falling downwards. The dog's tongue was hanging out; Her hair was hanging down. 下垂 下垂5. to bow (one's head). He hung his head in shame. 低(頭) 垂下ˈhanger noun (usually ˈcoat-hanger) a shaped metal, wooden or plastic frame with a hook on which jackets, dresses etc are hung up. 掛鉤 挂钩ˈhanging noun the (act of) killing a criminal by hanging. 絞死 绞死ˈhangings noun plural curtains or material hung on walls for decoration. 簾幕或牆壁掛飾 悬挂物,壁饰 ˈhangman noun a man whose job it is to hang criminals. 執行絞刑者 执行绞刑者ˈhangover noun the unpleasant after effects of having had too much alcohol. He woke up with a hangover. 宿醉 宿醉get the hang of to learn or begin to understand how to do (something). It may seem difficult at first, but you'll get the hang of it after a few weeks. 掌握(某事的)做法 得知 ... 的要领,学会 ... 的窍门 hang about/around1. to stand around, doing nothing. I don't like to see all these youths hanging about (street-corners). 閒盪 闲荡2. to be close to (a person) frequently. I don't want you hanging around my daughter. 經常和某人廝混 经常和某人厮混hang back to hesitate or be unwilling. The soldiers all hung back when the sergeant asked for volunteers. 猶豫,不情願 犹豫,退缩 hang in the balance to be in doubt. The success of this project is hanging in the balance. 懸而未決 成败未定,结果未定 hang on1. to wait. Will you hang on a minute – I'm not quite ready. 稍候 等待2. (often with to) to hold. Hang on to that rope. 抓著 紧握着3. to keep; to retain. He likes to hang on to his money. 保留 保留hang together to agree or be consistent. His statements just do not hang together. 內容一致 符合,一致 hang up1. to hang (something) on something. Hang up your coat in the cupboard. 掛起 把...挂起来2. (often with on) to put the receiver back after a telephone conversation. I tried to talk to her, but she hung up (on me). 掛斷(電話) 挂断(电话)
She hung the picture up.
The murderer was hanged.




hang (something)

A phrase used when one is being dismissive of something. Primarily heard in UK. Oh, hang the cost—I just need any hotel room you have.See also: hang


verbSee hang around


in. to hang around; to spend time aimlessly. My mom yelled at me because I spent all day hanging with the guys.
  • (one's) tongue hangs out
  • a cloud hangs over (someone or something)
  • a cloud hangs over somebody/something
  • a creaking door hangs longest
  • a peg on which to hang (something)
  • a peg on which to hang something
  • a peg to hang (something) on
  • a peg to hang a matter on
  • a peg to hang something on
  • a question mark hangs over somebody/something
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one)
  • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
  • and hang the cost
  • around
  • bury the hatchet
  • creaking door hangs longest
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one)
  • Damocles' sword hangs over (one's) head
  • do not hang noodles on my ears
  • draw and quarter
  • enough rope, give someone
  • get the hang of
  • get the hang of (something)
  • get the hang of something
  • give (one) enough rope
  • give (one) enough rope to hang (one)self
  • give a dog a bad name and hang him
  • give a man enough rope and he will hang himself
  • Give enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give him enough rope and he'll hang himself
  • give someone enough rope to hang themselves
  • go hang yourself
  • hang
  • hang (on) by a hair
  • hang (one) out to dry
  • hang (one's) hat on (something)
  • hang (one's) head
  • hang (someone or oneself) by the neck
  • hang (someone) for (something)
  • hang (someone) in effigy
  • hang (something)
  • hang (up) (one's) hat
  • hang 10
  • hang a BA
  • hang a BA (at someone)
  • hang a BA at someone
  • hang a few on
  • hang a huey
  • hang a left
  • hang a left/right
  • hang a louie
  • hang a ralph
  • hang a right
  • hang a U-ie
  • hang about
  • hang around
  • hang back
  • hang behind
  • hang by
  • hang by (something)
  • hang by a hair
  • hang by a thread
  • hang by a thread, to
  • hang by a thread/hair
  • hang by the eyelids
  • hang by the neck
  • hang down
  • hang down from (someone or something)
  • hang fire
  • hang five
  • hang for
  • hang from
  • hang from (something)
  • hang hat
  • hang heavy
  • hang in
  • hang in (something)
  • hang in effigy
  • hang in the balance
  • Hang in there
  • hang it
  • hang it (all)
  • Hang it all!
  • hang it up
  • hang loose
  • hang of a
  • hang of a (someone or something)
  • hang off
  • hang on
  • hang on (one's) every word
  • hang on (one's) sleeve
  • hang on (one's) words
  • hang on (someone's) lips
  • hang on a mo
  • hang on by (one's) fingernails
  • hang on by (one's) fingertips
  • hang on by a thread
  • hang on for dear life
  • hang on like grim death
  • hang on somebody's words/every word
  • hang on someone's lips
  • hang on someone's words
  • hang on to (someone or something) like grim death
  • hang on to your hat
  • Hang on to your hat!
  • hang on/hold on like grim death
  • hang one on
  • hang one's head
  • hang onto (something)
  • hang out
  • hang out (one's) shingle
  • hang out one's shingle
  • hang out one's shingle, to
  • hang out to dry
  • hang out with (one)
  • hang out your shingle
  • hang out/up your shingle
  • hang over
  • hang over (one)
  • hang over (one's) head
  • hang over somebody's head
  • hang paper
  • hang somebody out to dry
  • hang someone out to dry
  • hang something
  • hang something on someone
  • hang ten
  • hang together
  • hang tough
  • hang tough on (something)
  • hang tough on something
  • hang up
  • hang up (one's) boots
  • hang up (one's) fiddle
  • hang up (one's) fiddle when (one) comes home
  • hang up (one's) hat
  • hang up (one's) hatchet
  • hang up (one's) shingle
  • hang up (one's) spurs
  • hang up your boots
  • hang up your fiddle
  • hang up your fiddle when you come home
  • hang with
  • hang with someone
  • hang your hat
  • hang your head
  • hang/lie heavy
  • hang/stay loose
  • hangdog expression
  • hangdog look
  • have the hang of (something)
  • hold on to (someone or something) like grim death
  • home is where you hang your hat
  • in effigy
  • in the balance
  • let it all hang out
  • lie heavy
  • not care a hang
  • not care a hang (about something)
  • not care two hoots about
  • not give a damn
  • not give a hang (about something)
  • question mark over
  • ride on coattails
  • so cold (that) you could hang meat (in it/there)
  • so cold you could hang meat
  • somewhere to hang hat
  • somewhere/some place to hang (up) (one's) hat
  • the goose hangs high
  • the hang of
  • the hang of (something)
  • the Sword of Damocles hangs over someone
  • thereby hangs a tale
  • thereby hangs lies a tale
  • think (one) hung the moon
  • think (someone) hung the moon and the stars
  • time hangs heavy
  • Time hangs heavy on hands
  • time hangs/lies heavy
  • tongue hangs out, one's
  • white flag, hang out/show the
  • white flag, show the
  • You'll get the hang of it



[haŋ] (ordnance) To lock the receiver or bolt of a gun in an open position.


(1)To wait for an event that will never occur. "The system ishanging because it can't read from the crashed drive". Seewedged, hung.


(2)To wait for some event to occur; to hang around untilsomething happens. "The program displays a menu and thenhangs until you type a character." Compare block.


(3)To attach a peripheral device, especially in theconstruction "hang off": "We're going to hang another tapedrive off the file server." Implies a device attached withcables, rather than something that is strictly inside themachine's chassis.
See hang
See hang
LegalSeehangingFinancialSeeHung up


HANGHawaiian Air National Guard


Related to hang: hangman, hang in there
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for hang

verb dangle


  • dangle
  • swing
  • suspend
  • be pendent

verb lower


  • lower
  • suspend
  • dangle
  • let down
  • let droop

verb lean


  • lean
  • incline
  • loll
  • bend forward
  • bow
  • bend downward

verb droop


  • droop
  • drop
  • dangle
  • trail
  • sag

verb decorate


  • decorate
  • cover
  • fix
  • attach
  • deck
  • furnish
  • drape
  • fasten

verb execute


  • execute
  • lynch
  • string up
  • gibbet
  • send to the gallows

verb hover


  • hover
  • float
  • drift
  • linger
  • remain

phrase get the hang of something


  • grasp
  • understand
  • learn
  • master
  • comprehend
  • catch on to
  • acquire the technique of
  • get the knack or technique

phrase hang about or around


  • loiter
  • frequent
  • haunt
  • linger
  • roam
  • loaf
  • waste time
  • dally
  • dawdle
  • skulk
  • tarry
  • doss
  • dilly-dally

phrase hang around with someone


  • associate
  • go around with
  • mix
  • hang
  • hang out

phrase hang back


  • be reluctant
  • hesitate
  • hold back
  • recoil
  • demur
  • be backward

phrase hang fire


  • put off
  • delay
  • stall
  • be slow
  • vacillate
  • hang back
  • procrastinate

phrase wait


  • wait
  • stop
  • hold on
  • hold the line
  • remain

phrase continue


  • continue
  • remain
  • go on
  • carry on
  • endure
  • hold on
  • persist
  • hold out
  • persevere
  • stay the course

phrase grasp


  • grasp
  • grip
  • clutch
  • cling
  • hold fast

phrase hang on or upon something: depend


  • depend
  • turn
  • rest
  • be subject to
  • hinge
  • be determined by
  • be dependent
  • be conditional
  • be contingent

phrase hang on or upon something: listen attentively to


  • listen attentively to
  • pay attention to
  • be rapt
  • give ear to

phrase hang onto something: retain


  • retain
  • keep
  • maintain
  • preserve
  • hold onto
  • keep possession of

phrase hang onto something: grip


  • grip
  • seize
  • grasp
  • clutch
  • hold onto
  • take hold of
  • latch onto
  • hold tightly

phrase hang over something or someone


  • loom
  • threaten
  • menace
  • impend

Synonyms for hang

verb to fasten or be fastened at one point with no support from below


  • dangle
  • depend
  • sling
  • suspend
  • swing

verb to execute by suspending by the neck


  • gibbet
  • string up
  • swing

verb to remain stationary over a place or object


  • hover
  • poise

phrase hang around: to visit regularly


  • frequent
  • haunt
  • repair
  • resort
  • hang out

phrase hang around: to be with as a companion


  • associate
  • consort
  • fraternize
  • hobnob
  • run
  • troop
  • hang out

phrase hang on: to be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable


  • depend on
  • hang upon
  • hinge on
  • rest on
  • turn on
  • turn upon

phrase hang on: to continue without halting despite difficulties or setbacks


  • carry on
  • go on
  • keep on
  • persevere
  • persist

phrase hang out: to visit regularly


  • frequent
  • hang around
  • haunt
  • repair
  • resort

phrase hang out: to be with as a companion


  • associate
  • consort
  • fraternize
  • hang around
  • hobnob
  • run
  • troop

phrase hang over: to be imminent


  • brew
  • impend
  • loom
  • lower
  • menace
  • overhang
  • threaten

phrase hang up: to cause to be later or slower than expected or desired


  • delay
  • detain
  • hold up
  • lag
  • retard
  • set back
  • slow
  • stall

phrase hang upon: to be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable


  • depend on
  • hang on
  • hinge on
  • rest on
  • turn on
  • turn upon

noun the proper method for doing, using, or handling something


  • feel
  • knack
  • trick

Synonyms for hang

noun a special way of doing something


  • knack
  • bent

Related Words

  • endowment
  • natural endowment
  • talent
  • gift

noun the way a garment hangs

Related Words

  • fit

noun a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms

Related Words

  • gymnastic exercise
  • bent hang
  • inverted hang
  • lever hang
  • reverse hang
  • straight hang

verb be suspended or hanging

Related Words

  • hang
  • hang up
  • beetle
  • overhang
  • dangle
  • swing
  • drop

verb cause to be hanging or suspended


  • hang up

Related Words

  • fasten
  • fix
  • secure
  • suspend
  • hang
  • sling

verb kill by hanging


  • string up

Related Words

  • execute
  • put to death
  • halter
  • gibbet

verb let drop or droop

Related Words

  • drop

verb fall or flow in a certain way


  • flow
  • fall

verb be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive

Related Words

  • be
  • bulk large
  • brood
  • loom
  • hover

verb give heed (to)


  • advert
  • give ear
  • pay heed
  • attend

Related Words

  • listen
  • fixate

verb hold on tightly or tenaciously


  • cling

Related Words

  • grasp
  • hold on

verb be exhibited

Related Words

  • hang

verb prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

Related Words

  • blockade
  • obstruct
  • stymie
  • stymy
  • embarrass
  • hinder
  • block

verb decorate or furnish with something suspended

Related Words

  • adorn
  • decorate
  • grace
  • ornament
  • embellish
  • beautify

verb be placed in position as by a hinge

Related Words

  • hang

verb place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction

Related Words

  • fasten
  • fix
  • secure
  • hang

verb suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste

Related Words

  • molder
  • moulder
  • rot
  • decompose




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