

单词 ho


Ho 1

The symbol for holmium.

Ho 2

abbr. Bible Hosea

ho 1

H0224500 (hō)interj. Used to express surprise or joy, to attract attention to something sighted, or to urge onward: Land ho! Westward ho!

ho 2

H0224500 (hō)n. pl. hos Slang A prostitute.
[African American Vernacular English, alteration of whore.]


(həʊ) interj1. Also: ho-ho an imitation or representation of the sound of a deep laugh2. an exclamation used to attract attention, announce a destination, etc: what ho!; land ho!; westward ho!. [C13: of imitative origin; compare Old Norse hó, Old French ho! halt!]


(həʊ) nBlack slang US a derogatory term for a woman[C20: from Black or Southern US pronunciation of whore]


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) holmium




abbreviation for1. head office2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) government Brit Home Office



interj. 1. (used as a call to attract attention: Westward ho! Land ho! 2. (used as an exclamation of surprise or delight.) [1250–1300]


n., pl. hos. Slang. a prostitute. [1970–75; reflecting r-less speaker's pronoun of whore]



n., pl. HOs, HO's. (in police use) habitual offender.


Chem. Symbol. holmium.


Head Office; Home Office.


The symbol for holmium.
Noun1.ho - a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth groupHo - a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group; occurs together with yttrium; forms highly magnetic compoundsatomic number 67, holmiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.gadolinite, ytterbite - a mineral that is a source of rare earths; consists of silicates of iron and beryllium and cerium and yttrium and erbium


bros before hoes

slang A reminder, said by a male to his male friend(s), asserting that their friendship should be more important than relationships or interactions with females. Come on, man, don't ditch us for that girl you just met! Bros before hoes, bro!See also: before, bro, hoe

give (one) the heave-ho

To dismiss or reject one. "Heave-ho" refers to the literal lifting and tossing of an object; in this sense, it is used metaphorically. I can't believe the boss gave me the heave-ho after five years on the job! A: "Did you hear that Liz broke up with Dan?" B: "Wow, I never expected her to give him the heave-ho!"See also: give

give (one) the old heave-ho

To dismiss or reject one. "Heave-ho" refers to the literal lifting and tossing of an object; in this sense, it is used metaphorically. I can't believe the boss gave me the old heave-ho after five years on the job! A: "Did you hear that Liz broke up with Dan?" B: "Wow, I never expected her to give him the old heave-ho!"See also: give, old

heave ho

1. A sailor's cry to pull hard on a rope. We need to raise anchor, heave ho!2. An abrupt dismissal or termination, often used in the phrase, "give (one) the (old) heave ho." I can't believe the boss gave me the old heave ho after five years on the job! A: "Did you hear that Liz broke up with Dan?" B: "Wow, I never expected her to give him the heave ho."3. The disposal of something unimportant or unwanted. Give that printer the old heave ho, it doesn't work anymore. Ugh, this cereal is stale now—I'm giving it the heave ho!See also: heave, ho


Exceptionally enthusiastic, eager, or zealous, sometimes overly so. There are plenty of pitfalls that gung-ho entrepreneurs don't stop to consider. I was all gung-ho about this graduate program when I first began, but I must admit that I've grown sick and tired of these boring lectures.


Dull or boring. I heard she got sick of her ho-hum existence and ran off to New York City.

the (old) heave-ho

A dismissal or rejection of a person, especially from a place of employment. I can't believe the boss gave me the old heave-ho after five years on the job! A: "Did you hear that Liz broke up with Dan?" B: "Wow, I knew there's be fallout over his infidelity, but I never expected her to give him the heave-ho!"

ho stro

offensive slang A street frequented by prostitutes. I do well on this ho stro, yeah.See also: ho


slang Someone who cannot surf, possibly in spite of actions or statements to the contrary. Of course that dude wiped out—he's a total hodad!


slang Someone who cannot surf, possibly in spite of actions or statements to the contrary. Of course that dude wiped out—he's a total hodaddy!


A nickname for Howard Johnson's, a US hotel and restaurant chain popular in the mid-20th century. When I tell my kids my fond memories of going to HoJo's with my parents on summer vacations, all I get in response are blank stares.

gung ho

Inf. enthusiastically in favor of something. Bobby is really gung ho on his plan to start his own company.See also: gung, ho

*old heave-ho

the act of throwing someone out; the act of firing someone. (From nautical use, where sailors used heave-ho to coordinate hard physical labor. One sailor called "Heave-ho," and all the sailors would pull at the same time on the ho. *Typically: get ~; give someone ~.) I wanted to complain to the management, but they called a security guard and I got the old heave-ho. That's right. They threw me out! They fired a number of people today, but I didn't get the heave-ho.See also: old

get the ax

Also, get the boot or bounce or can or heave-ho or hook or sack . Be discharged or fired, expelled, or rejected. For example, He got the ax at the end of the first week, or The manager was stunned when he got the boot himself, or We got the bounce in the first quarter, or The pitcher got the hook after one inning, or Bill finally gave his brother-in-law the sack. All but the last of these slangy expressions date from the 1870s and 1880s. They all have variations using give that mean "to fire or expel someone," as in Are they giving Ruth the ax?Get the ax alludes to the executioner's ax, and get the boot to literally booting or kicking someone out. Get the bounce alludes to being bounced out; get the can comes from the verb can, "to dismiss," perhaps alluding to being sealed in a container; get the heave-ho alludes to heave in the sense of lifting someone bodily, and get the hook is an allusion to a fishing hook. Get the sack, first recorded in 1825, probably came from French though it existed in Middle Dutch. The reference here is to a workman's sac ("bag") in which he carried his tools and which was given back to him when he was fired. Also see give someone the air. See also: ax, get

give someone the air

Also, give someone the brush off or the gate or the old heave-ho . Break off relations with someone, oust someone, snub or jilt someone, especially a lover. For example, John was really upset when Mary gave him the air, or His old friends gave him the brush off, or Mary cried and cried when he gave her the gate, or The company gave him the old heave-ho after only a month. In the first expression, which dates from about 1920, giving air presumably alludes to being blown out. The second, from the first half of the 1900s, alludes to brushing away dust or lint. The third, from about 1900, uses gate in the sense of "an exit." The fourth alludes to the act of heaving a person out, and is sometimes used to mean "to fire someone from a job" (see get the ax). All these are colloquialisms, and all have variations using get, get the air (etc.), meaning "to be snubbed or told to leave," as in After he got the brush off, he didn't know what to do. See also: air, give, someone

gung ho

Also, gung-ho. Extremely enthusiastic or dedicated, as in She was gung ho about her new job. This expression was introduced in 1942 as a training slogan for a U.S. Marine battalion, derived from what an American officer thought were Mandarin Chinese words for "work together." It was actually an abbreviation for the name of Chinese industrial cooperatives. See also: gung, ho

heave-ho, give the

see under get the ax; give someone the air. See also: give

give something/someone the heave-ho


give something/someone the old heave-ho

INFORMALIf you give something or someone the heave-ho or the old heave-ho, you get rid of them. The band members decided to give their drummer the heave-ho. Harry gave his girlfriend the old heave-ho and moved in with the Texan. Note: You can also say that someone or something gets the heave-ho or gets the old heave-ho. There was a 40 per cent drop in film production, with a lot of high profile projects getting the heave-ho.See also: give, someone, something

give (or get) the heave-ho

expel (or be expelled) from an institution, association, or contest. informalSee also: give

give somebody the (old) heave-ˈho

(informal) dismiss somebody from their job; end a relationship with somebody: ‘Are Julie and Mike still together?’ ‘Oh no, she gave him the old heave-ho a couple of months ago.’ Heave-ho was originally the cry of sailors when pulling up the anchor.See also: give, somebody

get the ax

verbSee get the sackSee also: ax, get


(ˈgəŋˈho) mod. zealous; enthusiastic. We’re really gung-ho about the possibilities of this product.

ho stro

n. a location where prostitutes look for customers, a whore stroll. What’re you doing on this ho stro? It’s mine. See also: ho


and hodaddy (ˈhodæd(i))1. n. someone, usually a male, who poses (badly) as a surfer. (California. Possibly a blend of ho = whore and dad(dy) = male.) Who’s that hodaddy with the crumby looking board? 2. n. an obnoxious person; a repellent person. (California.) Ted is a total hodad.


verbSee hodad


and ho n. a prostitute; a whore. (Originally black. Streets.) Get them hoes outa here!


verbSee hoe


(ˈhoˈhəm) mod. dull; causing yawns of boredom. (Ho-hum is a representation of the sound of a yawn.) Clare played another ho-hum concert at the music hall last night.


(ˈhodʒo(z)) n. a Howard Johnson’s restaurant or hotel. (Collegiate. Often with the.) We’re going to meet the others at the ho-jo.


verbSee ho-jo’s

old heave-ho

(ˈold ˈhivˈho) n. a dismissal; a physical removal of someone from a place. I thought my job was secure, but today I got the old heave-ho. See also: old


Very enthusiastic, dedicated to the task at hand; also, overzealous. The term, also spelled gung ho, comes from a Chinese phrase meaning “work together,” adopted as the name for small producer cooperatives organized in the late 1930s to help the Chinese economy during the Chinese-Japanese war. The term was then adopted by Marine Lieutenant Evans F. Carlson for his battalion of volunteers, Carlson’s Raiders, formed just after Pearl Harbor. In 1943 a war movie dramatizing one of the Raiders’ early victories was entitled Gung Ho! and the term caught on. In the military, however, it also came to be applied to an offensively ardent follower of rules and regulations. Richard Martin Stern had an early civilian usage, “In those days he was very gung ho for National Socialism” (The Kesssler Legacy, 1968).



symbol for the element holmiumholmium
[Lat.,=Stockholm], metallic chemical element; symbol Ho; at. no. 67; at. wt. 164.93032; m.p. about 1,474&degC;; b.p. about 2,425&degC;; sp. gr. 8.78 at 25&degC;; valence +3.
..... Click the link for more information.



a city in southeastern Ghana, capital of the Volta region. Population, 46, 300 (1970). Ho is the trading center of an agricul tural area in which coconut palms, oil palms, cacao, cassava, sweet potatoes, and rice are grown. Industry includes food processing.



a people in India, living mainly in the state of Bihar, on the Chota Nagpur Plateau. The Ho number approximately 750,000 (1971, census). Their language is one of the Munda languages. Their religion combines animistic and Hindu elements. They engage primarily in farming; hunting is secondary. The Ho, like the other Munda peoples, are descendants of the original inhabitants of India, who were driven back into the mountainous forest regions of central India by later arrivals—first the Dravidians and then the Indo-Aryan peoples.


Narody luzhnoi Azii. Moscow, 1963.


(chemistry) holmium



 (Ho) [hol´me-um] a chemical element, atomic number 67, atomic weight 164.930. (See Appendix 6.)


Symbol for holmium.


Abbreviation for:
Hearing Officer
Hemoccult Lab medicine (US)
heterotopic ossification
high output
high oxygen
history of
Home Office, see there
house officer, see there
hyperbaric oxygen
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy


Symbol for holmium

Patient discussion about Ho

Q. what are the requirements of getting medicinal marijuana? i'd like to know the requirements of getting prescribed medicinal marijuana. i have heard alot about health benefits of moderate use of marijuana or should i refer to it as cannabis.A. marijuana has been proven to help in these diseases,but the problem is getting a drs order for it.IT is easyer to get it under the table than legally.

More discussions about Ho


HOHigh Output
HOHead Office
HOHonduras (Swan Islands)
HOHome Office
HOHolstein (cattle breed)
HOHomeowners (multiple line insurance policy covering both property and liability for homeowners)
HOHigh Order
HOHold On
HOHold Off
HOHonest Opinion
HOHoger Onderwijs (Dutch)
HOHand Off
HOHammer On (guitar technique)
HOHide Out
HOHearing Officer
HOHeavy Oil
HOHippocratic Oath
HOHydrographic Office
HOHouse Officer
HOHistory Office
HOHarmonic Oscillator
HOHeadquarters Office
HOHeterotopic Ossification (orthopedics)
HOHostilities Only
HOHearing Office (Social Security)
HOHinder Ordonnantie (Indonesian: Hinder Ordinance)
HOHandelsorganisation (GDR trade organization)
HOHumanitarian Operation
HOHeavy Offense (gaming)
HOHand Orthosis
HOHurst Olds (automobile)
HOHospitalisation d'Office (French)
HOHardware Overhead
HOHip Orthosis
HOHip Opener (stretching exercise)
HOHierorts (Austrian German: local or locally)
HOHalf O Scale
HOHeight Obstacle
HOHorizontal Overscan


  • noun

Synonyms for Ho

noun a trivalent metallic element of the rare earth group


  • atomic number 67
  • holmium

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • gadolinite
  • ytterbite




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