Hemp Combine-Harvester

Hemp Combine-Harvester


a machine for harvesting and threshing central Russian hemp and southern hemp (plant height of 1-3 m) and simultaneously binding it in bundles.

The KKP-1.8 combine-harvester made in the USSR has pres-sure-gripping and pinned conveyors, a threshing (separating) mechanism, a grain conveyor, a grater, a cleaning unit, a grain elevator, and a binding unit. The hemp combine-harvester cuts hemp and removes weeds from the stalks in the same way as the hemp cutter does. The stalks carried by the pan conveyor are picked up by the pinned conveyor and fed into a slot at the field screen. Here they are caught by the gripping conveyor, which conveys them to the threshing mechanism for threshing. The conveyor piles the threshed stalks on the table of the binding unit, which groups them in bundles, ties them with binder twine, and dumps them out onto the field. The grain conveyor carries the separated flower clusters and seeds to the grater, which separates the heads from the seeds and dumps the mass into the cleaning shoe. An elevator and auger transfer the cleaned seeds into a hopper, from which a worker loads the seeds into sacks. The hemp combine-harvester has a gripping device 1.80 m wide and a productivity of 0.5 to 0.8 hectare per hour.