Gruenther, Alfred Maximilian

Gruenther, Alfred Maximilian,

1899–1983, U.S. general, b. Platte Center, Nebr. A brilliant staff officer, during World War II he was deputy chief of staff to Dwight D. Eisenhower in London (1942–43), chief of staff of the 5th Army (1943–44), and chief of staff of the 15th Army Group under Mark W. Clark (1944–45). In 1951, General Eisenhower chose him as chief of staff of the forces in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He continued in this post under Matthew B. Ridgway and then succeeded Ridgway as supreme allied commander in Europe (1953–56). Retiring from the army in 1956, Gruenther was (1957–64) president of the American Red Cross and served on various governmental advisory commissions.