Highlands Hammock State Park

Highlands Hammock State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:On County Road 634, 4 miles west of Sebring.
Facilities:138 full-facility campsites (é), youth group campground, primitivecamping, restrooms (é), showers, picnic area (é), playgrounds,trails, interpretive exhibits, museum (é), restaurant.
Activities:Camping, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, in-lineskating, birding, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs, tram tours(seasonal).
Special Features:Highlands Hammock is one of Florida's oldest parks and is one of theearliest examples of grassroots support for environmental preservation.Concerned about plans to turn the hammock into farmland, local citizensacquired the property and pledged to protect it. When Florida'sstate park system was established in 1935, Highlands Hammock became one of the fouroriginal parks, and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built a camp there as a base for development.
Address:5931 Hammock Rd
Sebring, FL 33872

Web: www.floridastateparks.org/highlandshammock
Size: 9,220 acres land; 31 acres water.

See other parks in Florida.