Acronym | Definition |
HNS➣Hrvatski Nogometni Savez (Croatian Football Federation) |
HNS➣Housing and Neighborhood Services (various locations) |
HNS➣Health and Natural Sciences (various universities) |
HNS➣Hughes Network Systems LLC |
HNS➣Holy Name Society (religious organization) |
HNS➣Hospice of the North Shore (Danvers, MA) |
HNS➣Hughes Network Systems, Inc. |
HNS➣Home Network System |
HNS➣Hughes Network Systems |
HNS➣Host-Nation Support |
HNS➣Hrvatska Narodna Stranka (Croatian People's Party) |
HNS➣Housing Needs Study (UK) |
HNS➣Head & Neck Surgery |
HNS➣Hexanitrostilbene (explosive) |
HNS➣Help Net Security |
HNS➣Haines, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
HNS➣Hrvatski Nanbudo Savez (Croatian Nanbudo Union) |
HNS➣Hotel Nikko Saigon (Saigon, Vietnam) |
HNS➣HumaNature Studios (video game company; Albany, CA) |
HNS➣Health Network System (Ontario, Canada) |
HNS➣Hispanic News Service, Inc (Northcross, GA) |
HNS➣Hazardous Noxious Substances |
HNS➣Hardy Nursery Stock (horticulture) |
HNS➣H. Norman Schwarzkopf |
HNS➣Harbor Navigation Study (New York/New Jersey) |
HNS➣Hawaiian Network Services (US Defense Informatin Systems Agency) |
HNS➣Hybrid Navigation System |
HNS➣Hermitage Numismatic Society |
HNS➣Helicopter Navigation System |